% DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by dump_demos.m function dump_plot_demos () set (0, 'DefaultAxesColorOrder', ... [ 0.00000 0.44700 0.74100 ; 0.85000 0.32500 0.09800 ; 0.92900 0.69400 0.12500 ; 0.49400 0.18400 0.55600 ; 0.46600 0.67400 0.18800 ; 0.30100 0.74500 0.93300 ; 0.63500 0.07800 0.18400 ]); set (0, 'DefaultFigureColorMap', ... [ 0.2670040 0.0048743 0.3294152 ; 0.2726517 0.0258457 0.3533673 ; 0.2771063 0.0509139 0.3762361 ; 0.2803562 0.0742015 0.3979015 ; 0.2823900 0.0959536 0.4182508 ; 0.2832046 0.1168933 0.4371789 ; 0.2828093 0.1373502 0.4545959 ; 0.2812308 0.1574799 0.4704339 ; 0.2785162 0.1773480 0.4846539 ; 0.2747355 0.1969692 0.4972505 ; 0.2699818 0.2163303 0.5082545 ; 0.2643686 0.2354047 0.5177319 ; 0.2580262 0.2541617 0.5257802 ; 0.2510987 0.2725732 0.5325222 ; 0.2437329 0.2906195 0.5380971 ; 0.2360733 0.3082910 0.5426518 ; 0.2282632 0.3255865 0.5463354 ; 0.2204250 0.3425172 0.5492871 ; 0.2126666 0.3591022 0.5516350 ; 0.2050791 0.3753661 0.5534932 ; 0.1977219 0.3913409 0.5549535 ; 0.1906314 0.4070615 0.5560891 ; 0.1838194 0.4225638 0.5569522 ; 0.1772724 0.4378855 0.5575761 ; 0.1709575 0.4530630 0.5579740 ; 0.1648329 0.4681295 0.5581427 ; 0.1588454 0.4831171 0.5580587 ; 0.1529512 0.4980530 0.5576847 ; 0.1471316 0.5129595 0.5569733 ; 0.1414022 0.5278543 0.5558645 ; 0.1358330 0.5427501 0.5542887 ; 0.1305821 0.5576525 0.5521757 ; 0.1258984 0.5725631 0.5494454 ; 0.1221631 0.5874763 0.5460234 ; 0.1198724 0.6023824 0.5418306 ; 0.1196266 0.6172658 0.5367956 ; 0.1220459 0.6321070 0.5308480 ; 0.1276677 0.6468818 0.5239242 ; 0.1368349 0.6615629 0.5159668 ; 0.1496433 0.6761197 0.5069243 ; 0.1659673 0.6905190 0.4967519 ; 0.1855384 0.7047252 0.4854121 ; 0.2080305 0.7187010 0.4728733 ; 0.2331273 0.7324064 0.4591059 ; 0.2605315 0.7458020 0.4440959 ; 0.2900007 0.7588465 0.4278259 ; 0.3213300 0.7714979 0.4102927 ; 0.3543553 0.7837140 0.3914876 ; 0.3889303 0.7954531 0.3714207 ; 0.4249331 0.8066739 0.3500988 ; 0.4622468 0.8173376 0.3275447 ; 0.5007536 0.8274091 0.3037990 ; 0.5403370 0.8368582 0.2789167 ; 0.5808612 0.8456634 0.2530009 ; 0.6221708 0.8538156 0.2262237 ; 0.6640873 0.8613210 0.1988794 ; 0.7064038 0.8682063 0.1714949 ; 0.7488853 0.8745222 0.1450376 ; 0.7912731 0.8803462 0.1212910 ; 0.8333021 0.8857801 0.1033262 ; 0.8747175 0.8909453 0.0953508 ; 0.9152963 0.8959735 0.1004700 ; 0.9548396 0.9010058 0.1178764 ; 0.9932479 0.9061566 0.1439362 ]); more off diary diary.log hf = figure (); function annotation_01 () clf; axes ('visible', 'off'); annotation ('textbox', [.25 .9 .5 .09], 'string', ... {'Right Click on annotation objects', ... 'to customize their appearance'}, ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'fitboxtotext', 'off'); annotation ('ellipse', [.2 .2 .6 .6], 'linewidth', 4); ang = pi/2:-pi/2:-pi; lab = {'N', 'W', 'S', 'E'}; x0 = 0.5; y0 = 0.5; r = 0.3; for i = 1:4 x = r * cos (ang(i)) + x0; y = r * sin (ang(i)) + y0; annotation ('textarrow', [x x0], [y y0], ... 'string', lab{i}, 'fontsize', 20); end h = annotation ('doublearrow', [x0 x0], [y0-r y0+r], ... 'head1style', 'diamond', 'head1length', 60, ... 'head2style', 'diamond', 'head2length', 60); end try if (~ exist ('annotation_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); annotation_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "annotation_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'annotation_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "annotation_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in annotation_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('annotation_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function annotation_02 () clf; axes ('visible', 'off'); plot (1:10); xlabel ('X-LABEL'); ylabel ('LARGE Y-LABEL', 'fontsize', 20); title ('FIGURE LAYOUT', 'fontsize', 24); ti = get (gca, 'tightinset'); pos = get (gca, 'position'); pos(1:2) = pos(1:2) - ti(1:2); pos(3) = pos(3) + ti (1) + ti (3); pos(4) = pos(4) + ti (2) + ti (4); ht = annotation ('textbox', pos, 'string', ' Position + tighinset', ... 'fitboxtotext', 'off', 'linestyle', '--', ... 'edgecolor', 'g', 'linewidth', 3, 'color', 'g', ... 'verticalalignment', 'bottom', 'fontsize', 15); ho = annotation ('textbox', get (gca, 'outerposition'), ... 'string', ' Outerposition','fitboxtotext', 'off', ... 'linestyle', '--', 'edgecolor', 'r', ... 'linewidth', 3, 'color', 'r', ... 'verticalalignment', 'bottom', 'fontsize', 15); hi = annotation ('textbox', get (gca, 'position'), ... 'string', ' Position','fitboxtotext', 'off', ... 'linestyle', '--', 'edgecolor', 'b', ... 'linewidth', 3, 'color', 'b', ... 'verticalalignment', 'bottom', 'fontsize', 15); end try if (~ exist ('annotation_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); annotation_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "annotation_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'annotation_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "annotation_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in annotation_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('annotation_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function annotation_03 () clf; axes ('visible', 'off'); h = annotation ('arrow'); %% Get allowed headstyles styles = set (h, 'headstyle'); delete (h); %% Textbox for the title annotation ('textbox', [0.1 0 0.8 1], 'string', ... '"headstyle" property:', ... 