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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH v4 16/21] target-mips: add new Floating Point instru

From: Leon Alrae
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v4 16/21] target-mips: add new Floating Point instructions
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 11:55:27 +0100

In terms of encoding MIPS32R6 MIN.fmt, MAX.fmt, MINA.fmt, MAXA.fmt replaced
MIPS-3D RECIP1, RECIP2, RSQRT1, RSQRT2 instructions.

In R6 all Floating Point instructions are supposed to be IEEE-2008 compliant
i.e. FIR.HAS2008 always 1. However, QEMU softfloat for MIPS has not been
updated yet.

Signed-off-by: Leon Alrae <address@hidden>
Reviewed-by: Yongbok Kim <address@hidden>
* in gen_sel_d and gen_sel_s: do not 'return' on invalid instruction, so temps
  are always freed
* fix style issue
* use FOP_PROTO for new instructions and create FLOAT_RINT macro to be
* use TCG_CALL_NO_RWG_SE flag for float_class helper
 disas/mips.c            |  22 +++
 target-mips/helper.h    |  20 +++
 target-mips/op_helper.c | 104 ++++++++++++
 target-mips/translate.c | 441 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 543 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/disas/mips.c b/disas/mips.c
index 091f4e2..e34125c 100644
--- a/disas/mips.c
+++ b/disas/mips.c
@@ -1263,6 +1263,28 @@ const struct mips_opcode mips_builtin_opcodes[] =
 {"cache",   "k,o(b)",   0x7c000025, 0xfc00007f, RD_b,                 0, 
 {"seleqz",  "d,v,t",    0x00000035, 0xfc0007ff, WR_d|RD_s|RD_t,       0, 
 {"selnez",  "d,v,t",    0x00000037, 0xfc0007ff, WR_d|RD_s|RD_t,       0, 
+{"maddf.s", "D,S,T",    0x46000018, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"maddf.d", "D,S,T",    0x46200018, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"msubf.s", "D,S,T",    0x46000019, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"msubf.d", "D,S,T",    0x46200019, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"max.s",   "D,S,T",    0x4600001e, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"max.d",   "D,S,T",    0x4620001e, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"maxa.s",  "D,S,T",    0x4600001f, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"maxa.d",  "D,S,T",    0x4620001f, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"rint.s",  "D,S",      0x4600001a, 0xffff003f, WR_D|RD_S|FP_S,       0, 
+{"rint.d",  "D,S",      0x4620001a, 0xffff003f, WR_D|RD_S|FP_D,       0, 
+{"class.s", "D,S",      0x4600001b, 0xffff003f, WR_D|RD_S|FP_S,       0, 
+{"class.d", "D,S",      0x4620001b, 0xffff003f, WR_D|RD_S|FP_D,       0, 
+{"min.s",   "D,S,T",    0x4600001c, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"min.d",   "D,S,T",    0x4620001c, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"mina.s",  "D,S,T",    0x4600001d, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"mina.d",  "D,S,T",    0x4620001d, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"sel.s",   "D,S,T",    0x46000010, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"sel.d",   "D,S,T",    0x46200010, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"seleqz.s", "D,S,T",   0x46000014, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"seleqz.d", "D,S,T",   0x46200014, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
+{"selnez.s", "D,S,T",   0x46000017, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_S,  0, 
+{"selnez.d", "D,S,T",   0x46200017, 0xffe0003f, WR_D|RD_S|RD_T|FP_D,  0, 
 {"align",   "d,v,t",    0x7c000220, 0xfc00073f, WR_d|RD_s|RD_t,       0, 
 {"dalign",  "d,v,t",    0x7c000224, 0xfc00063f, WR_d|RD_s|RD_t,       0, 
 {"bitswap", "d,w",      0x7c000020, 0xffe007ff, WR_d|RD_t,            0, 
diff --git a/target-mips/helper.h b/target-mips/helper.h
index 5511dfc..9020c7b 100644
--- a/target-mips/helper.h
+++ b/target-mips/helper.h
@@ -202,6 +202,25 @@ DEF_HELPER_2(float_cvtw_d, i32, env, i64)
 DEF_HELPER_3(float_addr_ps, i64, env, i64, i64)
 DEF_HELPER_3(float_mulr_ps, i64, env, i64, i64)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_1(float_class_s, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG_SE, i32, i32)
+DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_1(float_class_d, TCG_CALL_NO_RWG_SE, i64, i64)
+#define FOP_PROTO(op)                                     \
+DEF_HELPER_4(float_ ## op ## _s, i32, env, i32, i32, i32) \
+DEF_HELPER_4(float_ ## op ## _d, i64, env, i64, i64, i64)
+#undef FOP_PROTO
+#define FOP_PROTO(op)                                \
+DEF_HELPER_3(float_ ## op ## _s, i32, env, i32, i32) \
+DEF_HELPER_3(float_ ## op ## _d, i64, env, i64, i64)
+#undef FOP_PROTO
 #define FOP_PROTO(op)                            \
 DEF_HELPER_2(float_ ## op ## l_s, i64, env, i32) \
 DEF_HELPER_2(float_ ## op ## l_d, i64, env, i64) \
@@ -219,6 +238,7 @@ DEF_HELPER_2(float_ ## op ## _d, i64, env, i64)
 #undef FOP_PROTO
 #define FOP_PROTO(op)                       \
diff --git a/target-mips/op_helper.c b/target-mips/op_helper.c
index c9841e2..3f449ae 100644
--- a/target-mips/op_helper.c
+++ b/target-mips/op_helper.c
@@ -2809,6 +2809,110 @@ FLOAT_UNOP(abs)
 #undef FLOAT_UNOP
+#define FLOAT_FMADDSUB(name, bits, muladd_arg)                          \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,            \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs,        \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t ft,        \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fd)        \
+{                                                                       \
+    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                           \
+                                                                        \
+    fdret = float ## bits ## _muladd(fs, ft, fd, muladd_arg,            \
+                                     &env->active_fpu.fp_status);       \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                         \
+    return fdret;                                                       \
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(maddf_s, 32, 0)
