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Re: [Qemu-devel] FreeOSZoo will stop March 1, 2005

From: Daniel Egger
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] FreeOSZoo will stop March 1, 2005
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 13:20:54 +0100

On 12.02.2005, at 11:18, Brad Campbell wrote:

Following Fabrice decision to transform QEMU into a proprietary closed solution without any kind of future, I don't find any reason to loose my company time and money fostering FreeOSZoo.

Woah.. what a severe knee jerk reaction based on nothing. Perhaps before throwing your toys out of the pram, taking your bat and ball and heading home you might actually wait for a reply from Fabrice clarifying his intentions?

Your reply is pretty much bollocks. In the same way Fabrice is
free to start commercialising his smart product QEmu, no matter
what the intentions behind that action are, Jean-Michel is free
to stop his contribution to QEmu.

As much as I hate to see this I think we should all respect
each others actions. I suspect that recent changes will cause
some more contributors to cease their work simply because it
restricts[1] freedom which is what free software is all about.

[1] For instance it will at the moment only compile on certain
    Linux systems while OS X and Windows are still broke. Also
    kqemu will only work on 32bit x86 Linux kernels which means
    that a constantly increasing number of people of x86_64 users
    will not be able to benefit from the advantages. I for one
    will have to stick to qemu-fast for the time being because I
    certainly have no intention to reboot my Dual-Opteron into
    pure 32bit mode every time I want to use qemu; mind you that
    SMP on x86_64 does not work too well in 32bit mode.


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