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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Connecting the xsens IMU to the Tiny

From: Gautier Hattenberger
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Connecting the xsens IMU to the Tiny
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 15:35:48 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090608)


There is no really "official" code...
I did the one using the modules ( and and this driver may have some remaining bugs... I used it some time ago with a quadrotor, but never on a fixed wing airframe. Right now, there is nothing to update the estimator with the ins data.

If you want to use it anyway, activate the modules with the flag -DUSE_MODULES and load the module with :
 <load name="ins_xsens.xml"/>
(if you have an MTiG on uart0 at 115200, try ins_xsens_MTiG_Uart0.xml)
I have not fully tested that, so please report if you have bugs.


Andreas Gaeb a écrit :
Haiyang Chao schrieb:
I think u just need to run the setting using MT manager for the first time.
Set stuffs like update frequency, mode, etc.

For initialization, GoToConfig --- SetOutputMode ----- SetOutputSettings
ACK will be sent after each step.

It seems that it is necessary to introduce a short pause between the
subsequent messages. Experimenting showed about 2 ms to be necessary.
With these pauses I can set different output modes from the init
routine, and it works also directly after flashing. So the communication
 seems to be working completely right now.

Apart from that: Right now I'm using the code from the modules/ins/
subdirectory, though there is also some Xsens related code in the csc/
subdirectory. Is any of the two considered the 'official' one which is
to be preferred for further development?


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