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Re: [Openexr-devel] Mac stuff

From: Paul Schneider
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Mac stuff
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 10:39:26 -0700

Forgot to CC the list, sorry...

Hi, Jo,

It looks like I'm probably the only person here with an interest in supporting OpenEXR on OS 9 :-).

OS 9 isn't officially supported by OpenEXR, but I'm interested in keeping it running on that platform as well. I know that some people have "unofficially" gotten the code to run on 9, and I tried to make the CFM project OS 9 compatible.

It is interesting why it doesn't work, because I haven't yet come across
anything ( not platform dependant ) that just flat out won't work on OS
9. To my mind OS 9's big disadvantage all these years ( really, I mean
classic Mac OS rather than simply OS 9 ) has been memory related issues.

Actually, it is a memory-related issue: It looks like the problem is that IlmImfTest is running out of stack space on OS 9. If you look at the HalfLut class, it has a 65K array of halves inside of it. The testLut code creates a HalfLut object on the stack, which overflows the stack and causes it to spill into the heap. With the heap corrupted like this, it's only a matter of time before the app dies, and it will most likely take the OS with it. Stack-heap collisions are the most common cause of old-style OS 9 lockups in my experience, although they're usually caused by infinite recursion rather than large one-time stack allocations.

I was able to get IlmImfTest to run successfully on OS 9 by changing the stack size from 64 K to 128 K in the "PPC Target" tab in CodeWarrior. I think that this is just an issue with the confidence test program. We actually removed all of the very large stack-based arrays from the PowerPC build of the EXR library awhile ago, because they were causing problems with the PPC's fixed stack size. If you're building a standalone application, the linker can figure out the maximum stack size you'll ever use, and just use that value all the time - I believe this is what gcc does, and CodeWarrior must be doing it on OS X as well, because IlmImfTest doesn't crash there. However, if you're building a plug-in for a host application, you're constrained to the host app's stack size, which is usually 64 K.

I could spend more time looking into this, but it'll take a little while
to figure out basically just what's going on. It's a pretty time
consuming process. I don't know how much interest there is in OpenEXR on
OS 9 in any case, I won't really be sad if I end up making the OpenEXR
output in my app just work on OS X and Windows. I must say I do
appreciate the CFM Carbon project targets though, and as I intend to
stick with CFM on OS X for the time being it would be a shame to see
them go.

Hopefully, I've provided a solution. If you don't want to change the stack size, you could change testLut.cpp to allocate the HalfLut in the heap using a std::auto_ptr - this is the approach we took in the core EXR library (see IlmImfPizCompressor.C).

The CFM targets will stick around for awhile, I think - many popular image processing programs are still CFM on the Mac. I would think that more people are interested in CFM CodeWarrior projects than Mach-O CodeWarrior projects anyway - most Mach-O developers are using ProjectBuilder, as far as I'm aware. Anyone care to correct me?

- Paul

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