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Re: ZSAV format support [ZCOMPRESSED subcommand]

From: Bastián Díaz
Subject: Re: ZSAV format support [ZCOMPRESSED subcommand]
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 04:17:04 -0700 (PDT)

>> I think I'll work on writing a reader for the format I see for most of
>> the files.  >
>Note to Bastien:  This means we will need an new mimetype icon for .zsav files.


I was thinking the same, however, I see that there are two problems:

1) Following the guidelines of GNOME, pictographic representation must be the 
same for files containing the same information, so the operation is transparent 
to the user (I think I'll make an exception just like I did with the *.por 

2) Currently, on UNIX systems, the *.zsav is not recognized by the system, or 
both even add a new icon to the mime type, it will not be displayed. (I do not 
know how or who to make the request).

I have thought about launching an artwork Verson 0.2.1 including the new icon 
(after exams).


Bastián Díaz

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