[Qemu-devel] Serial port with hardware flow control
Matias Romeo
[Qemu-devel] Serial port with hardware flow control
Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:43:31 -0300
I'm having an issue with qemu and serial port configured with hardware flow control.
HostOs: Windows.
GuestOs: Linux
This is how i'm running qemu: - qemu.exe -L . -m 64 -hda myimg.img -serial COM1 - After this qemu prompts with windows configuration dialog for setting up the COM port. ( i select 19200,N,8,1 hardware)
- The guestos boot Ok. - Then a daemon in the guestOs start to use the serial COM port and qemu freezes. (qemu windows with 'Not Responding' text ) (The daemon set the port to 19200,N,8,1 hardware also)
This behavior only happens when i set hardware flow control in qemu (windows configuration dialog).
This is a feature of qemu? Am i doing something wrong?
-- Thanks in advance Matu
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[Qemu-devel] Serial port with hardware flow control,
Matias Romeo<=