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[Pengfork-devel] AOL protocol analysis

From: Nicolas Burrus
Subject: [Pengfork-devel] AOL protocol analysis
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 19:06:15 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

Which version of vmware are you using ? Mine (3.1) use socket file for fifos, 
so  interceptty does not work. But as I needed to write a small tool to make 
AOL com port going throw network (the host with vmware and AOL is not the 
same than the one which have the modem), I solved the problem writing it :)

I think we should write a packet analyser, because compression and 
encapsulation make modem output not very readable :) We need to extract 
packet and then extract FDO tokens, etc ... Do you have started a work in 
this way ?

I'm going to try using L2TP protocol with AOL 6.0, but I wonder something 
(maybe dreaming), is AOL L2TP protocol the same than the one which is 
normalized, with an RFC, etc, etc ... ?

PS : I like your redesign :)


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