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Re: [oil2xsd] DAML+OIL support

From: Stefan Merten
Subject: Re: [oil2xsd] DAML+OIL support
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 15:40:46 +0200


Hi again!

1 minutes ago Stefan Merten wrote:
> 5 days ago Iryna Gurevych wrote:
>> We find the reference description of DAML+OIL
>> (http://www.daml.org/2001/03/reference) particularly helpful to
>> understand a few differencies in the semantics of OIL and DAML+OIL.
> Indeed this seems to be a concise and understandable reference. I
> think it would be good to post it to this list and then discuss the
> necessary changes. I'll give it a start.

Here we go. I'll quote it e-mail like and write my comments in

>                          Reference description of the
>                 DAML+OIL (March 2001) ontology markup language
>    Feedback to [1]www-rdf-logic, please.
>    DAML+OIL (March 2001) version (revision 4.2): [2]Frank van Harmelen,
>    [3]Peter F. Patel-Schneider and [4]Ian Horrocks, editors.
>    Contributors: Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Brickley, Dan Connolly, Mike Dean,
>    Stefan Decker, Pat Hayes, Jeff Heflin, Jim Hendler, Ora Lassila, Deb
>    McGuinness, Lynn Andrea Stein, ...
> Abstract
>    DAML+OIL is a semantic markup language for Web resources. It builds on
>    earlier W3C standards such as RDF and RDF Schema, and extends these
>    languages with richer modelling primitives. DAML+OIL provides
>    modelling primitives commonly found in frame-based languages. DAML+OIL
>    (March 2001) extends DAML+OIL (December 2000) with values from XML
>    Schema datatypes. The language has a clean and well defined semantics.
>    This document gives a systematic, compact and informal description of
>    all the modelling primitives of DAML+OIL (March 2001). We expect this
>    document to serve as a reference guide for users of the DAML+OIL
>    language.
>      * Readers unfamiliar with DAML+OIL should first consult the
>        [5]DAML+OIL walkthrough for a more narrative description of an
>        example use of the language.
>      * The normative reference on the precise syntax of the language
>        constructs is the machine readable [6]RDF Schema definition of
>        DAML+OIL.
>      * Two references that give a precise definition of the meaning of
>        the language constructs are the [7]model-theoretic semantics and
>        the [8]KIF axiomatization.
> Contents
>      * [9]Introductory remarks
>      * [10]Header
>      * [11]Version information
>      * [12]Imports
>      * [13]Objects and Datatype Values
>      * [14]Class elements
>      * [15]Class expressions
>      * [16]Enumerations
>      * [17]Property restrictions
>      * [18]Boolean combination of class expressions
>      * [19]Property elements
>      * [20]Instances
>      * [21]Datatype Values
>      * [22]rdf:parseType="daml:collection"
>      * [23]Index of all language elements
>      * [24]Notes
> Introductory remarks
>    A DAML+OIL knowledge base is a collection of RDF triples. DAML+OIL
>    prescribes a specific meaning for triples that use the DAML+OIL
>    vocabulary. This document informally specifies which collections of
>    RDF triples constitute the DAML+OIL vocabulary and what the prescribed
>    meaning of such triples is.
>   Different syntactic forms
>    As with any set of RDF triples, DAML+OIL triples can be represented in
>    many different syntactic forms (as described in the [25]RDF
>    specification). The current document uses a specific RDF syntactic
>    form for these triples. However, it is also allowed to use any other
>    syntactic RDF form that results in the same underlying set of RDF
>    triples as the syntax used in this document. Such other syntactic form
>    would then carry exactly the same prescribed meaning as the equivalent
>    syntactic form used in this document. See [26]Syntax Note for an
>    example of this.
>   Mixing DAML+OIL with arbitrary RDF
>    As stated above, DAML+OIL assigns a specific meaning to certain RDF
>    triples. The [27]model-theoretic semantics specifies exactly which
>    triples are assigned a specific meaning, and what this meaning is.
>    DAML+OIL only provides a semantic interpretation for those parts of an
>    RDF graph that instantiate the schema defined in [28]daml+oil.daml.
>    Any additional RDF statements, resulting in additional RDF triples are
>    perfectly allowed, but DAML+OIL is silent on the semantic consequences
>    (or lack thereof) of such additional triples. See [29]Mixing Note for
>    an example of this. The KIF axiomatization provides a meaning for all
>    RDF triples, but non DAML+OIL triples are only modelled as triples,
>    nothing deeper.
> Language structure
>    A DAML+OIL ontology is made up of several components, some of which
>    are optional, and some of which may be repeated. See [30]the index for
>    a listing of all these components. Througout this document, DAML+OIL
>    constructs will be presented in a structured format, and not as bare
>    RDF triples. This structured RDF format is more natural to read, but,
>    of course, any way of generating the same RDF triples as generated by
>    the structured RDF format is equivalent.
>    A DAML+OIL ontology consists of zero or more [31]headers, followed by
>    zero or more [32]class elements, [33]property elements, and
>    [34]instances.
>   Header
>    An daml:Ontology element contains zero or more [35]version information
>    and [36]imports elements.
> <Ontology rdf:about="">
>   <versionInfo>$Id: reference.html,v 1.10 2001/04/11 16:27:53 mdean Exp 
> $</vers
>   <rdfs:comment>An example ontology</rdfs:comment>
>   <imports rdf:resource="http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil"/>
> </Ontology>
>   Version information
>    The daml:versionInfo element generally contains a string giving
>    information about this version, for example RCS/CVS keywords. This
>    element does not contribute to the logical meaning of the ontology.
>    See the example above.

