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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue

From: Brandon
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 10:53:35 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

>Technically, what is a gif file? Stripped of it's all powerful extension, it is
>nothing, no browser would know what to do with it. Perhaps some extremely 
>graphics app could understand it, but even then, that would be a developer and 
>not a
>"user" having such an app.
>I submit to you that when a .gif is no longer a ,gif, we no longer effectively 
>gif files in the CVS, not simply because we changed some alpha chars, but 
>because we
>have emasculated them as a result of that. Effectively, they are inert, 
>objects in that altered state. Ironic because of redmond's dependance on file
>extensions, but without its extension, the gif file is as impotent as a 
>"fixed" cat.

#ls *.gif
caution.gif    month.gif  planner.gif  toc-blank.gif  today.gif warning.gif
home.gif       next.gif   prev.gif     toc-minus.gif  up.gif week.gif
important.gif  note.gif   tip.gif      toc-plus.gif   view.gif year.gif

#mv month.gif month.zif
#file month.zif
month.zif: GIF image data, version 89a, 30 x 20

Obviously it's more than just an extension.


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