They shouldn't call it pan2, just pan. AIU the dependencies have
changed somewhat since then.
Can you try (or have you tried) to mimic the behaviour of how
MacPorts/Fink do things, such as add -I/opt/local/include manually
to your CxxFLAGS, and -L/opt/local/lib to your LDFLAGS, and
anything else needed? Surely /opt/bin & /opt/local/bin are
already in your PATH, then I would hope 0.126's configure script
should already have detected where the msgfmt tools are located on
your system. Stuff like this would be required since /opt isn't
usually considered a "normal" topdir to look under (whether it
should be is a matter for the projects to decide, for now the
package managers need to deal with it as they have been doing ;) ).