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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LisaL/Aspirin IMU Issues

From: Cédric Marzer
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LisaL/Aspirin IMU Issues
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 16:15:14 +0100

It might be a stupid idea and you probably considered that already, but who knows : " the time to failure was shorter each time" = I would check the power supply…


De : address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden De la part de Luke Barnett
Envoyé : jeudi, 22. décembre 2011 10:31
À : address@hidden
Objet : Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LisaL/Aspirin IMU Issues


Hi Heinrich,


Thanks for the reply. The motors were not running, the board was actually removed from the quadcopter and sitting on my desk. During the whole time it was not touched or moved so I would expect minimal vibrations during this time. Interestingly, over three successive times, (i unplugged the board for 10 seconds, then powered it up again after each time) the time to failure was shorter each time. This leads me to think it may be a failure related to temperature, however, when looking at it today running the test_imu_aspirin program it read incorrectly from the start. So not really sure what is going on. 





Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:09:51 +0100
From: "Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers" <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LisaL/Aspirin IMU Issues
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; Format="flowed"

Hello Banett,
some Questions:
Where the motor ruining? Then 5 to 20% full scale vibration is normal.
Is this a temperature problem ? Test it with cooling and hot air.
Sometimes the plastic of the mens  has large humidity and this results
in contact problems by the soldering and destroy the chips.

Luke Barnett schrieb:

> Hello Everyone,
> I'm new to paparazzi and have been trying to get a quadcopter with
> Lisa/L and Aspirin IMU working over the last few months. However, I
> have noticed that after a period of time that I the quadcopter would
> seemingly lose orientation. For example the pfd would suddenly change
> orientation even when the quadrotor was on the ground. Luckily this
> has only happened a few times whilst actually flying.
> I have been benchtesting the setup out of the airframe and have been
> able to replicate the issue quite easily by just leaving running on
> the bench. After a period of time (so far between 8 and 14 minutes run
> time) it occurs again and what I have notices is that the raw
> accelerometer readings go haywire around the same time. Prior to this
> everything seems to  be behaving normally. I've attached a screenshot
> of the logs to illustrate what is happening.
> Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing this?  Any help would
> be appreciated.
> Thanks and Regards
> Luke
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