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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v3 09/33] add doc about Resettable interface

From: David Gibson
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v3 09/33] add doc about Resettable interface
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:30:44 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.12.0 (2019-05-25)

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 04:56:30PM +0200, Damien Hedde wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Damien Hedde <address@hidden>
> ---
>  docs/devel/reset.txt | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 165 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 docs/devel/reset.txt
> diff --git a/docs/devel/reset.txt b/docs/devel/reset.txt
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..c7a1eb068f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/devel/reset.txt
> @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
> +
> +=====
> +Reset
> +=====
> +
> +The reset of qemu objects is handled using the Resettable interface declared
> +in *include/hw/resettable.h*.
> +As of now DeviceClass and BusClass implement this interface.
> +
> +
> +Triggering reset
> +----------------
> +
> +The function *resettable_reset* is used to trigger a reset on a given
> +object.
> +void resettable_reset(Object *obj, bool cold)
> +
> +The parameter *obj* must implement the Resettable interface.

And what happens if it doesn't?  This function has no way to report an

> +The parameter *cold* is a boolean specifying whether to do a cold or warm
> +reset

This doc really needs to explain the distinction between cold and warm

> +For Devices and Buses there is also the corresponding helpers:
> +void device_reset(Device *dev, bool cold)
> +void bus_reset(Device *dev, bool cold)

What's the semantic difference between resetting a bus and resetting
the bridge device which owns it?

> +If one wants to put an object into a reset state. There is the
> +*resettable_assert_reset* function.
> +void resettable_assert_reset(Object *obj, bool cold)
> +
> +One must eventually call the function *resettable_deassert_reset* to end the
> +reset state:
> +void resettable_deassert_reset(Object *obj, bool cold)
> +
> +Calling *resettable_assert_reset* then *resettable_deassert_reset* is the
> +same as calling *resettable_reset*.
> +
> +It is possible to interleave multiple calls to
> + - resettable_reset,
> + - resettable_assert_reset, and
> + - resettable_deassert_reset.
> +The only constraint is that *resettable_deassert_reset* must be called once
> +per *resettable_assert_reset* call so that the object leaves the reset state.
> +
> +Therefore there may be several reset sources/controllers of a given object.
> +The interface handle everything and the controllers do not need to know
> +anything about each others. The object will leave reset state only when all
> +controllers released their reset.
> +
> +All theses functions must called while holding the iothread lock.
> +
> +
> +Implementing reset for a Resettable object : Multi-phase reset
> +--------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +The Resettable uses a multi-phase mechanism to handle some ordering 
> constraints
> +when resetting multiple object at the same time. For a given object the reset
> +procedure is split into three different phases executed in order:
> + 1 INIT: This phase should set/reset the state of the Resettable it has when 
> is
> +         in reset state. Side-effects to others object is forbidden (such as
> +         setting IO level).
> + 2 HOLD: This phase corresponds to the external side-effects due to staying 
> into
> +         the reset state.
> + 3 EXIT: This phase corresponds to leaving the reset state. It have both
> +         local and external effects.
> +
> +*resettable_assert_reset* does the INIT and HOLD phases. While
> +*resettable_deassert_reset* does the EXIT phase.
> +
> +When resetting multiple object at the same time. The interface executes the
> +given phase of the objects before going to the next phase. This guarantee 
> that
> +all INIT phases are done before any HOLD phase and so on.
> +
> +There is three methods in the interface so must be implemented in an object.
> +The methods corresponds to the three phases:
> +```
> +typedef void (*ResettableInitPhase)(Object *obj);
> +typedef void (*ResettableHoldPhase)(Object *obj);
> +typedef void (*ResettableExitPhase)(Object *obj);
> +typedef struct ResettableClass {
> +    InterfaceClass parent_class;
> +
> +    struct ResettablePhases {
> +        ResettableInitPhase init;
> +        ResettableHoldPhase hold;
> +        ResettableExitPhase exit;
> +    } phases;
> +    [...]
> +} ResettableClass;
> +```
> +
> +Theses methods should be updated when specializing an object. For this the
> +helper function *resettable_class_set_parent_reset_phases* can be used to
> +backup parent methods while changing the specialized ones.
> +void resettable_class_set_parent_reset_phases(ResettableClass *rc,
> +                                              ResettableInitPhase init,
> +                                              ResettableHoldPhase hold,
> +                                              ResettableExitPhase exit,
> +
> +For Devices and Buses, some helper exists to know if a device/bus is under
> +reset and what type of reset it is:
> +```
> +bool device_is_resetting(DeviceState *dev);
> +bool device_is_reset_cold(DeviceState *dev);

It's not really clear to me when *_is_reset_cold() would be useful.

> +bool bus_is_resetting(BusState *bus);
> +bool bus_is_reset_cold(BusState *bus);
> +```
> +
> +
> +Implementing the base Resettable behavior : Re-entrance, Hierarchy and 
> Cold/Warm
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +There is five others methods in the interface to handle the base mechanics
> +of the Resettable interface. The methods should be implemented in object
> +base class. DeviceClass and BusClass implement them.
> +
> +```
> +typedef bool (*ResettableSetCold)(Object *obj, bool cold);
> +typedef bool (*ResettableSetHoldNeeded)(Object *obj, bool hold_needed);
> +typedef uint32_t (*ResettableGetCount)(Object *obj);
> +typedef uint32_t (*ResettableIncrementCount)(Object *obj);
> +typedef uint32_t (*ResettableDecrementCount)(Object *obj);
> +typedef void (*ResettableForeachChild)(Object *obj, void (*visitor)(Object 
> *));
> +typedef struct ResettableClass {
> +    InterfaceClass parent_class;
> +
> +    [...]
> +
> +    ResettableSetCold set_cold;
> +    ResettableSetHoldNeeded set_hold_needed;
> +    ResettableGetCount get_count;
> +    ResettableIncrementCount increment_count;
> +    ResettableDecrementCount decrement_count;
> +    ResettableForeachChild foreach_child;
> +} ResettableClass;
> +```
> +
> +*set_cold* is used when entering reset, before calling the init phase, to
> +indicate the reset type.
> +
> +*set_hold_needed* is used to set/clear and retrieve an "hold_needed" flag.
> +This flag allows to omly execute the hold pahse when required.
> +
> +As stated above, several reset procedures can be concurrent on an object.
> +This is handled with the three methods *get_count*, *increment_count* and
> +*decrement_count*. An object is in reset state if the count is non-zero.
> +
> +The reset hierarchy is handled using the *foreach_child* method. This method
> +executes a given function on every reset "child".
> +
> +In DeviceClass and BusClass the base behavior is to mimic the legacy qdev
> +reset. Reset hierarchy follows the qdev/qbus tree.
> +
> +Reset control through GPIO
> +--------------------------
> +
> +For devices, two reset inputs can be added: one for the cold, one the warm
> +reset. This is done using the following function.
> +```
> +typedef enum DeviceResetActiveType {
> +} DeviceResetActiveType;
> +void qdev_init_reset_gpio_in_named(DeviceState *dev, const char *name,
> +                                   bool cold, DeviceResetActiveType type);
> +```

David Gibson                    | I'll have my music baroque, and my code
david AT gibson.dropbear.id.au  | minimalist, thank you.  NOT _the_ _other_
                                | _way_ _around_!

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