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RE: Your input is needed: Use regexp to match content

From: Cook, Malcolm
Subject: RE: Your input is needed: Use regexp to match content
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 17:51:49 +0000

Hi Ole,

> I am really happy about the {= =} construct (thanks Malcolm - it was a 
> brilliant
> idea).

You're most welcome.  I use it myself all the time 😉

> But it is a bit cumbersome to use that when a regexp would just match.
> echo 2023-10-29 |
>   parallel echo 'Year={=s/(....)-..-../$1/=} Month={=s/....-(..)-../$1/=} Day 
> of
> month={=s/....-..-(..)/$1/=}'
> In this case you could use --colsep:
> echo 2023-10-29 |
>   parallel --colsep - echo 'Year={1} Month={2} Day of month={3}'

I don't yet see a motivating example that cannot make use of perl's named 
capture groups.


echo 2023-10-29 |  parallel echo 
'{=s/(?<YYYY>....)-(?<MM>..)-(?<DD>..)/Year=$+{YYYY} Month=$+{MM} Day of 
Year=2023 Month=10 Day of month=29

> But when it gets more complex you cannot:
> echo 2023-10-29T23:59:59+01:00 |
>   parallel echo ' \
>   Y={=s/(....)-..-..T..:..:..[-+]..:../$1/=} \
>   M={=s/....-(..)-..T..:..:..[-+]..:../$1/=} \
>   D={=s/....-..-(..)T..:..:..[-+]..:../$1/=} \
>   H={=s/....-..-..T(..):..:..[-+]..:../$1/=} \
>   M={=s/....-..-..T..:(..):..[-+]..:../$1/=} \
>   S={=s/....-..-..T..:..:(..)[-+]..:../$1/=} \
>   Z={=s/....-..-..T..:..:..[-+](..:..)/$1/=}
>   '
> or:
> echo 2023-10-29T23:59:59+01:00 |
>   parallel --rpl '{D(.)} s/(....)-(..)-(..)T(..):(..):(..)[-+](..:..)/$$$1/' \
>     echo Y={D1} M={D2} D={D3} H={D4} M={D5} S={D6} Z={D7}
> But wouldn't it be nice if you could simply match the line (THIS IS ONLY AN
> IDEA):
> echo 2023-10-29T23:59:59+01:00 |
>   parallel --match '((....)-(..)-(..))T((..):(..):(..))[-+](..:..)' \
>     echo YMD={1} Y={2} M={3} D={4} HMS={5} H={6} M={7} S={8} Z={9}

But you can do this already:

echo 2023-10-29T23:59:59+01:00  | parallel echo 
'{=s/((....)-(..)-(..))T((..):(..):(..))[-+](..:..)/YMD=$1 Y=$2 M=$3 D=$4 
HMS=$5 H=$6 M=$7 S=$8 Z=$9/=}'

YMD=2023-10-29 Y=2023 M=10 D=29 HMS=23:59:59 H=23 M=59 S=59 Z=01:00


~ Malcolm

> I am not sure how easy it is to implement, but let us assume it is doable.
> What should this do:
> echo 2023-10-29T23:59:59+01:00 |
>   parallel --match '(....)-(..)-(..)T(..):(..):(..)[-+](..:..)' \
>     echo {}
> Multiple input sources:
> parallel --match '(.)-(..)' echo {} {1}/{2}/{3}/{4} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: E-FF 
> G-HH
> What happens if input data does not match:
> parallel --match '(.)-(..)' echo {} {1}/{2}/{3}/{4} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: -FF 
> Different formats for different input sources:
> parallel --match '(.)-(..)' --match '(..)-(.)' \
>   echo {} {1}/{2}/{3}/{4} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: EE-F GG-H
> Can I access E-FF? (which used to be {2})
> parallel --match '(.)-(..)' \
>   echo {2-orig?} {1}/{2}/{3}/{4} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: E-FF G-HH
> Or must I make a match group for the original {2}?
> parallel --match '((.)-(..))' \
>   echo {4} {2}/{3}/{6}/{7} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: E-FF G-HH
> Is there an easy way to go from:
> parallel echo {2} {1} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: E-FF G-HH
> to this (where I have to calculate what number {4} would get):
> parallel --match '((.)-(..))' \
>   echo {4} {1} {3} ::: A-BB C-DD ::: E-FF G-HH
> Maybe matched vars should not be called {4} but {m4}; so {2} can keep its
> meaning?
> /Ole

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