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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PULL 0/8] tcg-ia64 updates

From: Peter Maydell
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PULL 0/8] tcg-ia64 updates
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:25:10 +0100

On 21 April 2014 18:08, Richard Henderson <address@hidden> wrote:
> Aurelien found a bug in v1 of this series, but v2 has been on the
> list for 3 weeks now.
> This is also my first attempt at a signed pull.  Please let me know
> if I've mucked up any part of that process.

Looks good, thanks.

> FWIW, the key I'm using is
> pub   2048R/4DD0279B 2013-06-04 [expires: 2018-06-03]
>       Key fingerprint = 9CB1 8DDA F8E8 49AD 2AFC  16A4 AD12 70CC 4DD0 279B
> uid                  Richard Henderson <address@hidden>
> uid                  Richard Henderson <address@hidden>
> uid                  Richard Henderson <address@hidden>
> although I don't believe I have trust webs with anyone else active in
> qemu.  I'll try to extend that at least to the other Red Hatters.

NB that the 'Can't check signature: public key not found' complaint
from gpg in the merge commit just means I don't have your key
in my local keyring, so is normal.


-- PMM

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