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[PATCH v7 00/11] 9p: Add support for darwin

From: Will Cohen
Subject: [PATCH v7 00/11] 9p: Add support for darwin
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 14:04:15 -0500

This is a followup to 
adding 9p server support for Darwin.

Since v6, the following changes have been made to the following patches:

Patch 9/11: 9p: darwin: Implement compatibility for mknodat
- Add CONFIG_PTHREAD_FCHDIR_NP to meson and check for
  presence in osdep.h and os-posix.c

Keno Fischer (10):
  9p: linux: Fix a couple Linux assumptions
  9p: Rename 9p-util -> 9p-util-linux
  9p: darwin: Handle struct stat(fs) differences
  9p: darwin: Handle struct dirent differences
  9p: darwin: Ignore O_{NOATIME, DIRECT}
  9p: darwin: Move XATTR_SIZE_MAX->P9_XATTR_SIZE_MAX
  9p: darwin: *xattr_nofollow implementations
  9p: darwin: Compatibility for f/l*xattr
  9p: darwin: Implement compatibility for mknodat
  9p: darwin: meson: Allow VirtFS on Darwin

Will Cohen (1):
  9p: darwin: Adjust assumption on virtio-9p-test

 fsdev/file-op-9p.h                     |  9 +++-
 fsdev/meson.build                      |  1 +
 hw/9pfs/9p-local.c                     | 27 ++++++++---
 hw/9pfs/9p-proxy.c                     | 38 +++++++++++++--
 hw/9pfs/9p-synth.c                     |  6 +++
 hw/9pfs/9p-util-darwin.c               | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/9pfs/{9p-util.c => 9p-util-linux.c} |  2 +-
 hw/9pfs/9p-util.h                      | 35 ++++++++++++++
 hw/9pfs/9p.c                           | 42 ++++++++++++++---
 hw/9pfs/9p.h                           | 18 ++++++++
 hw/9pfs/codir.c                        |  4 +-
 hw/9pfs/meson.build                    |  3 +-
 include/qemu/osdep.h                   | 12 +++++
 include/qemu/xattr.h                   |  4 +-
 meson.build                            | 15 ++++--
 os-posix.c                             | 35 ++++++++++++++
 tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c           |  2 +-
 17 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/9pfs/9p-util-darwin.c
 rename hw/9pfs/{9p-util.c => 9p-util-linux.c} (97%)


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