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Re: [PATCH REPOST v3 16/80] arm/kzm: drop RAM size fixup

From: Chubb, Peter (Data61, Kensington NSW)
Subject: Re: [PATCH REPOST v3 16/80] arm/kzm: drop RAM size fixup
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 22:23:20 +0000

Igor> If the user provided too large a RAM size, the code used to
Igor> complain and trim it to the max size.  Now tht RAM is allocated by
Igor> generic code, that's no longer possible, so generate an error and
Igor> exit instead.

You can add my 'reviewed-by' to this. There's one really minor typo in
the comment (tht->that) that you may wish to fix before the final

Reviewed-by: Peter Chubb <address@hidden>

Dr Peter Chubb         Tel: +61 2 9490 5852      http://ts.data61.csiro.au/
Trustworthy Systems Group                                    CSIRO's Data61

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