The version information could be part of a global <annotation>.

>   Imports
>    Each daml:imports statement references another DAML+OIL ontology
>    containing definitions that apply to the current DAML+OIL resource.
>    Each reference consists of a URI specifying from where the ontology is
>    to be imported from. See the example above. Imports statements are
>    transitive, that is, if ontology A imports B, and B imports C, then A
>    imports both B and C. Importing an ontology into itself is considered
>    a null action, so if ontology A imports B and B imports A, then they
>    are considered to be equivalent.
>    Note that namespaces only provide a mechanism for creating unique
>    names for elements, and do not actually include definitions in the way
>    that imports does. Similarly, imports statements do not set up a
>    shorthand notation for names. Therefore, it is common to have imports
>    statements that correspond to each namespace. However, additional
>    imports may be used for ontologies that provide definitions without
>    introducing any new names.

<daml:imports> could be represented by a <xsd:include> or
<xsd:import>. However, for a start I'd say this is not supported by
early versions.

>   Objects and Datatype Values
>    DAML+OIL divides the universe into two disjoint parts. One part
>    consists of the values that belong to XML Schema datatypes.

This is great and allows us to remove some hacks which did introduce
XML Schema datatypes until now.

>    This part
>    is called the datatype domain. The other part consists of (individual)
>    objects that are considered to be members of classes described within
>    DAML+OIL (or RDF). This part is called the object domain.
>    DAML+OIL is mostly concerned with the creation of classes that
>    describe (or define) part of the object domain. Such classes are
>    called object classes and are elements of daml:Class, a subclass of
>    rdfs:Class. DAML+OIL (March 2001) also allows the use of XML Schema
>    datatypes to describe (or define) part of the datatype domain. These
>    datatypes are used within DAML+OIL simply by including their URIs
>    within a DAML+OIL ontology. They are (implicitly) elements of
>    daml:Datatype. Datatypes are not DAML+OIL individual objects.

So in a sense a `daml2xsd' would only transform the object domain into
the datatype domain :-) .

