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Re: [PATCH v2 3/6] qemu-img: Add bitmap sub-command

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 3/6] qemu-img: Add bitmap sub-command
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 10:21:46 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.7.0

On 4/30/20 9:55 AM, Max Reitz wrote:
On 21.04.20 23:20, Eric Blake wrote:
Include actions for --add, --remove, --clear, --enable, --disable, and
--merge (note that --clear is a bit of fluff, because the same can be
accomplished by removing a bitmap and then adding a new one in its

Well, ideally, all of qemu-img is just fluff because “the same can be
accomplished by launching qemu and issuing the equivalent QMP commands”. :)

        but it matches what QMP commands exist).  Listing is omitted,
because it does not require a bitmap name and because it was already
possible with 'qemu-img info'.

Fair enough, although it can be said that qemu-img info’s output is
qcow2-specific.  It might be nice to have some definitely
format-independent output.  (But we don’t have persistent bitmaps in
anything but qcow2 yet (or do we in NBD?), so I don’t expect anyone to
care much.)

We can add a list subcommand later if it is still desired. I agree that a tabular format:

name          enabled   granularity
bitmap1       false     65536
bitmap2       true      512

in isolation is easier to read than:

            name: bitmap1
            granularity: 65536
                [0]: auto
            name: bitmap2
            granularity: 512

embedded inside even more information.

                                 Merge can work either from another
bitmap in the same image, or from a bitmap in a distinct image.

While this supports --image-opts for the file being modified, I did
not think it worth the extra complexity to support that for the source
file in a cross-file bitmap merge.  Likewise, I chose to have --merge
only take a single source rather than following the QMP support for
multiple merges in one go; in part to simplify the command line, and
in part because an offline image can achieve the same effect by
multiple qemu-img bitmap --merge calls.  We can enhance that if needed
in the future (the same way that 'qemu-img convert' has a mode that
concatenates multiple sources into one destination).

Upcoming patches will add iotest coverage of these commands while
also testing other features.

Signed-off-by: Eric Blake <address@hidden>
  docs/tools/qemu-img.rst |  24 +++++
  qemu-img.c              | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  qemu-img-cmds.hx        |   7 ++
  3 files changed, 229 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst b/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst
index 7d08c48d308f..4f3b0e2c9ace 100644
--- a/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst
+++ b/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst
@@ -281,6 +281,30 @@ Command description:
    For write tests, by default a buffer filled with zeros is written. This can 
    overridden with a pattern byte specified by *PATTERN*.

+.. option:: bitmap {--add [-g GRANULARITY] [--disabled] | --remove | --clear | 
--enable | --disable | --merge SOURCE_BITMAP [-b SOURCE_FILE [-F SOURCE_FMT]]} 
[--object OBJECTDEF] [--image-opts] [-f FMT] FILENAME BITMAP

So I can do multiple operations in one roll, but they all use the same
BITMAP?  Sounds a bit weird.  It actually took me a while to understands
this, because I thought for sure that each command would take a bitmap
name.  (And was ready to complain that it looked like they don’t, but,
well, that’s because they don’t.)

All of the operations take one bitmap name (the final BITMAP). Additionally, the --merge operation takes a second bitmap name (SOURCE_BITMAP). None of the other operations need a second bitmap name, so only --merge requires an option argument. As written, the { a | b | c } implies that operations are mutually exclusive: you can only request one operation per qemu-img invocation.

Although I suppose some practical example like

$ qemu-img bitmap --add --merge sbmap --disable foo.qcow2 nbmap

does make sense.[1]


$ qemu-img bitmap --add nbmap --merge nbmap sbmap --enable nbmap \

make more sense?

That would be more transactional, and more effort to implement. My argument is that you should instead write:

$ qemu-img bitmap --add foo.qcow2 nbmap
$ qemu-img bitmap --merge sbmap foo.qcow2 nbmap
$ qemu-img bitmap --enable foo.qcow2 nbmap

where I only have to implement one operation per qemu-img.

   Doesn’t really look like it, because at that point you
just have to ask why not just call qemu-img bitmap multiple times.


