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Re: [Qemu-devel] Andrew Curtis' PCNet Patch built on MingW

From: Garth Dahlstrom
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Andrew Curtis' PCNet Patch built on MingW
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 08:17:40 -0400

Antony T Curtis wrote:

> There is no such SWSTYLE as 0x04 on the PC-Net chip I emulated. You
> should be able to safely ignore this message.
> maybe the PACKED name conflicts with some existing symbol if you are
> having to undef it... Can you find what the original definition of it
> is? And perhaps I should call it PCN_PACKED maybe...

I'm just taking a guess that's the cause, PACKED is defined in
/includes/windef.h as the following:
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PACKED __attribute__((packed))

The line in pcnet.h:
#define PACKED(A) A __attribute__ ((packed))
throws a PACKED redefined warning if I leave it as is... 

So in http://www.northern.ca/projects/qemu/qemu-0.6.0-mingw-pcnet-no_dhcp.zip
I did:
#ifdef __GNUC__
  #ifdef __MINGW32__ //GED
    #undef PACKED
  #define PACKED(A) A __attribute__ ((packed))
  #error FixMe

which gets rid of the warnings, but may also break the code.
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