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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RESEND PATCH] target/arm: change arch timer registers

From: Peter Maydell
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RESEND PATCH] target/arm: change arch timer registers access permission
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:39:09 +0000

On Mon, 11 Mar 2019 at 15:24, gengdongjiu <address@hidden> wrote:
> So If QEMU defined the timer registers read only in PL0, even though it has 
> been configured to have write permission in PL0 by high PLx, we still cannot 
> have
> Write permission, because QEMU will firstly check the defined permission and 
> then check the configured permission by high PLx.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Yes, it was a bug that we marked these registers as read-only for PL0,
and we should fix it.

What I am trying to say is that
 .access = PL1_RW | PL0_RW

is exactly equivalent to
 .access = PL0_RW

and we should use the simpler version of the expression.

(If you look at the definitions of all the PL*_ constants,
you can see that PL0_W implies PL1_W:
#define PL0_W (0x01 | PL1_W)
and similarly for PL0_R. So all the bits in the bitfield that would be
set by PL1_RW are also set by PL0_RW.)

-- PMM

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