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[Paparazzi-devel] the error:invalid_argument ("Latlong.of_utm")

From: xujohnathan
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] the error:invalid_argument ("Latlong.of_utm")
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 08:00:39 +0000

hi ,i have another problem
    today, i update the LEA-5H's firmware to v5.00,then manually setup the parameters as shown in the wiki,then modify my Airframe file like "ap.CFLAGS += -DGPS -DUBX -DUSE_UART0 -DGPS_LINK=Uart0 -DUART0_BAUD=B38400 -DGPS_USE_LATLONG -DGPS_LED=2 ap.srcs += gps_ubx.c gps.c latlong.c". Compiling ,then power the tiny2.11,and load gcc.the gcc report error:"invalid_argument ("Latlong.of_utm"),but the gcc can receive the gps signal,what wrong whit it?
   before i update LEA-5H firmware,the LEA-5H work health and gcc no error report.

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