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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem With GCS

From: Luiz Flavio Felizardo
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem With GCS
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 16:58:37 -0300

Thats a common error for beginners. I Myself got stuck with it for a month before I realize my connectors from Xbee to the Autopilot came inverted from the factory.

There are several possibilities.
U should check the FAQs and double check every connection and cofiguration.. something is wrong or missing.

Other than that u can run
ivyprobe '(.*)'
on your terminal.
If u get NON stop messages means it should be working... if u get only some Ready messages and nothing else it means your telemetry is not working and u must double check everything like Rui and I told u.


2011/9/22 Tasos Sagiotis <address@hidden>
I have a problem with GCS. I use the Tiny v2.11 autopilot. when using "sim" target everything works fine but when I try to run "ap" target after uploading to the autopilot and selecting  the "Flight XBee 2.4GHz" session CGS is not displaying neither the instruments neither the map.

Any help?

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