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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] opengl rendering in the sdl window

From: malc
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] opengl rendering in the sdl window
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 22:11:01 +0400 (MSD)

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Stefano Stabellini wrote:

Jamie Lokier wrote:

Fwiw, in my experience with Xine and mplayer, drawing video updates to
the screen using OpenGL was quite a lot slower than drawing them with
XShmImage.  That needs colour conversion as video doesn't even use RGB.

Probably OpenGL is faster on some hardware, and slower on some hardware.
Don't assume it's always faster.

Yes, good point.

Yes it very much depends on the drivers and opengl implementation.  It
isn't always possible to map the guest framebuffer into video
(texture) memory, and also some opengl implementations are not
particularly fast at copying textures from CPU memory to texture memory.

This is also true.

Another way to map guest framebuffer to video memory is the XF86DGA
extension, which is great when you can use it.  I think VMware uses it
in full-screen mode.

I went with OpenGL because I wanted the accelerated window resize
feature, and because I think it will give us more opportunities for
further improvements (for example using PBOs as soon as they are
supported by at least one open source graphic card driver).

I have code that uses PBO or PDR or XAMM, for cirrus it was always
on par with the standard SDL drawing speed wise, and i expected it
to be faster with VMWare SVGA, but back when i was musing with it
VMWare SVGA didn't quite work with Linux guests, then it was fixed
but i got carried away by different stuff. I can probably brush it
up and release if anybody is interested.


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