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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Tiny on larger glow/gas aircraft

From: Matthew Currie
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Tiny on larger glow/gas aircraft
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 18:55:06 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)


You will likely get a wealth of information about gas engines/exhaust + copilot from RC forums as they are obviously much more popular for non-uav applications. When I bought my first FMA copilot several years ago, the manual contained numerous photos with gas planes in the instruction manual. Check the support section of the FMA site for a PDF user manual for the Co-pilot system as a lot of questions may be answered in detail there. I saw the FMA co-pilot mounted to the bottom of the fuselage often which keeps it outside line-of-sight of the engine but not from the exhaust oils. The IR sensors have a "viewing angle" and it goes without saying that a hot engine should not be within this "cone". This wiki image demonstrates example temperatures the IR sensor might be looking to see:

The servos will operate with lower PWM voltage. It is common in the RC world for large models to apply a seperate 6.0V supply to the servos.

Matthew Currie

Daniel Kauter wrote:
Hi everyone,

Has anyone tried using paparazzi with gas or glow engined planes, and if so, 
was it a success? If not, could anyone speculate on whether it would?

My concerns with it relate to the IR sensors:

1. Would the hot exhaust (which contains oils and residues) significantly 
affect the angle measurements? There is likely to be hot exhaust behind, and to 
one side of the aircraft, and possibly even below. The best strategy I can see 
to mitigate this is to mount the x,y sensor high on the tail.

2. Would the hot engine at the front of the plane affect the angle measurements 
significantly? Hopefully the fuselage will shield most of the engine from the 
IR sensors fov, but probably not completely.

3. Would hot oil and exhaust damage the IR sensors? Being on the outside of the 
aircraft, I imagine it would be hard to ensure they are safe from this.

My only other concern is with regard to larger aircraft. Obviously the 5V 
supply won't be capable of supplying 5 or 6 large servos, so I am planning to 
supply them from a 6.0V NiCd. Does anyone know if the servos will have a 
problem detecting their 5V PWM signals from the Tiny when their supply voltage 
is higher?

Thanks in advance to those who respond. Your input may save me a lot of time 
pursueing something that might not work!

Also, thanks to everyone who has helped create paparazzi. My team and I enjoyed using it to build our MAV last year. I'm hoping we can continue using it this year with a larger aircraft for this:

Maybe paparazzi can get another title under its belt!



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