>   Class elements
>    A class element, daml:Class, contains (part of) the definition of an
>    object class. A class element refers to a class name (a URI), (we will
>    refer to this class as C) and contains
>      * zero or more rdfs:subClassOf elements (each containing a
>        [37]class-expression).
>        Each subClassOf element asserts that C is a subclass of the
>        class-expression mentioned in the element. (Each class-expression
>        defines a (possibly anonymous) class).

This would mean multiple inheritance which is not possible in XML
Schema. Thus at most one `daml:subClassOf' element will be permitted.

>        Warning: The [38]RDF Schema specification demands that the
>        subclass-relation between classes must be acyclic. We believe this
>        to be too restrictive, since a cycle of subclass relationships
>        provides a useful way to assert equality between classes.
>        Consequently, DAML+OIL (March 2001) places no such restriction on
>        the subClassOf relationship between classes;
>      * zero or more daml:disjointWith elements (each containing a
>        [39]class-expression).
>        Each disjointWith element asserts that C is disjoint with the
>        class-expression in the element (ie. C must have no instances in
>        common with it);

IMHO this is important only for the ontology and need not be expressed
in XML Schema.

>      * zero or more daml:disjointUnionOf elements (each containing a list
>        of [40]class-expressions).
>        Each disjointUnionOf element asserts that C has the same instances
>        as the disjoint union of the class-expressions element. More
>        precisely: all of the classes defined by the class-expressions of
>        a disjointUnionOf element must be pairwise disjoint (i.e. there
>        can be no individual that is an instance of more than one of the
>        class expressions in the list.), and their union must be equal to
>        C;


>      * zero or more daml:sameClassAs elements (each containing a
>        [41]class-expression).
>        Each sameClassAs element asserts that C is equivalent to the
>        class-expression in the element (ie. C and all the
>        class-expression must have the same instances);


>      * zero or more daml:equivalentToelements (each containing a
>        [42]class expression)
>        When applied to a class, the equivalentTo element has the same
>        semantics as the sameClassAs element.
>        Warning: the use of sameClassAs is favoured over the use of
>        equivalentTo, since sameClassAs is declared as a subProperty of
>        subClassOf, while equivalentTo is not. This makes the meaning of
>        sameClassAs at least partly available to an RDF Schema-only agent,
>        while the meaning of equivalentTo is completely opaque to such an
>        agent.


>      * zero or more [43]boolean combinations of class expressions.
>        The class C must be equivalent to the class defined by each of the
>        boolean class expression,
>        and

See below.

>      * zero or more [44]enumeration elements.
>        Each enumeration element asserts that C contains exactly the
>        instances enumerated in the element (i.e: no more, no less).
>        Although it is formally allowed to have multiple such assertions
>        about C, as soon as two of the enumerations are not equivalent,
>        the class C immediately becomes inconsistent (since C cannot be
>        equivalent to both of these enumerations at once).

See below.

>    Notice that the first two elements state necessary but not sufficient
>    conditions for class membership. The final four elements state both
>    necessary and sufficient conditions.
>   Class expressions
>    A class expression is the name used in this document for either
>      * a class name (a URI), or

This is the easy part.

>      * an [45]enumeration, enclosed in <daml:Class>...</daml:Class> tags,
>        or

This will be easy, too, I guess. However, we need named enumerations.

>      * a [46]property-restriction, or

See below.

>      * or a [47]boolean combination of class expressions, enclosed in
>        <rdfs:Class>...</rdfs:Class> tags

See below.

>    Each class expression either refers to a named class, namely the class
>    that is identified by the URI, or implicitly defines an anonymous
>    class, respectively the class that contains exactly the enumerated
>    elements, or the class of all instances which satisfy the
>    property-restriction, or the class that satisfies the boolean
>    combination of such expressions.

In general I guess we won't support arbitrary class expressions. Class
names and enumerations will be supported, however.