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(maddf_d, 64, 0)
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(msubf_s, 32, float_muladd_negate_product)
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(msubf_d, 64, float_muladd_negate_product)
+#define FLOAT_MINMAX(name, bits, minmaxfunc)                            \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,            \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs,        \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t ft)        \
+{                                                                       \
+    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                           \
+                                                                        \
+    fdret = float ## bits ## _ ## minmaxfunc(fs, ft,                    \
+                                           &env->active_fpu.fp_status); \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                         \
+    return fdret;                                                       \
+FLOAT_MINMAX(max_s, 32, maxnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(max_d, 64, maxnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(maxa_s, 32, maxnummag)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(maxa_d, 64, maxnummag)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(min_s, 32, minnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(min_d, 64, minnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(mina_s, 32, minnummag)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(mina_d, 64, minnummag)
+#define FLOAT_RINT(name, bits)                                              \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,                \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs)            \
+{                                                                           \
+    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                               \
+                                                                            \
+    fdret = float ## bits ## _round_to_int(fs, &env->active_fpu.fp_status); \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                             \
+    return fdret;                                                           \
+FLOAT_RINT(rint_s, 32)
+FLOAT_RINT(rint_d, 64)
+#undef FLOAT_RINT
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN      0x001
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN          0x002
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_ZERO      0x020
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO      0x200
+#define FLOAT_CLASS(name, bits)                                      \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (uint ## bits ## _t arg)    \
+{                                                                    \
+    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg)) {                   \
+        return FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN;                            \
+    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg)) {                \
+        return FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN;                                \
+    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_neg(arg)) {                      \
+        if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_INFINITY;                    \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero(arg)) {                 \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_ZERO;                        \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero_or_denormal(arg)) {     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_SUBNORMAL;                   \
+        } else {                                                     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_NORMAL;                      \
+        }                                                            \
+    } else {                                                         \
+        if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_INFINITY;                    \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero(arg)) {                 \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO;                        \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero_or_denormal(arg)) {     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_SUBNORMAL;                   \
+        } else {                                                     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_NORMAL;                      \
+        }                                                            \
+    }                                                                \
+FLOAT_CLASS(class_s, 32)
+FLOAT_CLASS(class_d, 64)
 /* MIPS specific unary operations */
 uint64_t helper_float_recip_d(CPUMIPSState *env, uint64_t fdt0)
diff --git a/target-mips/translate.c b/target-mips/translate.c
index 6f64c47..93e5a31 100644
--- a/target-mips/translate.c
+++ b/target-mips/translate.c
@@ -7647,14 +7647,25 @@ enum fopcode {
     OPC_TRUNC_W_S = FOP(13, FMT_S),
     OPC_CEIL_W_S = FOP(14, FMT_S),
     OPC_FLOOR_W_S = FOP(15, FMT_S),
+    OPC_SEL_S = FOP(16, FMT_S),
     OPC_MOVCF_S = FOP(17, FMT_S),
     OPC_MOVZ_S = FOP(18, FMT_S),
     OPC_MOVN_S = FOP(19, FMT_S),
+    OPC_SELEQZ_S = FOP(20, FMT_S),
     OPC_RECIP_S = FOP(21, FMT_S),
     OPC_RSQRT_S = FOP(22, FMT_S),
+    OPC_SELNEZ_S = FOP(23, FMT_S),
+    OPC_MADDF_S = FOP(24, FMT_S),
+    OPC_MSUBF_S = FOP(25, FMT_S),
+    OPC_RINT_S = FOP(26, FMT_S),
+    OPC_CLASS_S = FOP(27, FMT_S),
+    OPC_MIN_S = FOP(28, FMT_S),
     OPC_RECIP2_S = FOP(28, FMT_S),
+    OPC_MINA_S = FOP(29, FMT_S),
     OPC_RECIP1_S = FOP(29, FMT_S),
+    OPC_MAX_S = FOP(30, FMT_S),
     OPC_RSQRT1_S = FOP(30, FMT_S),
+    OPC_MAXA_S = FOP(31, FMT_S),
     OPC_RSQRT2_S = FOP(31, FMT_S),
     OPC_CVT_D_S = FOP(33, FMT_S),
     OPC_CVT_W_S = FOP(36, FMT_S),
@@ -7693,14 +7704,25 @@ enum fopcode {
     OPC_TRUNC_W_D = FOP(13, FMT_D),
