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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] proposal-branch; porting

From: Joseph Engo
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] proposal-branch; porting
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 20:29:18 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

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Dave Hall wrote:

| Joseph Engo <address@hidden> wrote:
|> sigurdne wrote:
|> | How about $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->db_addslashes()
|> There are 2 things you can do for this.   If you are getting your
|>  values from a form, safeargs will take care of adding slashes to
|> it. Outside of that, you can just use addslashes() from PHP.  To
|> be honest, I can't remeber why we created our own function for
|> handling this.  Does anyone remeber ? :P
| Cos mssql/sybase quotes with '' not \'. See:
|  and

AH! Thats right, ok I will look into create a custom function to
handle this :P

|> | $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->get_last_insert_id() | This is something
|> I need to add.  Its very easy to do for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is
|> more of a pain.  For now, I am just doing a select after I add
|> the record.
| That is so unreliable.  The SELECT MAX(id) may occur after another
| INSERT or DELETE operation.  As last_insert_id() works fine in the
| phplib db classes, I fail to see the problem.  The 3 dbs which are
| supported in 16 have the support included.
You misunderstood.  I undestand the race condition, which is why I
will do a select on some of the values I just added.  For example,
title, time created, owner, category, etc.  I use a few different
things.  Long term I will create a function to handle it.

|> Which will be fixed later once get_last_insert_id() is ported.
|> AdoDB doesn't, from what I understand have something like this,
|> or its something they removed over time for whatever reason.
| Will all patches which have wider application be fed back up
| stream, or a we taking a snap shot and forking ADOdb?
| Cheers
| Dave
This is another reason we are using ADOdb.  There classes are setup to
use extenstions all over the place, we have an extenstion for all of
the DB types, so we can make changes where needed.  We will keep our
copy current with there version.  Our version of there files won't be

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