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Re: [RFC PATCH v2 3/8] block: introduce a lock to protect graph operatio

From: Stefan Hajnoczi
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH v2 3/8] block: introduce a lock to protect graph operations
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 06:48:53 +0100

On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 10:37:54AM +0200, Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito wrote:
> Am 28/04/2022 um 15:45 schrieb Stefan Hajnoczi:
> > On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 04:51:09AM -0400, Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito wrote:
> >> +static int has_writer;
> > 
> > bool?
> Yes and no. With the latest findings and current implementation we could
> have something like:
> wrlock()
>       has_writer = 1
>       AIO_WAIT_WHILE(reader_count >=1) --> job_exit()
>                                               wrlock()
> But we are planning to get rid of AIO_WAIT_WHILE and allow wrlock to
> only run in coroutines. This requires a lot of changes, and switch a lot
> of callbacks in coroutines, but then we would avoid having such problems
> and nested event loops.

I don't understand how this answer is related to the question about
whether the type of has_writer should be bool?

> > How can rd be negative, it's uint32_t? If AioContext->reader_count can
> > be negative then please use a signed type.
> It's just "conceptually negative" while summing. The result is
> guaranteed to be >= 0, otherwise we have a problem.
> For example, we could have the following AioContext counters:
> A1: -5 A2: -4 A3: 10
> rd variable below could become negative while looping, but we read it
> only once we finish reading all counters, so it will always be >= 0.

AioContext->reader_count is uint32_t but can hold negative values. It
should be int32_t.

IMO even rd should be int32_t so it's clear that it will hold negative
values, even temporarily.

The return value of reader_count() should be uint32_t because it's
always a positive value.

That way the types express what is going on clearly.

> > 
> >> +            aio_wait_kick();
> >> +            qemu_co_queue_wait(&exclusive_resume, &aio_context_list_lock);
> > 
> > Why loop here instead of incrementing reader_count and then returning?
> > Readers cannot starve writers but writers can starve readers?
> Not sure what you mean here. Why returning?

It was a misconception on my part. Looping is necessary. Somehow I
thought that since we have aio_context_list_lock when we awake,
has_writer cannot be 1 but that's incorrect.

> > 
> >> +        }
> >> +    }
> >> +}
> >> +
> >> +/* Mark bs as not reading anymore, and release pending exclusive ops.  */
> >> +void coroutine_fn bdrv_graph_co_rdunlock(void)
> >> +{
> >> +    AioContext *aiocontext;
> >> +    aiocontext = qemu_get_current_aio_context();
> >> +
> >> +    qatomic_store_release(&aiocontext->reader_count,
> >> +                          aiocontext->reader_count - 1);
> > 
> > This is the point where reader_count can go negative if the coroutine
> > was created in another thread. I think the type of reader_count should
> > be signed.
> I think as long as we don't read it as a single, there's no problem

There is no problem with the program's behavior, two's complement means
unsigned integer operations produce the same result as signed integer

The issue is clarity: types should communicate the nature of the values
held in a variable. If someone takes a look at the struct definition
they will not know that ->reader_count is used to hold negative values.
That can lead to misunderstandings and bugs in the future.


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