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[Pan-users] Re: we're at the root of my problem -- no config.xml file

From: lenny bruce
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: we're at the root of my problem -- no config.xml file
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 16:57:13 -0700

At 11:13 AM -0700 9/16/02, Charles Kerr wrote:
> I have no config.xml file... Fink didn't install one: bad
> package-management.
> could someone send me a nice config.xml file that I could modify?
> I think sans 10 is pan's internal default
> and a config file could override that

Fink doesn't install one; Pan generates it automatically.

What version of Pan are you running that doesn't have a config.xml file?
I'd be very surprised if it's not there.

Fink is a debian-style package manager fronting dpkg and apt-get
from a specially-adjusted archive of sources and binaries
to do FreeBSD-type ports for Mac OS X and Darwin in XFree86's XDarwin
since Mac OS X is a special hybrid of NeXTStep/OpenStep/FreeBSD/OpenBSD

Graphical newsreader


Maintainer: Max Horn <address@hidden

some of these Fink packages are better configured than others

I've found sometimes the programs are correctly compiled
but the package maintainer blows installing the prefs.

I find this happens as an accidental side-effect
because the package maintainer necessarily tests their package manually
and they have a working pref file from their many manual test-installs
and don't realize when their package doesn't install one

in these cases

* sometimes I find a perfectly good pref not installed
  either in /sw/share/{package} or /sw/share/doc

* sometimes there's no pref anywhere

      + and the program creates a new pref file on the first run

      + and the program limps along partially but never creating a pref file

      + and the program freaks out because there's no pref file

in this package's case... there's no pref to be found anywhere.

Pan actually does run the first time
and it creates some files and folders on the first run

~/.pan/data/{server nickname}

but still does not create a config.xml file

and then it refuses to run after this point
often complaining of many different things
but always missing font fallback "Sans 10"
when it fails to find any font set up for it

anyway... please...
could someone please send me a config.xml file
so I can edit it and make Pan useable with it?

lenny bruce                        I am not a comedian,
address@hidden      I am Lenny Bruce.

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