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[Qemu-devel] Disk I/O errors loading Windows98 from Linux

From: Jim Adams
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Disk I/O errors loading Windows98 from Linux
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 13:04:27 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (X11/20041124)

I'm using a Debian based Linux distro with Kernel 2.6.7

I have created an image file using
   qemu-img create -b /dev/hdb -f qcow /home/jadams/hdb.qcow

I run qemu with the following:
qemu /home/jadams/qemu/hdb.qcow

A window opens and displays my grub bootloard with the opttion to chose my Window98 startup.
I get this error output

 Booting Windows at hdb1
 rootnoverify (hd0,0)
 chainloader +1
Disk I/O error
replace the disk and press any key.

I also have tried the following and get the same output.
qemu /home/jadams/qemu/hdb.qcow -isa
qemu /home/jadams/qemu/hdb.qcow -isa

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Jim A.
Russell, KY USA

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