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Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] Merge usb-wacom.c into

From: François Revol
Subject: Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] Merge usb-wacom.c into usb-hid.c
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 00:45:25 +0200 CEST


> > > What bug does this solve?  And what is the advantage of making
> > > one
> > > file very large, when before, we had two files with relatively
> > > separate code?
> >
> > http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.qemu/40232/focus=40233
> Reading something like this in a Git log, sitting 30k feet above
> ground,
> makes me want to do something very foolish.

Sorry but I've argued it like 4 times already, I've been having this
diff sitting here for months, I've done it because I was told that
instead of fixing usb-wacom it should be merged, I've read so many git
manpages I have a headache, I spent last night trying to dig the overly
cryptic zlib code to see why it would crash the Haiku m68k floppy
loader, the time I spend on qemu stuff isn't spent on the projects for
which qemu is supposed to be a dev tool, I'm overdue for work, so I'm
just getting tired of it.

cf. the many results on

> Besides, the explanation given in that email is somewhat slim.
> Experience
> shows that the number of bugs lurking in some random file is the
> square of
> the number of lines in that file, so...

Given that those lines are mostly the same that were removed from the
other file, minus the many that were identical and so factored out,
plus just a few that actually fix a scaling bug resp to the hardware,
making less as total, and so squared a lesser number of bugs, and that
I've explained it already too much I'd rather keep it slim instead of
adding english bugs, besides I'm french.

> But my advice has been ignored on this list before, so I'll start
> wasting
> my time elsewhere.

And my patch has been ignored several times too, still I'm here.


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