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[Qemu-devel] How to get target system display with qemu -nographic optio

From: Atoosah
Subject: [Qemu-devel] How to get target system display with qemu -nographic option?
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:07:45 -0700

I would like to run my fedora core image using Qemu in nographic mode. Currently I am able to get qemu's serial console, but not the login prompt/"target system display". So, far I am able to the Qemu's serial console (i.e. the graphical emulations Ctrl-Alt-3 output) if I use the option -serial pty or -serial vc, but the option -serial stdio does not give me the (qemu) prompt.

1. Is the system display available, hidden? If so, what options are missing below to enable this?

2. Do I need to make changes to host? I've tried adding the entry "7:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 9600 vt100-nav" to the /etc/inittab file. Also, /dev/ttyS0 does exists.

I have tried running qemu with both ways below, which have the same effect. The append option currently seems to have no effect.
$ qemu -hda mydisk.img -m 512 -append "root=/dev/hda console=ttyS0" -nographic -serial vc

$ qemu -hda mydisk.img -m 512 -nographic -serial vc

3. Why does qemu just start with the serial output, but does not allow me to switch to neither the console output nor the target output? i.e. No Ctrl keys work (Ctrl-a c, Ctrl-a x, ...)

Thank you in advance.

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