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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Two independent Ailerons

From: Stephen Dwyer
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Two independent Ailerons
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:52:50 -0700

Hello Jochen,

Below is an excerpt from my airframe, which has two servos, one for
each aileron, and then throttle, elevator, rudder and ignition cut. It
was based off of some of the example airframes in conf/airframes. You
don't need to edit anything in the radio file, only the airframe file.
Hopefully that helps.

<!-- commands section -->
    <servo name="MOTOR"         no="4" min="1200" neutral="1200"
max="1887"/> <!-- min and neutral typically the same -->
    <servo name="AILERON_RIGHT"  no="3" min="1245" neutral="1500" max="1755"/>
    <servo name="ELEVATOR"      no="7" min="1762" neutral="1500" max="1238"/>
    <servo name="RUDDER"        no="6" min="1786" neutral="1500" max="1214"/>
    <servo name="AILERON_LEFT" no="2" min="1245" neutral="1500" max="1755"/>
    <servo name="IGN_CUT"              no="0" min="1115" neutral="1508" 

<!-- commands, failsafe_value range: [-9600:9600], [0:9600] for throttle -->
<!-- these failsafe values are what is driven when no input to servos
from either r/c or autopilot control loops
     is present, results in locked servos, i.e. at bootup -->
    <axis name="THROTTLE"  failsafe_value="0"/>
    <axis name="ROLL"      failsafe_value="0"/>
    <axis name="PITCH"     failsafe_value="0"/>
    <axis name="YAW"       failsafe_value="0"/>
    <axis name="IGNCUT"    failsafe_value="-9000"/>  <!-- SET THIS UP!!! -->

<!-- links radio file definitions to commands in r/c mode -->
    <set command="THROTTLE" value="@THROTTLE"/>
    <set command="ROLL"     value="@ROLL"/>
    <set command="PITCH"    value="@PITCH"/>
    <set command="YAW"      value="@YAW"/>
    <set command="IGNCUT"   value="@IGNCUT"/>

<!-- commands that remain under r/c control even in auto -->
    <set command="IGNCUT" value="@IGNCUT"/>
    <set command="YAW" value="@YAW"/> <!-- to disable r/c rudder in
auto, use empty section -->

<!-- commands that remain under auto control even in r/c -->

  <section name="MIXER">
    <define name="AILERON_DIFF" value="0.8"/>

<!-- links commands to servos -->
    <set servo="MOTOR" value="@THROTTLE"/>
    <set servo="ELEVATOR" value="@PITCH"/>
    <let var="roll" value="@ROLL"/>
    <set servo="AILERON_LEFT" value="($roll > 0 ? 1 : AILERON_DIFF) * $roll"/>
    <set servo="AILERON_RIGHT" value="($roll > 0 ? AILERON_DIFF : 1) * $roll"/>
    <set servo="RUDDER" value="@YAW"/> <!-- may want to mix with
aileron or write new control loop(s) -->
    <set servo="IGN_CUT" value="@IGNCUT"/>


On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Christophe De Wagter
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Any combination of any radio stick to any combination of servo movements is
> possible, so if you are making for instance a paraglider and would like to
> "pull left" and "pull right" (independent ailerons) with different sticks
> that is possible.
> however, the automatic flight (autopilot) has only 1 roll command and 1
> pitch command.
> In this case the servo-mixing should be "if roll_command < 0 (left), right =
> release and left = - roll_command, if roll_command > 0: left = release,
> right = roll_command.
> -Christophe
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Jochen Rieger <address@hidden>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is it available to fly with two independent ailerons for rolling. What
>> should I edit in the radio file?
>> Best regards.
>> Jochen
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