>    Two class names are already predefined, namely the classes daml:Thing
>    and daml:Nothing. Every object is a member of daml:Thing, and no
>    object is a member daml:Nothing. Consequently, every class is a
>    subclass of daml:Thing and daml:Nothing is a subclass of every class.
>   Enumerations
>    An enumeration is a daml:oneOf element, containing a list of the
>    objects that are its [48]instances.
>    This enables us to define a class by exhaustively enumerating its
>    elements. The class defined by the oneOf element contains exactly the
>    enumerated elements, no more, no less. For example:
> <daml:oneOf parseType="daml:collection">
>   <daml:Thing rdf:about="#Eurasia"/>
>   <daml:Thing rdf:about="#Africa"/>
>   <daml:Thing rdf:about="#North_America"/>
>   <daml:Thing rdf:about="#South_America "/>
>   <daml:Thing rdf:about="#Australia"/>
>   <daml:Thing rdf:about="#Antarctica"/>
> </oneOf>

This seems to be similar to what we have already. However, to me it
looks like having clearer semantics than what we have.

>   Property restrictions
>    A property restriction is a special kind of class expression. It
>    implicitly defines an anonymous class, namely the class of all objects
>    that satisfy the restriction. There are two kinds of restrictions. The
>    first kind, ObjectRestriction, works on [49]object properties, i.e.,
>    properties that relate objects to other objects. The second kind,
>    DatatypeRestriction, works on [50]datatype properties, i.e.,
>    properties that relate objects to datatype values. Both kinds of
>    restrictions are created using the same syntax, with the usual
>    difference being whether a class element or a datatype reference is
>    used. It is also possible to create restrictions that are neither
>    restrictions nor datatype restrictions, but these restrictions are not
>    handled within DAML+OIL.
>    A daml:Restriction element contains an daml:onProperty element, which
>    refers to a property name (a URI) (we will refer to this property as
>    P) and one or more of the following
>      * elements indicating the type of restriction:
>           + a daml:toClass element (which contains a [51]class expression
>             ).
>             A toClass element defines the class of all objects for whom
>             the values of property P all belong to the class expression.
>             In other words, it defines the class of object x for which it
>             holds that if the pair (x,y) is an instance of P, then y is
>             an instance of the class-expression or datatype;
>           + a daml:hasValue element (which contains (a reference to)
>             [52]an individual object or a [53]datatype value).
>             A hasValue element defines the class of all objects for whom
>             the property P has at least one value equal to the named
>             object or datatype value (and perhaps other values as well).
>             In other words, if we call the instance y, then it defines
>             the class of objects x for which (x,y) is an instance of P;
>           + A daml:hasClass element (which contains a [54]class
>             expression or a [55]datatype references).
>             A hasClass element defines the class of all objects for which
>             at least one value of the property P is a member of the class
>             expression or datatype. In other words, it defines the class
>             of objects x for which there is at least one instance y of
>             the class-expression or datatype such that (x,y) is an
>             instance of P. This does not exclude that there are other
>             instances (x,y') of P for which y' does not belong to the
>             class expression or datatype.
>        Notice that a toClass restriction is analogous to the universal
>        (for-all) quantifier of Predicate logic - for each instance of the
>        class or datatype that is being defined, every value for P must
>        fulfill the restriction. The hasClass restriction is analogous to
>        the existential quantifier of Predicate logic - for each instance
>        of the class or datatype that is being defined, there exists at
>        least one value for P that fulfils the restriction.
>        Also notice that the correspondence of toClass with the universal
>        quantifier means that a toClass restriction for a property P is
>        trivially satisfied for an instance that has no value for property
>        P at all. To see why this is so, observe that the toClass
>        restriction demands that all values of P belong to class P, and if
>        no such values exist, the restriction is trivially true.
>      * elements containing a non-negative integer (to which we will refer
>        as N) indicating an unqualified cardinality restriction:
>           + a daml:cardinality element.
>             This defines the class of all objects that have exactly N
>             distinct values for the property P, i.e. x is an instance of
>             the defined class if and only if there are N distinct values
>             y such that (x,y) is an instance of P;
>           + a daml:maxCardinality element.
>             This defines the class of all objects that have at most N
>             distinct values for the property P;
>           + a daml:minCardinality element.
>             This defines the class of all objects that have at least N
>             distinct values for the property P.
>      * elements containing a non-negative integer (to which we will refer
>        as N)indicating a qualified cardinality restriction, and
>        containing a daml:hasClassQ element, containing a [56]class
>        expression or a [57]datatype references:
>           + a daml:cardinalityQ element.
>             This defines the class of all objects that have exactly N
>             distinct values for the property P that are instances of the
>             class expression or datatype (and possibly other values not
>             belonging to the class expression or datatype). In other
>             words: x is an instance of the defined class (x satisfies the
>             restriction) if and only if there are exactly N distinct
>             values y such that (x,y) is an instance of P and y is an
>             instance of the class expression or datatype;
>           + a daml:maxCardinalityQ element.
>             This defines the class of all objects that have at most N
>             distinct values for the property P that are instances of the
>             class expression or datatype (and possibly other values not
>             belonging to the class expression or datatype);
>           + a daml:minCardinalityQ element.
>             This defines the class of all objects that have at least N
>             distinct values for the property P that are instances of the
>             class expression or datatype (and possibly other values not
>             belonging to the class expression or datatype).
>        Of course a cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair
>        of minCardinality and maxCardinality constraints with equal values
>        of N (and similarly for cardinalityQ).
>        Warning: in order to avoid "exposed content" (i.e., to hide
>        DAML+OIL annotations from browsers), it is necessary to write
>        cardinality constraints in an alternative RDF format. See
>        [58]Cardinality Syntax Notefor an example of this.
>    When there are multiple restrictions listed as part of a single
>    Restriction element, the property P has to satisfy all of the
>    restrictions (i.e., multiple restrictions are read as a conjunction).
>    Notice that the restrictedBy element which was associated with
>    slot-restrictions in earlier versions of the language has now been
>    removed, since it is completely synonymous with subClassOf.

