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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Bug reports & minor annoyances for a newbie

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Bug reports & minor annoyances for a newbie
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:03:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090706)


thanks for these constructive remarks.

Maik Höpfel wrote:
- Creating a new A/C allows for a name with whitespace characters, but
building it fails. Should be enforced by the GCS.
I've added a check on A/C name and id

- I have not found an explanation in the wiki about what AUTO1/AUTO2
actually do. I know by now, but it still should be in the wiki.

Pleeeeaase, add it

- Python-lxml and python-wxgtk2.8 are not among the dependencies if
you build from SVN, but they are required by the Python messages tool.
added (python-wxgtk2.8 not available in Debian etch, python-wxgtk2.6 would work ?)
- There's no public IRC logs, even though it's a very important form
of communication for the project. I could set them up, if that's
wanted. I think it would be very helpful.
Please, and add a reference in the wiki

- Quite a few Important links are not in the wiki, and RCgroups seems
to be the main forum, but is not linked either. I'm thinking of
Mecevans build thread, Henrix/chris Easyglider airframe file, the
Paparazzi thread, the documentation for the Encoder board...
Since you've search for them, you probably know the best place to add them :-)

- The default for the GCS is the MJ5 aircraft, which I think is for a
Tiny1.3. Should probably be changed, as most newbies are going to go
with a Tiny2.11 or TWOG.
Changed for the Tiny2.11

So please, don't take this the wrong way,
You are welcome


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