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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] WebDAV

From: Jonathon Sim
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] WebDAV
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 09:48:46 +1200
User-agent: KMail/1.5

> This is not what I am looking for actually. I thought there was a WebDAV
> "server" implementation available and not a client one.

There is actually a PHP webdav server implementation out there (its in PEAR), 
but it requires PHP > 4.3.0 or a patch.  This means it will probably be a 
while before it makes it into the phpgroupware API.  

> Here's what I would like to do:
> I have already written a document management application for phpgroupware
> and now I would like to let people use the WebFolders Windows feature to
> upload new documents and browse the already existing ones using the
> groupware's ACL.
You can do this though with the vfs_dav webdav client - just make a DAV 
repository with Apache mod_dav and put your documents there, and access them 
with vfs_dav and webfolders.  The added bonus is that Apache is a much better 
WebDAV server than I could ever write.

The only problem there is with ACL - I haven't figured out yet how to solve 
it.  Currently if your ACL-default is not "grant", vfs will try to write an 
.htaccess file into your home directory limiting access to you (or in the 
case of a group directory, your group).  If you setup Apache to authenticate 
users against whatever PHPGroupware is authenticating against this will 
provide you with a minimal "acl" (note the quotes :); there are instructions 
in phpgwapi/doc/vfs/vfs_dav on how to do this.

Jonathon Sim <address@hidden> Developer/Network address@hidden Ltd
JabberID: address@hidden

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