I have to check that section later. I think I need to look at the
current code to understand. However, it sounds as if we do it already
this way.

>   Boolean combination of class expressions
>    A boolean combination of class expressions can be constructed from:
>      * an daml:intersectionOf element, containing a list of [59]class
>        expressions.
>        This defines the class that consists of exactly all the objects
>        that are common to all class expressions from the list. It is
>        analogous to logical conjunction;
>      * a daml:unionOf element, containing a list of [60]class
>        expressions.
>        This defines the class that consists exactly of all the objects
>        that belong to at least one of the class expressions from the
>        list. It is analogous to logical disjunction;
>      * a daml:complementOf element, containing a single [61]class
>        expression.
>        This defines the class that consists of exactly all objects that
>        do not belong to the class expression. It is analogous to logical
>        negation, but restricted to objects only.
>    Note that arbitrarily complex combinations of these expressions can be
>    formed.See [62]Boolean Notefor an example of this.

At the moment we support only <oils:Or> which seems to be
<daml:unionOf>. Other boolean combinations are not representable in
XML Schema.

>   Property elements
>    A rdf:Property element refers to a property name (a URI) (to which we
>    will refer as P). Properties that are used in property restrictions
>    should be either properties, which relate objects to other objects,
>    and are instances of ObjectProperty; or datatype properties, which
>    relate objects to datatype values, and are instances of
>    DatatypeProperty.
>    A property element contains:
>      * zero or more rdfs:subPropertyOf elements, each containing a
>        property name.
>        Each subPropertyOf element states that P is a subproperty of the
>        property named in the element. This means that every pair (x,y)
>        that is an instance of P is also an instance of the named
>        property;
>      * zero or more rdfs:domain elements (each containing a [63]class
>        expression).
>        Each domain element asserts that the property P only applies to
>        instances of the class expression of the element. More formally:
>        if a pair (x,y) is an instance of P, then x is an instance of the
>        class expression. This implies that multiple domain expressions
>        restrict the domain of P to the intersection of the class
>        expressions.
>        Warning: This is contrary to the semantics of the domain element
>        in the [64]RDF Schema specification, which we believe to be
>        flawed. Note that unlike any of the [65]property restrictions
>        mentioned above, these domain restrictions are global. The
>        property restrictions above are part of a class element, and are
>        only enforced on the property when applied to that class. In
>        contrast, domain restrictions apply to the property irrespective
>        of the Class to which it is applied. This is by virtue of their
>        semantics in RDF Schema;
>        Because of this, domain elements should be used with great care in
>        DAML+OIL.
>      * zero or more rdfs:range elements (each containing a [66]class
>        expression).
>        Each range element asserts that the property P only assumes values
>        that are instances of the class expression of the element. More
>        formally: a pair (x,y) can only be an instance of P if y is an
>        instance of the class expression.
>        Warning: Although the [67]RDF Schema specification only allows one
>        range restriction for each property, it seems quite natural to
