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Re: [PATCH] New pickle for TAR files.

From: Kostas Chasialis
Subject: Re: [PATCH] New pickle for TAR files.
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2023 20:31:33 +0300

Hello Mohammad!

No problem for the last answer.
I am also sorry for my late reply.
Thank you for your comments.

I have added 2 tests in the patch, one representing an empty tar file and one 
with some non-empty files and directories.

The command I used was: tar -cvf <directory>.tar directory

Please find attached the new patch.

Attachment: 0001-New-pickle-for-tar-files.patch
Description: Binary data


> On 26 Jun 2023, at 10:56 PM, Mohammad-Reza Nabipoor <mnabipoor@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi Kostas!
> Sorry for the late answer.
> Thanks for the patch.
> Also thanks to your patch, I tried to use `pk-bin2poke' and realized
> that we're shipping a broken `pk-bin2poke'!  I fixed it.
> So please reinstall poke from master (when Jose approved the patches).
> Back to the pickle ...
> It's a good idea to have tests for each pickle; you can find a bunch of
> tests in `testsuite/poke.pickles/` directory.
> `testsuite/poke.pickles/btf-test.pk` is a very good example (thanks to
> David Faust).
> The array is generated by `pk-bin2poke' script. What you can do is to
> create a bunch of tar files:
>  - An empty tarball
>  - A tarball with a single empty file
>  - A tarball with a bunch of small files with different names (short
>    and long names), different size, different modes, etc.
> And if you want to be more nice to people, you can also put the commands
> that you've used to create each tarball in the comments (in order to make
> future development of tests easier).
> wants to extend the tests
> We can have more than one test for this pickle (one for each sample
> tarball), like 
>  - `testsuite/poke.pickles/tar-1-test.pk'
>  - `testsuite/poke.pickles/tar-2-test.pk'
>  - `testsuite/poke.pickles/tar-3-test.pk'
> new file mode 100644
> index 00000000..224f2bdc
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/pickles/tar.px
> s/tar.px/tar.pk/ :)
> @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
> +/* tar.pk - TAR implementation for GNU poke.  */
> +
> +/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Jose E. Marchesi.  */
> You have to put your name here and the year 2023.
> +/* This file contains a description of tar files (PAX).  */
> It is always useful to put some links to documents that specify the protocol.
> Links like:
>  - https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/pax.html
>  - https://www.mkssoftware.com/docs/man4/pax.4.asp
>  - ...
> +
> +type TAR_Thdr =
> +  struct
> +  {
> +    uint<8>[100] name_chars; /* File name.  */
> +    uint<8>[8] mode_chars; /* File mode.  */
> +    uint<8>[8] uid_chars;  /* Owner's numeric user ID.  */
> +    uint<8>[8] gid_chars;  /* Group's numeric user ID.  */
> +    uint<8>[12] size_chars;  /* File size in bytes.  */
> +    uint<8>[12] mtime_chars;  /* Last modification time in numeric Unix time 
> format.  */
> +    uint<8>[8] chksum_chars;  /* Checksum for header record.  */
> +    uint<8> typeflag_char : typeflag_char in ['0', '\0', '1', '2', '3', '4', 
> '5', '6', '7', 'x', 'g'];  /* Link indicator (file type).  */
> You can use define variables for typeflag, something like this:
> ```poke
> var TAR_TypeFlag_Regular1 = 0UB,
>    TAR_TypeFlag_Regular2 = '0',
>    TAR_TypeFlag_Link = '1',
>    TAR_TypeFlag_Symlink = '2',
>    TAR_TypeFlag_CharDev = '3',
>    /* ... */ ;
>  TAR_TypeFlag_Regular1,
>  TAR_TypeFlag_Regular2,
>  TAR_TypeFlag_Link,
>  TAR_TypeFlag_Symlink,
>  TAR_TypeFlag_CharDev,
>  /* ... */,
> ];
> ```
> And then use this constriant: `typeflag in TAR_VALID_TYPEFLAGS`.
> Thanks enough for now :)
> I hope you send the 2nd version soon!
> Regards,
> Mohammad-Reza

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