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[Paparazzi-devel] Throttle Channel

From: Jorge Pantoja
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Throttle Channel
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 19:51:12 -0500

Dear all,

I am having a problem setting up the Throttle servo readings on the ground station. My current setting is as follows:

Radio Controller
Throttle channel is on the NORMAL position (not reversed)

Airframe File
<servo name="THROTTLE" no="4" min="900" neutral="900" max="1800"/>

Radio File
 <channel ctl="A" function="THROTTLE" min="900" neutral="900" max="2000" average="0"/>

Servo: Futaba S3003

With this configuration my servo moves in the correct direction. However, on the ground station when my Throttle stick (on the Radio Controller) is at a minimum the ground station reads it as a Maximum (100% throttle) and vice versa. I tried reversing the "min" and "max" values on the airframe and radio files to try different combinations but when I try other configurations the throttle servo stops moving.

I there a way to solve this problem on the software to avoid changing the servo installation on the airplane?

Best Regards,
Jorge Pantoja
Program Manager/Liaison
Phone: +593-989458127

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