Hi Jeremy,
Thats the problem, I'm worried about the high power, and although the Maxstream 9Xtend is programmable for that, it's very big and bulky for a small MAV. The Radiotronix 868's were ordered for a few days ago and tracking says delivery tomorrow. I'm looking forward to them, I also have on order PCB antennas like the once you mentioned, those should turn up pretty soon too. I save almost 18gms switching over to the lighter modem, and lots more space. Do you use a small patch antenna on the RX? What sort of range do you get? I was thinking of building a small patch antenna for it ( http://www.rc-cam.com/gp_patch.htm ). We require at lease 1 km in the air. Unfortunately, the 900mhz video TX's are all pretty heavy, and almost all of them operate at 12V. Thanks for the links. I wish a 100mW non cased 900mhz video TX was available :( Only RF-Links has them, and I'm definitely avoiding them.
BTW, I have a local source now for all the 1.25mm crimps, housings, inserts and pre crimped leads. If anyone is interested in pre crimped leads, I'd be happy to help. I'd be even better if we could consolidate and put in a big order.
----- Original Message ----
From: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 10:42:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Molex Pico blade, now Radio modem and video TX q uestion
There are lots of modem choices on the wiki, and anything that works as a transparent serial line will work as well. Be careful with the high power modems as they will cause interference with everything. We've had great results with the little radiotronix 868 but less success with the similar 900Mhz version.
You can also experiment with 900Mhz video. It should work better in theory but unfortunately, most of the newer (better) hardware is 2.4G. Rangevideo.com sells some of the 900MHz Lawmate stuff. Also check Futurehobbies.com, Supercircuits.com, and any other vendors you can find that sell Lawmate or Misumi wireless video parts. Avoid RF-Links unless you have more money than you know what to do with.