     OPC_CEIL_W_D = FOP(14, FMT_D),
     OPC_FLOOR_W_D = FOP(15, FMT_D),
+    OPC_SEL_D = FOP(16, FMT_D),
     OPC_MOVCF_D = FOP(17, FMT_D),
     OPC_MOVZ_D = FOP(18, FMT_D),
     OPC_MOVN_D = FOP(19, FMT_D),
+    OPC_SELEQZ_D = FOP(20, FMT_D),
     OPC_RECIP_D = FOP(21, FMT_D),
     OPC_RSQRT_D = FOP(22, FMT_D),
+    OPC_SELNEZ_D = FOP(23, FMT_D),
+    OPC_MADDF_D = FOP(24, FMT_D),
+    OPC_MSUBF_D = FOP(25, FMT_D),
+    OPC_RINT_D = FOP(26, FMT_D),
+    OPC_CLASS_D = FOP(27, FMT_D),
+    OPC_MIN_D = FOP(28, FMT_D),
     OPC_RECIP2_D = FOP(28, FMT_D),
+    OPC_MINA_D = FOP(29, FMT_D),
     OPC_RECIP1_D = FOP(29, FMT_D),
+    OPC_MAX_D = FOP(30, FMT_D),
     OPC_RSQRT1_D = FOP(30, FMT_D),
+    OPC_MAXA_D = FOP(31, FMT_D),
     OPC_RSQRT2_D = FOP(31, FMT_D),
     OPC_CVT_S_D = FOP(32, FMT_D),
     OPC_CVT_W_D = FOP(36, FMT_D),
@@ -7956,6 +7978,79 @@ static inline void gen_movcf_ps(DisasContext *ctx, int 
fs, int fd,
+static void gen_sel_s(DisasContext *ctx, enum fopcode op1, int fd, int ft,
+                      int fs)
+    TCGv_i32 t1 = tcg_const_i32(0);
+    TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+    TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+    TCGv_i32 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+    gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+    gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+    gen_load_fpr32(fp2, fs);
+    switch (op1) {
+    case OPC_SEL_S:
+        tcg_gen_andi_i32(fp0, fp0, 1);
+        tcg_gen_movcond_i32(TCG_COND_NE, fp0, fp0, t1, fp1, fp2);
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELEQZ_S:
+        tcg_gen_andi_i32(fp1, fp1, 1);
+        tcg_gen_movcond_i32(TCG_COND_EQ, fp0, fp1, t1, fp2, t1);
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELNEZ_S:
+        tcg_gen_andi_i32(fp1, fp1, 1);
+        tcg_gen_movcond_i32(TCG_COND_NE, fp0, fp1, t1, fp2, t1);
+        break;
+    default:
+        MIPS_INVAL("gen_sel_s");
+        generate_exception (ctx, EXCP_RI);
+        break;
+    }
+    gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+    tcg_temp_free_i32(fp2);
+    tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+    tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+    tcg_temp_free_i32(t1);
+static void gen_sel_d(DisasContext *ctx, enum fopcode op1, int fd, int ft,
+                      int fs)
+    TCGv_i64 t1 = tcg_const_i64(0);
+    TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+    TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+    TCGv_i64 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+    gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+    gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+    gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp2, fs);
+    switch (op1) {
+    case OPC_SEL_D:
+        tcg_gen_andi_i64(fp0, fp0, 1);
+        tcg_gen_movcond_i64(TCG_COND_NE, fp0, fp0, t1, fp1, fp2);
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELEQZ_D:
+        tcg_gen_andi_i64(fp1, fp1, 1);
+        tcg_gen_movcond_i64(TCG_COND_EQ, fp0, fp1, t1, fp2, t1);
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELNEZ_D:
+        tcg_gen_andi_i64(fp1, fp1, 1);
+        tcg_gen_movcond_i64(TCG_COND_NE, fp0, fp1, t1, fp2, t1);
+        break;
+    default:
+        MIPS_INVAL("gen_sel_d");
+        generate_exception (ctx, EXCP_RI);
+        break;
+    }
+    gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+    tcg_temp_free_i64(fp2);
+    tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+    tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+    tcg_temp_free_i64(t1);
 static void gen_farith (DisasContext *ctx, enum fopcode op1,
                         int ft, int fs, int fd, int cc)
@@ -8204,6 +8299,21 @@ static void gen_farith (DisasContext *ctx, enum fopcode 
         opn = "floor.w.s";
+    case OPC_SEL_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
+        gen_sel_s(ctx, op1, fd, ft, fs);
+        opn = "sel.s";
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELEQZ_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
+        gen_sel_s(ctx, op1, fd, ft, fs);
+        opn = "seleqz.s";
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELNEZ_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
+        gen_sel_s(ctx, op1, fd, ft, fs);
+        opn = "selnez.s";
+        break;
     case OPC_MOVCF_S:
         check_insn_opc_removed(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
         gen_movcf_s(fs, fd, (ft >> 2) & 0x7, ft & 0x1);
@@ -8267,59 +8377,175 @@ static void gen_farith (DisasContext *ctx, enum 
fopcode op1,
         opn = "rsqrt.s";
-    case OPC_RECIP2_S:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_MADDF_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
             TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
             gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
             gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
-            gen_helper_float_recip2_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp2, fd);
+            gen_helper_float_maddf_s(fp2, cpu_env, fp0, fp1, fp2);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp2, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp2);
-            gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+            opn = "maddf.s";
-        opn = "recip2.s";
-    case OPC_RECIP1_S:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_MSUBF_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
             gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
-            gen_helper_float_recip1_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
-            gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp2, fd);
+            gen_helper_float_msubf_s(fp2, cpu_env, fp0, fp1, fp2);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp2, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp2);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+            opn = "msubf.s";
-        opn = "recip1.s";
-    case OPC_RSQRT1_S:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_RINT_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
             gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
-            gen_helper_float_rsqrt1_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
+            gen_helper_float_rint_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
             gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+            opn = "rint.s";
-        opn = "rsqrt1.s";
-    case OPC_RSQRT2_S:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_CLASS_S:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+            gen_helper_float_class_s(fp0, fp0);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            opn = "class.s";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MIN_S: /* OPC_RECIP2_S */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MIN_S */
+            TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+            gen_helper_float_min_s(fp2, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp2, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp2);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            opn = "min.s";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RECIP2_S */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+                TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+                gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+                gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+                gen_helper_float_recip2_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+                tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+                gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "recip2.s";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MINA_S: /* OPC_RECIP1_S */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MINA_S */
+            TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
             TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+            gen_helper_float_mina_s(fp2, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp2, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp2);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            opn = "mina.s";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RECIP1_S */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+                gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+                gen_helper_float_recip1_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
+                gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "recip1.s";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MAX_S: /* OPC_RSQRT1_S */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MAX_S */
+            TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
             gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
             gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
-            gen_helper_float_rsqrt2_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_helper_float_max_s(fp1, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp1, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+            tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            opn = "max.s";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RSQRT1_S */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+                gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+                gen_helper_float_rsqrt1_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
+                gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "rsqrt1.s";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MAXA_S: /* OPC_RSQRT2_S */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MAXA_S */
+            TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+            gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+            gen_helper_float_maxa_s(fp1, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr32(fp1, fd);
-            gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+            opn = "maxa.s";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RSQRT2_S */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i32 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+                TCGv_i32 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i32();
+                gen_load_fpr32(fp0, fs);
+                gen_load_fpr32(fp1, ft);
+                gen_helper_float_rsqrt2_s(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+                tcg_temp_free_i32(fp1);
+                gen_store_fpr32(fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i32(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "rsqrt2.s";
-        opn = "rsqrt2.s";
     case OPC_CVT_D_S:
         check_cp1_registers(ctx, fd);
@@ -8618,6 +8844,21 @@ static void gen_farith (DisasContext *ctx, enum fopcode 
         opn = "floor.w.d";
+    case OPC_SEL_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
+        gen_sel_d(ctx, op1, fd, ft, fs);
+        opn = "sel.d";
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELEQZ_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
+        gen_sel_d(ctx, op1, fd, ft, fs);
+        opn = "seleqz.d";
+        break;
+    case OPC_SELNEZ_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
+        gen_sel_d(ctx, op1, fd, ft, fs);
+        opn = "selnez.d";
+        break;
     case OPC_MOVCF_D:
         check_insn_opc_removed(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
         gen_movcf_d(ctx, fs, fd, (ft >> 2) & 0x7, ft & 0x1);
@@ -8681,59 +8922,171 @@ static void gen_farith (DisasContext *ctx, enum 
fopcode op1,
         opn = "rsqrt.d";
-    case OPC_RECIP2_D:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_MADDF_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
             TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            TCGv_i64 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
             gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
             gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
