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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] barometric samplerate

From: Martin Mueller
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] barometric samplerate
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 07:56:30 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100411)

Hallo Tobi,

the sensor supports 1.8Hz in high resolution mode (that is used in the Paparazzi code) and 9Hz in high speed mode, see datasheet. The German distributor Hy-Line mentioned that the SCP1000 will be discontinued - so maybe do not use it for new designs.


address@hidden wrote:
 Hi everyone,

I m looking for some help with the files related to the scp1000

just for some backround - I have a twog flying (auto2) for some time and put a few weeks ago a SCP1000 from Sparcfun on it (I jused the baro_scp.*) - worked pretty good so far
until now the data is just send back to the groundstation --

now its getting tricky :-) 1. I have planed to do some flighttest for parameter identification like the derivatives of the airplane therfor I realy like to increase the sampling rate of the sensor to at least 10 Hz or more ervery think I tryed ends up with a lot of data in the log files but the values of the pressure seems to change only at an rate of 2Hz

any ideas how I can change this?

2. has anyone already tryed to use the scp as altimeter source? if so - at what sampling rate did you implemented the scp?

tx in advance guys - Tobi

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