Put the new package tarball to: @frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/octave/Octave\ Forge\ Packages/Individual\ Package\ Releases/ It will take some minutes until the tarball is automatically copied from there to be available online. unpack the package html and do something corresponding to: rsync -av --delete -html// ,octave@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/packages// update ,octave@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/news.html remember to notify the package maintainer at the release forum, the maintainer should announce the release at the list tag the release changeset in the repository (only for 'community' packages) hints: htdocs/ (see above) at the web-site corresponds to htdocs/ in the 'project-web' package, but contains some more directories (in particular, under htdocs/packages/, the html directories of the individual packages), some generated files, and maybe some more files. Note that htdocs/news.html is not necessarily always in sync between the web-site and the 'project-web' package (the file at the web-page being potentially newer; this is to avoid too frequent commits to the project-web package). I'm using a local copy of the web-site, serviced by apache2 for localhost, and do any changes there first, before I propagate them to the real web-site. Before I propagate the package html to Octave Forge, I check from the local copy whether the package tarball is already available for download.