-            gen_helper_float_recip2_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp2, fd);
+            gen_helper_float_maddf_d(fp2, cpu_env, fp0, fp1, fp2);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp2, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp2);
-            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+            opn = "maddf.d";
-        opn = "recip2.d";
-    case OPC_RECIP1_D:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_MSUBF_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            TCGv_i64 fp2 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
             gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
-            gen_helper_float_recip1_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
-            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp2, fd);
+            gen_helper_float_msubf_d(fp2, cpu_env, fp0, fp1, fp2);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp2, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp2);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+            opn = "msubf.d";
-        opn = "recip1.d";
-    case OPC_RSQRT1_D:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_RINT_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
             gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
-            gen_helper_float_rsqrt1_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
+            gen_helper_float_rint_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
             gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+            opn = "rint.d";
-        opn = "rsqrt1.d";
-    case OPC_RSQRT2_D:
-        check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+    case OPC_CLASS_D:
+        check_insn(ctx, ISA_MIPS32R6);
             TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+            gen_helper_float_class_d(fp0, fp0);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            opn = "class.d";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MIN_D: /* OPC_RECIP2_D */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MIN_D */
+            TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+            gen_helper_float_min_d(fp1, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp1, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            opn = "min.d";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RECIP2_D */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+                TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+                gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+                gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+                gen_helper_float_recip2_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+                tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+                gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "recip2.d";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MINA_D: /* OPC_RECIP1_D */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MINA_D */
+            TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+            gen_helper_float_mina_d(fp1, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp1, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            opn = "mina.d";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RECIP1_D */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+                gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+                gen_helper_float_recip1_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
+                gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "recip1.d";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MAX_D: /*  OPC_RSQRT1_D */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MAX_D */
+            TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
             TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+            gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+            gen_helper_float_max_d(fp1, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp1, fd);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+            tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            opn = "max.d";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RSQRT1_D */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+                gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+                gen_helper_float_rsqrt1_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0);
+                gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "rsqrt1.d";
+        }
+        break;
+    case OPC_MAXA_D: /* OPC_RSQRT2_D */
+        if (ctx->insn_flags & ISA_MIPS32R6) {
+            /* OPC_MAXA_D */
+            TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+            TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
             gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
             gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
-            gen_helper_float_rsqrt2_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_helper_float_maxa_d(fp1, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp1, fd);
-            gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+            opn = "maxa.d";
+        } else {
+            /* OPC_RSQRT2_D */
+            check_cp1_64bitmode(ctx);
+            {
+                TCGv_i64 fp0 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+                TCGv_i64 fp1 = tcg_temp_new_i64();
+                gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fs);
+                gen_load_fpr64(ctx, fp1, ft);
+                gen_helper_float_rsqrt2_d(fp0, cpu_env, fp0, fp1);
+                tcg_temp_free_i64(fp1);
+                gen_store_fpr64(ctx, fp0, fd);
+                tcg_temp_free_i64(fp0);
+            }
+            opn = "rsqrt2.d";
-        opn = "rsqrt2.d";
     case OPC_CMP_F_D:
     case OPC_CMP_UN_D:

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