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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] We cant continue to work like we do at the

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] We cant continue to work like we do at the moment
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 23:37:26 -0700
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Ralf Becker wrote:

*We cant continue to work like we do atm*

Maybe Im being very rude, but blah blah blah. This has been said on this project and many other OSS/FS projects so may times its just boring.

For those who are not constantly monitoring the IRC channel here a short recall whats happened. It's of cause my view of the situation and I'm sure others will jump in quickly adding their view ;-)

1) I imported the jsCalendar into phpGroupWare, after hearing many feature requests about a calendar popup
2) ceb removed it the yesterday morning with the comment "what crap"
3) I talked to ceb about it on IRC (see the following log)
4) ceb took away my commit-rights for the API, without further consultation of other developers
5) I talked with ceb and skwashd on IRC

Here's the IRC log from yesterday

I'm *very* unhappy about the situation at the moment. After long discussions in spring this year, we have commited ourselft to a restructoring, from which I hoped the project would be lead more openly and democratic. The events of the last weeks let me doubt this again.

We have at the moment two acting leaders of the project (ceb + skwashd) which act, in my opion with very little, sometimes none consultation of the other developers or even each other. I just want to give two examples:

1) Takeing away my commit-right
As you can see from the IRC logs, ceb not even consulted skwashd before she took away my commit-rights. Takeing away the commit-rights of a developer is an extrem harsh measure, which in no project, which calls itself democratic, can be taken without a big consens of the other developers, just by one (not even elected) leader.

You act as if you have been going along all this time with no previous discussions and disagreements. Taken completey out of context it is harsh, and the fact that you leave it out of context in this email shows how you are trying to manipulate things.

2) The buying for the new server-box
This was decided by skwashd alone, at this time not without consulting of any other developer, but against the opionion of the other developer in the channel (me). Buying something for the project is in my opion again something, which need a consens of the majority developers and cant by taken by one leader alone.

Dude, get over this. He was trying to solve a problem, he acted quickly, and its probably the right thing in the end anyways, so shut up already.

My *personal* view about the jsCalendar issue and others in the last time: I think good relations to the GNU project and the GPL are necessary and important. More important for me is the development / progress of the project and the fun and comunity with the other developers. I think both are not oppositional in general, as the first has some importance for the development of the project too. I think our momentary (self-apointed AND from us accepted) leaders are overdoing this a lot. Other project like eg. DCL (Double Chocolate) are useing jsCalendar, while maintaining the same GNU status as we (GNU project, part of dotGNU and GNU enterprise).

We dont have to remove everything imediatly (and therefor break our software) if the slightest doubt araises it might not be compatible with our desired license.

You JUST had added the new jsCalendar, so immediately removing till the license is worked out and things are better planned is no big deal, its not like it would break long standing work, so stop making a bigger issue of this than it is.

I was in favor of moving our API to GPL, but I now start haveing doubts: it seems to mean, we have to edit every single little tool-class (to relicense it from LGPL to GPL),

Side note: I never saw a discussion of moving the API to the GPL from the LGPL. That would be very stupid to do.

*We cant continue to work like we do atm*

If we are unhappy about the way our project is moveing at the moment we need to change it. I'm sure this realy a *we* and not just me. If we cant change our project for whatever reason, it becomes less and less our project. I'm sure everone know how important it is, specialy for an Open Source project, that all contributors feel it's *their* project. If it is no longer - they move on, like it happend many time in the past :-(.

It has happened many times in the past, and thats how it goes. In a long standing project people come and go for various reasons. Thats not to say things cant be better, but your tone just sounds too whiny all the time.


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