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Re: [Pan-devel] Re: Sending email problems

From: Wiliam Harrington
Subject: Re: [Pan-devel] Re: Sending email problems
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 10:35:10 -0500

On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 03:16:44 -0700
Duncan <address@hidden> wrote:

> Wiliam Harrington posted
> <address@hidden>, excerpted below,  on
> Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:44:57 -0500:
> >    Using 0.14.90 I press R to reply by email. I have my profile set. It
> >    still tried to send it via nntp and fails as the news server doesn't
> >    accept posting. Any ideas? Results in message being put in send queue.
> This should go to the user list rather than the developer list.  However,
> now that it's here anyway...
> You get the same composition dialog when mailing or posting to group (or
> to both).  The difference is in what (sending only. from line and sig,
> nothing about where it's going except that determines which from line and
> sig ar used) profile is used, and which line, the newsgroups line or the
> mailto line, is filled in.
> You also don't mention if it works correctly if you use the menu option
> instead of the hotkey.  Note that the hotkeys can be changed, so if R
> isn't doing what you expect, maybe it's because the hotkey was changed, if
> going thru the menus works.
> In any case, however, as I mentioned, the dialog is the same.  The only
> thing that changes with the mail function vs the post to group function is
> which line, newsgroups or mailto, is filled out.  Thus, if it's the
> newsgroups line filled out, delete that and fill out the mailto line
> instead, and it should go thru the mail.
> This assumes of course you've set PAN up to know what server to use to
> mail it, which is separate from setting up any profiles.  Look under
> Preferences, Apps and Mail tab, Sending Mail.  You should have an SMTP
> server address and port number (default 25) set there.

The config is right. The news groups line has nothing, and the mail to line has 
the address to which to send it. Sendinga new mail results in pan still trying 
to send it via nntp. The debug sockets shows it that way. The dialog comes up 
with usenet posting failed. It shouldn't even try to send it via the nntp, just 
the smtp.

(     nntp.c:476:           nntp_read)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET INPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 read [201 InterNetNews NNRP server INN 
2.4.3 (20050330 prerelease) ready (no posting).]
(     nntp.c:483:           nntp_read)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET INPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 nntp_read done reading
(     nntp.c:575:      set_watch_mode)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET INPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 setting mode write
(     nntp.c:215:          nntp_write)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET OUTPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 writing [POST]
(     nntp.c:560:      set_watch_mode)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET INPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 setting mode read
(     nntp.c:252:          nntp_write)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET OUTPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 done writing
(     nntp.c:476:           nntp_read)(time 10:14:16) SOCKET INPUT: channel 
0x82cb7c8 read [440 Posting not allowed]
pan - Usenet posting failed.  Check Tools|Log Viewer for more information.  
Your message was saved in the folder "pan.sendlater"

From: William Harrington <address@hidden>
Subject: Testing
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 10:11:59 -0500
User-Agent: Pan/0.14.90 ('Ere, he says he's not dead.)
Message-Id: <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
X-Face: 0a1ZYArL2y*5p-3AJ|,HRAH"RDrr?^R#*6^nG:?&;zk0Sby&70?2&qD=!:O';^t)nUw}N2r 
X-Pan-Internal-Sendlater-To: address@hidden
X-Pan-Internal-Post-Server: LFS
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


That is the message contents in the queue of a new post.

profile.xml settings
<profile name="Main">
                <author_real>William Harrington</author_real>
                <attribution>On %d, %n wrote:</attribution>

config.xml settings
<section key="Mail">
      <value key="smtp_address" type="s"></value>

That is the config for the mail server.

I notice there is no port setting there, so I guess 25 will always be default 
if nothing is in the config.xml.

It is still trying to send via nntp, even though everything is set for it to 
use smtp. It used to work with the older version. That is why I posted here. 
People have already posted in the user list about not being able to send mail, 
but that was apparently attributed to not having a correct setup. Looks good 
over here.

William Harrington

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