>        allow multiple range restrictions. These would then again be
>        interpreted as saying that the range of P must be the intersection
>        of all the class expressions. Furthermore, as with domain
>        restrictions, range restrictions are global, by virtue of RDF
>        Schema;
>        Because of this, range elements should be used with great care in
>        DAML+OIL.
>      * zero or more daml:samePropertyAs elements (each containing a
>        property name).
>        Each samePropertyAs element asserts that P is equivalent to the
>        named property (i.e. they must have the same instances),
>      * zero or more equivalentTo elements (each containing a property
>        name).
>        When applied to a property, the equivalentTo element has the same
>        semantics as the samePropertyAs element;
>        Warning: the use of samePropertyAs is favoured over the use of
>        equivalentTo, since samePropertyAs is declared as a subProperty of
>        subPropertyOf, while equivalentTo is not. This makes the meaning
>        of samePropertyAs at least partly available to an RDF Schema-only
>        agent, while the meaning of equivalentTo is completely opaque to
>        such an agent.
>        and
>      * zero or more daml:inverseOf elements (each containing a property
>        name), for properties only.
>        Each inverseOf element asserts that P is the inverse relation of
>        the named property. More formally: if the pair (x,y) is an
>        instance of P, than the pair (y,x) is an instance of the named
>        property.
>    Instead of an object property or datatype property element, it is also
>    possible to use any of the following elements, each of which assert
>    additional information about the property:
>      * a daml:TransitiveProperty element, which is a subclass of
>        ObjectProperty.
>        This asserts that P is transitive, i.e: if the pair (x,y) is an
>        instance of P, and the pair (y,z) is an instance of P, then the
>        pair (x,z) is also an instance of P;
>      * a daml:UniqueProperty element.
>        This asserts that P can only have one (unique) value y for each
>        instance x, i.e: there cannot be two distinct instances y1 and y2
>        such that the pairs (x,y1) and (x,y2) are both instances of P. Of
>        course, this is a shorthand notation for the maxCardinality
>        restriction of 1,
>        or
>      * an daml:UnambigousProperty element, which is a subclass of
>        ObjectProperty.
>        This asserts that an instance y can only be the value of P for a
>        single instance x, i.e: there cannot be two distinct instances x1
>        and x2 such that both (x1,y) and (x2,y) are both instances of P.
>        Notice that the inverse property of a UniqueProperty is always an
>        UnambigousProperty and vice versa.
>    Notice that UniqueProperty and UnambiguousProperty specify global
>    cardinality restrictions. That is, no matter what class the property
>    is applied to, the cardinality constraints must hold, unlike the
>    various cardinality properties used in [68]property restrictions,
>    which are part of a class element, and are only enforced on the
>    property when applied to that class.
>    A property is a binary relation that may or may not be defined in the
>    ontology. If it is not defined, then it is assumed to be a binary
>    relation with no globally applicable constraints, i.e. any pair with
>    first element an object and second element an object or datatype value
>    could be an instance of the property.
>    Warning: If a transitive property (or any of its superproperties) is
>    used in a cardinality constraint, then class consistency is no longer
>    necessarily decidable. Of course, UniqueProperty is a a particular
>    case of a cardinality constraint.

