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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] check-qjson: More thorough testing of UTF-8 in

From: Blue Swirl
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] check-qjson: More thorough testing of UTF-8 in strings
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 18:28:05 +0000

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Markus Armbruster <address@hidden> wrote:
> Blue Swirl <address@hidden> writes:
>> On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Markus Armbruster <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Test cases are scraped from Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 decoder capability and
>>> stress test at
>>> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt
>>> Unfortunately, both JSON parser and formatter misbehave right now.
>>> This test expects current, incorrect results.  They're all clearly
>>> marked, and are to be replaced by correct ones as the bugs get fixed.
>>> See comments in new utf8_string() for details.
>>> Signed-off-by: Markus Armbruster <address@hidden>
>>> ---
>>>  tests/check-qjson.c | 625 
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  1 file changed, 625 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/tests/check-qjson.c b/tests/check-qjson.c
>>> index 32ffb43..4590b3a 100644
>>> --- a/tests/check-qjson.c
>>> +++ b/tests/check-qjson.c
>>> @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
>>>  /*
>>>   * Copyright IBM, Corp. 2009
>>> + * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat Inc.
>>>   *
>>>   * Authors:
>>>   *  Anthony Liguori   <address@hidden>
>>> + *  Markus Armbruster <address@hidden>,
>>>   *
>>>   * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or 
>>> later.
>>>   * See the COPYING.LIB file in the top-level directory.
>>> @@ -131,6 +133,628 @@ static void single_quote_string(void)
>>>      }
>>>  }
>>> +static void utf8_string(void)
>>> +{
>>> +    /*
>>> +     * FIXME Current behavior for invalid UTF-8 sequences is
>>> +     * incorrect.  This test expects current, incorrect results.
>>> +     * They're all marked "bug:" below, and are to be replaced by
>>> +     * correct ones as the bugs get fixed.
>>> +     *
>>> +     * The JSON parser rejects some invalid sequences, but accepts
>>> +     * others without correcting the problem.
>>> +     *
>>> +     * The JSON formatter replaces some invalid sequences by U+FFFF (a
>>> +     * noncharacter), and goes wonky for others.
>>> +     *
>>> +     * For both directions, we should either reject all invalid
>>> +     * sequences, or minimize overlong sequences and replace all other
>>> +     * invalid sequences by a suitable replacement character.  A
>>> +     * common choice for replacement is U+FFFD.
>>> +     *
>>> +     * Problem: we can't easily deal with embedded U+0000.  Parsing
>>> +     * the JSON string "this \\u0000" is fun" yields "this \0 is fun",
>>> +     * which gets misinterpreted as NUL-terminated "this ".  We should
>>> +     * consider using overlong encoding \xC0\x80 for U+0000 ("modified
>>> +     * UTF-8").
>>> +     *
>>> +     * Tests are scraped from Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 decoder capability
>>> +     * and stress test at
>>> +     * http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt
>>> +     */
>>> +    static const struct {
>>> +        const char *json_in;
>>> +        const char *utf8_out;
>>> +        const char *json_out;   /* defaults to @json_in */
>>> +        const char *utf8_in;    /* defaults to @utf8_out */
>>> +    } test_cases[] = {
>>> +        /*
>>> +         * Bug markers used here:
>>> +         * - bug: not corrected
>>> +         *   JSON parser fails to correct invalid sequence(s)
>>> +         * - bug: rejected
>>> +         *   JSON parser rejects invalid sequence(s)
>>> +         *   We may choose to define this as feature
>>> +         * - bug: want "\"...\""
>>> +         *   JSON formatter produces incorrect result, this is the
>>> +         *   correct one, assuming replacement character U+FFFF
>>> +         * - bug: want "..." (no \")
>>> +         *   JSON parser produces incorrect result, this is the
>>> +         *   correct one.
>>> +         * Not marked explicitly, but trivial to find:
>>> +         * - JSON formatter replacing invalid sequence by \\uFFFF is a
>>> +         *   bug if we want it to fail for invalid sequences.
>>> +         */
> [...]
>>> +        /* 2.1.4  4 bytes U+10000 */
>>> +        {
>>> +            "\"\xF0\x90\x80\x80\"",
>>> +            "\xF0\x90\x80\x80",
>>> +            "\"\\u0400\\uFFFF\"", /* bug: want "\"\\uD800\\uDC00\"" */
>>> +        },
> [...]
>>> +        {}
>>> +    };
>>> +    int i;
>>> +    QObject *obj;
>>> +    QString *str;
>>> +    const char *json_in, *utf8_out, *utf8_in, *json_out;
>>> +
>>> +    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].json_in; i++) {
>>> +        json_in = test_cases[i].json_in;
>>> +        utf8_out = test_cases[i].utf8_out;
>>> +        utf8_in = test_cases[i].utf8_in ?: test_cases[i].utf8_out;
>>> +        json_out = test_cases[i].json_out ?: test_cases[i].json_in;
>>> +
>>> +        obj = qobject_from_json(json_in);
>>> +        if (utf8_out) {
>>> +            g_assert(obj);
>>> +            g_assert(qobject_type(obj) == QTYPE_QSTRING);
>>> +            str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
>>> +            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, utf8_out);
>>> +        } else {
>>> +            g_assert(!obj);
>>> +        }
>>> +        qobject_decref(obj);
>>> +
>>> +        obj = QOBJECT(qstring_from_str(utf8_in));
>>> +        str = qobject_to_json(obj);
>>> +        if (json_out) {
>>> +            g_assert(str);
>>> +            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, json_out);
>> This assertion trips on an ARM host (Debian stable):
>> GTESTER tests/check-qjson
>> **
>> ERROR:/src/qemu/tests/check-qjson.c:775:utf8_string: assertion failed
>> (qstring_get_str(str) == json_out): ("\"\\u0400\200\"" ==
>> "\"\\u0400\\uFFFF\"")
>> GTester: last random seed: R02S88b76f755e809e9024832d2ab6660afd
> Must be case 2.1.4, because that's where json_out is
> "\"\\u0400\\uFFFF\"".
> We start by passing C string "\"\xF0\x90\x80\x80\"" to the JSON parser
> qobject_from_json().  Yields "\xF0\x90\x80\x80", as expected.
> We then pass that to qobject_to_json().  Should yield
> "\"\\uD800\\uDC00\"" (surrogate pair).  Does yield "\"\\u0400\\uFFFF\""
> on my machine (known bug), and "\"\\u0400\200\"" on yours.
> Looks like the JSON formatter is not just broken (we knew that already),
> it's broken in machine-dependent ways.  Good to know, thanks for
> reporting.
> Obvious ways to get "make check" pass for you again *now*:
> * Disable check-qjson.  That's too big a hammer for me.
> * Disable test case 2.1.4 with a comment explaining why.
> * Suitable #ifdeffery around the expected value.
> Preferences?

