I live at lat0=60.381221 lon0=5.152867
in Norway. I can not find any SRTM data for
the area where I live.
I am working to understand the altitude data
in the flight plan, and also the "AGL" value in the GCS. I have
searched through the mailing list for explanations; found some, but
still I have a way to go.
The following is part of my current flight
<block name="Geo init">
<while cond="LessThan(NavBlockTime(), 10)"/>
<call fun="NavSetGroundReferenceHere()"/>
<call fun="NavSetWaypointHere(WP_HOME)"/>
<set value="ground_alt" var="waypoints[WP_TD].a"/>
<set value="ground_alt+10" var="waypoints[WP_AF].a"/>
Does the statement <while cond="LessThan(NavBlockTime(),
10)"/> specify the time of determining "ground_alt" ?
How is this statement explained ?
How is "AGL" in the GCS computed? Is it the altitude given by the GPS
minus "ground_alt" ?
Is "Alt" in the GCS the altitude given by the GPS at any time ?
Thank you for any help,
Best regards,
Helge Walle.