I have to check that section again looking into the code. Did we
support that? I don't think so.

>   Instances
>    Instances of both classes (i.e., objects) and of properties (i.e.,
>    pairs) are written in [69]RDF and [70]RDF Schema syntax.
>    See the specification of these languages for more details on the
>    various syntactic forms that are allowed. Here we list just some of
>    the most common notations:
> <continent rdf:ID="Asia"/>
> <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Asia">
>   <rdf:type>
>    <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#continent"/>
>   </rdf:type>
> </rdf:Description>
> <rdf:Description rdf:ID="India">
>   <is_part_of rdf:resource="#Asia"/>
> </rdf:Description>
>    There is no unique name assumption for objects in DAML+OIL. To state
>    that objects are the same, a daml:sameIndividualAs element is used.
>    (Note that daml:equivalentTo can be also used here, but
>    daml:sameIndividual is preferred. To state that objects are distinct,
>    a daml:differentIndividualFrom element is used. The situation is
>    different for datatype values, where XML Schema Datatype identity is
>    used.

This is already supported and results in <xsd:enumeration>s.

>   Datatype Values
>    Datatype values are written in a manner that is valid RDF syntax, but
>    which is given a special semantics in DAML+OIL. The preferred method
>    is to give a lexical representation of the value as a string, along
>    with an XML Schema datatype that is used to provide the type of the
>    value as well as the parsing mechanism to go from the string to the
>    value itself. The XML Schema datatype is the rdf:type of the value,
>    and the lexical representation is the rdf:value of the value. So the
>    decimal 10.5 could be input as <xsd:decimal rdf:value="10.5"> provided
>    that xsd was defined as the URI of the XML Schema Datatype
>    specification.
>    As a nod to backward compatability, literals that occur outside this
>    sort of construction are interpreted as any of the XML Schema Datatype
>    values with this lexical representation. These values are mostly
>    unusable unless some typing information is available, such as a range
>    for a property.
>    The question of whether any XML Schema datatype can be used in such
>    constructions, or whether only certain XML Schema dataypes can be so
>    used (such as only the predefined datatypes), remains open.

So we have to take care to integrate that correctly.

> rdf:parseType="daml:collection"
>    DAML+OIL needs to represent unordered collections of items (also known
>    as bags, or multisets) in a number of constructions, such as
>    intersectionOf, unionOf, oneOf, disjointUnionOf and Disjoint. DAML+OIL
>    exploits the rdf:parseType attribute to extend the syntax for RDF with
>    a convenient notation for such collections. Whenever an element has
>    the rdf:parseType attribute with value "daml:collection", the enclosed
>    elements must be interpreted as elements in a list structure,
>    constructed using the elements List, first, rest and nil.
>    For example, the statement
> <oneOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#red"/>
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#white"/>
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#blue"/>
> </oneOf>
>    should be interpreted as the following construction (also known as a
>    consed-pair construction, from Lisp-lore):
> <List>
>  <first>
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#red">
>  </first>
>  <rest>
>   <List>
>    <first>
>     <Thing rdf:resource="#white">
>    </first>
>    <rest>
>     <List>
>      <first>
>       <Thing rdf:resource="#blue">
>      </first>
>      <rest>
>       <List rdf:resource="http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil#nil";>
>      </rest>
>     </List>
>    </rest>
>   </List>
>  </rest>
> </List>
>    Current RDF parsers ([71]RDF specification of February '99) will not
>    support the daml:collection parseType. In order to process DAML+OIL
>    documents, such parsers will have to be extended, or a separate
>    preprocessing stage is required which translates the first form above
>    into the second before the DAM+OIL code is given as input to the RDF
>    parser.
>    Note that structures of parseType daml:collection are intended to
>    represent unordered collections, even though the RDF datastructure
>    imposes a specific order on the elements.

