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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC PATCH 05/13] tests/tcg/mips: enable mips64 system

From: Aleksandar Markovic
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC PATCH 05/13] tests/tcg/mips: enable mips64 system tests (WIP)
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 18:40:01 +0000

> > @@ -1663,12 +1663,21 @@ enum {
> >    *          │                               20..18
> >    *          ├─ 100111 ─ OPC_MXU__POOL16 ─┬─ 000 ─ OPC_MXU_D32SARW
> >    *          │                            ├─ 001 ─ OPC_MXU_S32ALN
> > - *          ├─ 101000 ─ OPC_MXU_LXB      ├─ 010 ─ OPC_MXU_S32ALNI
> > - *          ├─ 101001 ─ <not assigned>   ├─ 011 ─ OPC_MXU_S32NOR
> > - *          ├─ 101010 ─ OPC_MXU_S16LDD   ├─ 100 ─ OPC_MXU_S32AND
> > - *          ├─ 101011 ─ OPC_MXU_S16STD   ├─ 101 ─ OPC_MXU_S32OR
> > - *          ├─ 101100 ─ OPC_MXU_S16LDI   ├─ 110 ─ OPC_MXU_S32XOR
> > - *          ├─ 101101 ─ OPC_MXU_S16SDI   └─ 111 ─ OPC_MXU_S32LUI
> > + *          │                            ├─ 010 ─ OPC_MXU_S32ALNI
> > + *          │                            ├─ 011 ─ OPC_MXU_S32NOR
> > + *          │                            ├─ 100 ─ OPC_MXU_S32AND
> > + *          │                            ├─ 101 ─ OPC_MXU_S32OR
> > + *          │                            ├─ 110 ─ OPC_MXU_S32XOR
> > + *          │                            └─ 111 ─ OPC_MXU_S32LUI
> The opcodes for pool 16 do not look correct. I think the minor bits should 
> look like the following.
> ┬─ 000 ─ OPC_MXU_D32SARW
> ├─ 001 ─ OPC_MXU_S32ALN
> ├─ 010 ─ OPC_MXU_S32ALNI
> ├─ 011 ─ OPC_MXU_S32LUI
> ├─ 100 ─ OPC_MXU_S32NOR
> ├─ 101 ─ OPC_MXU_S32AND
> ├─ 110 ─ OPC_MXU_S32OR
> └─ 111 ─ OPC_MXU_S32XOR

Hi, Craig!

My primary source for opcodes was the latest Ingenic documentation, from
Ingenic's site: (dated June 2017)


and on page 109 there is a table in the middle of the page that contains
codes that are in agreement with what is currently in QEMU.

However, I searched more, and in a repository that seems to be derived from
Android NDK r9d binutils tree, in file


opcodes are as you said.

I guess the definitive answer would be to involve tests on hardware, no?

Thanks for bringing this up!


> > + *          │
> > + *          │                               7..5
> > + *          ├─ 101000 ─ OPC_MXU__POOL17 ─┬─ 000 ─ OPC_MXU_LXB
> > + *          │                            ├─ 001 ─ OPC_MXU_LXH
> > + *          ├─ 101001 ─ <not assigned>   ├─ 011 ─ OPC_MXU_LXW
> > + *          ├─ 101010 ─ OPC_MXU_S16LDD   ├─ 100 ─ OPC_MXU_LXBU
> > + *          ├─ 101011 ─ OPC_MXU_S16STD   └─ 101 ─ OPC_MXU_LXHU
> > + *          ├─ 101100 ─ OPC_MXU_S16LDI
> > + *          ├─ 101101 ─ OPC_MXU_S16SDI
> >    *          ├─ 101110 ─ OPC_MXU_S32M2I
> >    *          ├─ 101111 ─ OPC_MXU_S32I2M
> >    *          ├─ 110000 ─ OPC_MXU_D32SLL

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