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[pdf-devel] Calendar spans

From: Aleksander Morgado
Subject: [pdf-devel] Calendar spans
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 17:03:22 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080421)

Hi Jose,

I have some questions regarding Calendar Spans in the Time Module:

pdf_time_add_cal_span (pdf_time_t object,
                       const struct pdf_time_cal_span_s cal_span)

In the function `pdf_time_add_cal_span', the idea is to add to a given pdf_time_t (stored internally in seconds since Unix timescale origin), a given time span stored in a calendar way (years, months, days, and so on). The thing is... this calendar span should be referred to a given time origin, as the number of seconds in a year or in a month really depends on the year or the month... The only idea I have is that the calendar span should be referred to the time variable also passed as argument, so that adding the calendar span would involve converting the given time variable to `calendar view', then apply the calendar span and then back to `seconds since Unix epoch' view.

pdf_time_diff_cal (const pdf_time_t time1,
                   const pdf_time_t time2,
                   struct pdf_time_cal_span_s *p_cal_span);

And another one: Time spans represented in calendar way can't be negative (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/pdf-devel/2008-04/msg00017.html). So in functions like `pdf_time_diff_cal', how can be detected which is the time variable which is used as time origin for the calendar span returned? I can't say for example that the origin is always the first time variable passed.

BTW, is it really necessary/useful a time span stored in calendar way, taking into account that it must be referred to a given time origin?


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