I guess we already do it that way.

> Appendix: Index of all language elements
> Notes
> References
>    1. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-logic/
>    2. http://www.cs.vu.nl/%7Efrankh
>    3. http://www.bell-labs.com/user/pfps
>    4. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/%7Ehorrocks
>    5. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-walkthru.html
>    6. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil.daml
>    7. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/model-theoretic-semantics.html
>    8. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/axiomatic-semantics.html
>    9. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Introducto
>   10. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Header
>   11. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Version
>   12. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Imports
>   13. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Object
>   14. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class
>   15. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   16. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Enumerated
>   17. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Restriction
>   18. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Boolean
>   19. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Property
>   20. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Instances
>   21. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Values
>   22. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#collection
>   23. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Index
>   24. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Notes
>   25. http://www.w3%20.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns
>   26. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Syntax
>   27. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/model-theoretic-semantics.html
>   28. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil.daml
>   29. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Mixing
>   30. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Index
>   31. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Header
>   32. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class
>   33. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Property
>   34. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Instance
>   35. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Version
>   36. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Imports
>   37. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   38. http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-rdf-schema-20000327
>   39. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   40. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   41. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   42. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   43. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Boolean
>   44. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Enumerated
>   45. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Enumerated
>   46. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Restriction
>   47. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Boolean
>   48. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Instances
>   49. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#ObjectProperty
>   50. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#DatatypeProperty
>   51. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   52. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Instance
>   53. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Values
>   54. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   55. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Datatype
>   56. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   57. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Datatype
>   58. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Cardinalit
>   59. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   60. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   61. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   62. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Boolean1
>   63. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   64. http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-rdf-schema-20000327
>   65. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Restriction
>   66. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class1
>   67. http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-rdf-schema-20000327
>   68. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Restriction
>   69. http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax
>   70. http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-rdf-schema-20000327
>   71. http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-rdf-syntax-19990222
>   72. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#cardinality-def
>   73. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#cardinalityQ-def
>   74. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Class-def
>   75. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#complementOf-def
>   76. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Datatype
>   77. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#DatatypeProperty
>   78. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#DatatypeRestriction
>   79. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Value
>   80. 
> file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#differentIndividualFrom-def
>   81. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Disjoint-def
>   82. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#disjointUnionOf-def
>   83. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#disjointWith-def
>   84. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#domain-def
>   85. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#equivalentTo-def
>   86. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#hasClass-def
>   87. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#hasClassQ-def
>   88. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#hasValue-def
>   89. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#imports-def
>   90. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#intersectionOf-def
>   91. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#inverseOf-def
>   92. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#maxCardinality-def
>   93. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#maxCardinalityQ-def
>   94. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#minCardinality-def
>   95. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#minCardinalityQ-def
>   96. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#ObjectClass
>   97. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#ObjectProperty
>   98. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#ObjectRestriction
>   99. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#oneOf-def
>  100. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#onProperty-def
>  101. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Ontology-def
>  102. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Property-def
>  103. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#range-def
>  104. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Restriction-def
>  105. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#sameClassAs-def
>  106. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#sameIndividualAs-def
>  107. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#samePropertyAs-def
>  108. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#subClassOf-def
>  109. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#subPropertyOf-def
>  110. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#toClass-def
>  111. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#TransitiveProperty-def
>  112. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#UnambigousProperty-def
>  113. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#unionOf-def
>  114. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#UniqueProperty-def
>  115. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#versionInfo-def
>  116. file://localhost/sun/merten/tmp/reference.html#Cardinalit
>  117. http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-ex.daml
>  118. http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-rdf-syntax-19990222/#abbreviatedSyntax

Any comments?



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