* Fix JSON formatter :-)

Disabling 2.1.4 only reveals the next problem:
GTESTER tests/check-qjson
GTester: last random seed: R02S6754f3523201dc81bb21de42e2ba843c
ERROR:/src/qemu/tests/check-qjson.c:777:utf8_string: assertion failed
(qstring_get_str(str) == json_out): ("\"\\u8200\200\200\"" ==

diff --git a/tests/check-qjson.c b/tests/check-qjson.c
index ec85a0c..fecd9c1 100644
--- a/tests/check-qjson.c
+++ b/tests/check-qjson.c
@@ -223,12 +223,14 @@ static void utf8_string(void)
+#if 0
         /* 2.1.4  4 bytes U+10000 */
             "\"\\u0400\\uFFFF\"", /* bug: want "\"\\uD800\\uDC00\"" */
         /* 2.1.5  5 bytes U+200000 */

>>> +        } else {
>>> +            g_assert(!str);
>>> +        }
>>> +        QDECREF(str);
>>> +        qobject_decref(obj);
>>> +
>>> +        /*
>>> +         * disabled, because json_out currently contains the crap
>>> +         * qobject_to_json() produces
>>> +         */
>>> +        if (0 && json_out != json_in) {
>>> +            obj = qobject_from_json(json_out);
>>> +            g_assert(obj);
>>> +            g_assert(qobject_type(obj) == QTYPE_QSTRING);
>>> +            str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
>>> +            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, utf8_out);
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  static void vararg_string(void)
>>>  {
>>>      int i;
> [...]

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