[1] However, that leads me to ask:  Why does --add need a --disabled
option?  Isn’t that equivalent to --add --disable?

The QMP command for add has an optional 'disabled' parameter, which I exposed here. Alternatively, we could indeed NOT expose that parameter through qemu-img, but require two separate qemu-img bitmap commands to add and then disable things. Atomicity is not a concern here like it was in QMP. Removing that sugar does simplify things slightly.

+static int img_bitmap(int argc, char **argv)
+    Error *err = NULL;
+    int c, ret = -1;
+    QemuOpts *opts = NULL;
+    const char *fmt = NULL, *src_fmt = NULL, *src_filename = NULL;
+    const char *filename, *bitmap;
+    BlockBackend *blk = NULL, *src = NULL;
+    BlockDriverState *bs = NULL, *src_bs = NULL;
+    bool image_opts = false;
+    unsigned long granularity = 0;
+    bool add = false, remove = false, clear = false;
+    bool enable = false, disable = false, add_disabled = false;
+    const char *merge = NULL;

So actually we can’t do one operation multiple times in one roll.

Correct.  At least, not as I wrote it.

+    for (;;) {
+        static const struct option long_options[] = {
+            {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+            {"object", required_argument, 0, OPTION_OBJECT},
+            {"image-opts", no_argument, 0, OPTION_IMAGE_OPTS},
+            {"add", no_argument, 0, OPTION_ADD},
+            {"remove", no_argument, 0, OPTION_REMOVE},
+            {"clear", no_argument, 0, OPTION_CLEAR},
+            {"enable", no_argument, 0, OPTION_ENABLE},
+            {"disable", no_argument, 0, OPTION_DISABLE},
+            {"disabled", no_argument, 0, OPTION_DISABLE},

So if --disable and --disabled are exactly the same, I really don’t know
why --disabled even exists.

Logically, '--add --disabled' matches the name of the QMP command with its optional 'disabled' parameter, while --disable matches the name of the QMP command. We don't have to have the alias; and in fact, if you agree that supporting '--add --disabled' is too much sugar (since we don't care about atomicity the way QMP did), then life gets simpler to drop --disabled altogether.

+    if (add && disable) {
+        disable = false;
+        add_disabled = true;
+    }
+    if (add + remove + clear + enable + disable + !!merge != 1) {
+        error_report("Need exactly one mode of --add, --remove, --clear, "
+                     "--enable, --disable, or --merge");

Aha.  So you can actually only do a single operation.

That means the doc shouldn’t use {}, in my opinion, because that to me
means repetition (thanks to EBNF).  It definitely served to confuse me
greatly until this point.

In command line syntax, I'm most used to seeing repetition as '...', optional as [], and mutually-exclusive choice as {|}. Yes, that's different than EBNF.

I also don’t see why we would disallow multiple operations in one go.
The --add --merge combination seems useful to me, and I don’t see a
problem in implementing it.

I don’t know why we don’t just create a list of operations to execute,
based on the order given in the argument list, and then execute them in
order.  That would even allow multiple --merge operations.

If I understand, you're asking why we can't do:

qemu-img bitmap foo.qcow2 --add b1 --merge sb b1

in one operation.

That changes the syntax entirely, compared to what I implemented. You'd have to have an argument to every option, AND figure out how to specify TWO arguments to the --merge option. Might be doable, but seems hairy.

If we don’t want that (because we don’t want argument order to matter),
we could still allow all operations to be done at least once and always
execute them in the same order, e.g.:
(1) add
(2) clear
(3) merge
(4) disable
(5) enable
(6) remove

I still find it simpler to do exactly one operation per invocation.

+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (granularity && !add) {
+        error_report("granularity only supported with --add");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (src_fmt && !src_filename) {
+        error_report("-F only supported with -b");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (src_filename && !merge) {
+        error_report("alternate source file only supported with --merge");

“alternate” sounds strange.  Why not be more precise and call it a
“Merge bitmap source file” or “File to source merge bitmap from”?

"Merge bitmap source file" sounds fine.

+    if (err) {
+        error_reportf_err(err, "Bitmap %s operation failed", bitmap);

Wouldn’t “Operation on bitmap %s failed” work better?


Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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