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Re: [PATCH v3 0/4] Improve integration of iotests in the meson test harn

From: Hanna Reitz
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 0/4] Improve integration of iotests in the meson test harness
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 17:14:19 +0100
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On 23.02.22 10:38, Thomas Huth wrote:
Though "make check-block" is currently already run via the meson test
runner, it still looks like an oddball in the output of "make check". It
would be nicer if the iotests would show up like the other tests suites.

My original plan was to add each iotests individually from meson.build,
but I did not get that done reliably yet [*], so here's now a cut-down
version to improve the situation at least a little bit: The first three
patches are preparation for the clean-up (long-term goal is to get rid
of check-block.sh, though we're not quite there yet), and the final
patch adds the iotests not as separate test target in the meson test
harness anymore. This way, we can now finally get the output of failed
tests on the console again (unless you're running meson test in verbose
mode, where meson only puts this to the log file - for incomprehensible
reasons), so this should hopefully help to diagnose problems with the
iotests in most cases more easily.

[*] See v2 here:

Thomas Huth (4):
   tests/qemu-iotests: Rework the checks and spots using GNU sed
   tests/qemu-iotests/meson.build: Improve the indentation
   tests/qemu-iotests: Move the bash and sanitizer checks to meson.build
   tests: Do not treat the iotests as separate meson test target anymore

What’s the status of this series?  I wonder why you split it apart, mainly.

Patch 1 was already merged, and I took patch 4 today.  So what about patches 2 and 3?  They look sensible to me, but is this series still relevant and fresh, considering you sent new versions of patches 1 and 4?

(And are there any other iotests patches from you that flew under my radar?)


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