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[Qemu-devel] Help on possible hang in drive-mirror / query-block-jobs

From: Daniel P. Berrange
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Help on possible hang in drive-mirror / query-block-jobs
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:11:57 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

I've spent the last week debugging an issue that is hitting OpenStack
with drive-mirror/block job usage.

The OpenStack automated test system runs a massive integration test
suite against every commit to any part of OpenStack. Amongst the many
things tested is a live snapshot feature which relies on QMEU's
drive-mirror functionality. When this was enabled in the test suite,
we started seeing failures in the automated test harness.

Specifically we are seeing that a monitor command for 'query-block-jobs'
never replies to libvirt. After 3 minutes of waiting the test harness
times out and kills the VM. When working normally the entire test will
complete in just a couple of seconds, so we don't think the 3 minute
timeout is hitting a false positive.

For each commit going into openstack the tests trigger about 200
uses of drive-mirror, and we have about a 50% change of failing on
any single commit. So the rate failure of this problem is only
around 1 in 400 uses of drive-mirror, but that's still enough to
totally doom our automated testing rig, since a failing test blocks
the commit from merging into GIT master.

Unfortunately it is a total PITA to debug this. No one has ever
managed to reproduce the problem outside of our automated test
system environment, even when running the same tests locally and
we can't log into the test systems to get GDB traces or install
custom QEMU builds.

The best I can do is to collect debug logs from libvirtd, and get
stdio from QEMU. The QEMU stderr/stdout shows nothing at all. The
libvirtd log shows the following sequence of monitor interactions
with QEMU:

1. Libvirt tries to cancel any potential stale jobs:

reply={"id": "libvirt-9", "error": {"class": "DeviceNotActive", "desc": "No 
active block job on device 'drive-virtio-disk0'"}}

reply={"id": "libvirt-10", "error": {"class": "DeviceNotActive", "desc": "No 
active block job on device 'drive-virtio-disk0'"}}

2. Libvirt starts the drive mirror operation

reply={"return": {}, "id": "libvirt-11"}

3. Libvirt checks progress of the block jobs
   until offset == len

reply={"return": [{"io-status": "ok", "device": "drive-virtio-disk0", "busy": 
true, "len": 25165824, "offset": 0, "paused": false, "speed": 0, "type": 
"mirror"}], "id": "libvirt-12"}
event={"timestamp": {"seconds": 1404903950, "microseconds": 273185}, "event": 
"BLOCK_JOB_READY", "data": {"device": "drive-virtio-disk0", "len": 25165824, 
"offset": 25165824, "speed": 0, "type": "mirror"}}

reply={"return": [{"io-status": "ok", "device": "drive-virtio-disk0", "busy": 
false, "len": 25165824, "offset": 25165824, "paused": false, "speed": 0, 
"type": "mirror"}], "id": "libvirt-13"}

4. Libvirt cleans up the block job:

reply={"return": {}, "id": "libvirt-14"}

5. Libvirt waits for cleanup to complete:

reply={"return": [{"io-status": "ok", "device": "drive-virtio-disk0", "busy": 
true, "len": 25165824, "offset": 25165824, "paused": false, "speed": 0, "type": 
"mirror"}], "id": "libvirt-15"}

reply={"return": [{"io-status": "ok", "device": "drive-virtio-disk0", "busy": 
true, "len": 25165824, "offset": 25165824, "paused": false, "speed": 0, "type": 
"mirror"}], "id": "libvirt-16"}


So we can see this last 'query-block-jobs' command hangs. I've looked at
the code for handling this monitor command and struggling to come up with
any ideas of why this might hang.  My best idea was the bdrv_iterate()
call it does might be happening at the same time as another thread modifies
the list, but debugging on a local QEMU shows no changes to the list at
all due to drive-mirror/block jobs, so that doesn't seem to be the cause.

Can anyone conceive of a reason why this monitor command might hang ?

Our test systems run Ubuntu 14.04 which has QEMU version 2.0.0.

I see a couple of changes in GIT master to blockjob.c sinc v2.0.0 but
nothing that claims to be solving a hang.

|: http://berrange.com      -o-    http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
|: http://entangle-photo.org       -o-       http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|

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