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[Paparazzi-devel] confused between telemetry and datalink

From: Zouhair Mahboubi
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] confused between telemetry and datalink
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 19:23:13 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Small question:
How is dl_parse_message supposed to differentiate between messages received from the ground station as part of the datalink (uplink) and those that maybe received from other airborne ACs (telemetry)

It seems like the messages.xml uses the same message ID for messages in both telemetry and datalink. (per example GPS and PING have the same id) For the life of me I can't see how the autopilot code differentiates between the two since as long as DOWNLINK defined, the dl_parse_msg is called if a valid message is received.

The reason of the confusion is that I am trying to parse a telemetry message sent by one AC on the other. I've managed to do this by defining some custom message in both telemetry and datalink, but when I tried with the GPS message it complained about Exception: Failure "Wrong alignment of field 'utm_east' in message 'GPS". (I changed the message ID to avoid collision , but that wasn't it) It seems to want a certain alignment for the fields, but I can't move the fields around because the GCS expects the GPS message to be in that order...

Any hints?

Happy holidays,

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