'backgroundcolor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'fontsize', 20, ... 'fitboxtotext', 'off', 'verticalalignment', 'top', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center'); %% Textarrows ns = numel (styles); nrows = ceil (ns/2); dy = 1/nrows; y = 1 - dy/2; jj = 1; for i = 1:nrows annotation ('textarrow', [0.3 0.5], [y y], ... 'string', styles{jj}, 'fontsize', 15, ... 'headstyle', styles{jj}, 'textcolor', 'b'); jj = jj + 1; if (jj <= ns) annotation ('textarrow', [0.7 0.5], [y y], ... 'string', styles{jj}, 'fontsize', 15, ... 'headstyle', styles{jj}, 'textcolor', 'b'); jj = jj + 1; end y = y - dy; end annotation ('line', [0.5 0.5], [dy/2 1-dy/2], 'linestyle', '-.'); end try if (~ exist ('annotation_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); annotation_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "annotation_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'annotation_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "annotation_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in annotation_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('annotation_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function annotation_04 () clf; axes ('visible', 'off'); %% Textbox for the title annotation ('textbox', [0.1 0 0.8 1], 'string', ... 'Text arrows: text rotation', ... 'backgroundcolor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'fontsize', 20, ... 'fitboxtotext', 'off', 'verticalalignment', 'top', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center'); %% Textarrows for i = 1:10 rot = floor (rand (1) * 360 / 90) * 90; annotation ('textarrow', 0.5 + [(0.6 * (rand(1) - .5)) 0], ... 0.5 + [(0.6 * (rand(1) - .5)) 0], ... 'string', 'A text', ... 'headstyle', 'none', 'textrotation', rot); end end try if (~ exist ('annotation_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); annotation_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "annotation_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'annotation_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "annotation_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in annotation_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('annotation_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function annotation_05 () clf; axes ('visible', 'off'); %% Textbox for the title annotation ('textbox', [0.1 0 0.8 1], 'string', ... 'Text arrows: text alignment', ... 'backgroundcolor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'fontsize', 20, ... 'fitboxtotext', 'off', 'verticalalignment', 'top', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center'); %% Textarrows halig = {'right', 'center', 'left'}; i = 1; for x = .3:.2:.7 annotation ('textarrow', [x .5], [.5 .9], ... 'string', {'Multiple lines', 'text'}, ... 'headstyle', 'none', 'horizontalalignment', halig{i}); i = i + 1; end end try if (~ exist ('annotation_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); annotation_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "annotation_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'annotation_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "annotation_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in annotation_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('annotation_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function annotation_06 () clf; axes ('visible', 'off'); x = 0:0.01:2*pi; y = sin (x); plot (x, y); %% Extrema x0 = [pi/2 3*pi/2]; y0 = [1 -1]; %% Convert axes coordinates into normalized coordinates xl = xlim (); yl = [-1.2 1.5]; ylim (yl); x0 = (x0 - xl(1)) / diff(xl); y0 = (y0 - yl(1)) / diff(yl); pos = get (gca (), 'position'); x0 = x0*pos(3) + pos(1); y0 = y0*pos(4) + pos(2); %% Textarrows for i = 1:2 annotation ('doublearrow', [(x0(i) - .05) (x0(i) + .05)], ... [y0(i) y0(i)], 'head1style', 'vback3', ... 'head2style', 'vback3', ... 'head1width', 4, 'head2width', 4) h = annotation ('textarrow', [0.5 x0(i)], [.85 y0(i)], ... 'linestyle', '--', 'headstyle', 'none'); end set (h, 'string', 'Extrema', 'fontsize', 15); title ('annotation() demo of TextArrows'); end try if (~ exist ('annotation_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); annotation_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "annotation_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'annotation_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "annotation_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in annotation_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('annotation_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_01 () clf; t = 0:0.01:2*pi; x = sin (t); subplot (221); plot (t, x); title ('normal plot'); subplot (222); plot (t, x); title ('axis square'); axis ('square'); subplot (223); plot (t, x); title ('axis equal'); axis ('equal'); subplot (224); plot (t, x); title ('normal plot again'); axis ('normal'); end try if (~ exist ('axis_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_02 () clf; t = 0:0.01:2*pi; x = sin (t); subplot (121); plot (t, x); title ({'axis ij', 'Y-axis reversed'}); axis ('ij'); legend ('sine'); subplot (122); plot (t, x); title ('axis xy'); title ({'axis ij', 'Y-axis normal'}); axis ('xy'); legend ('sine'); end try if (~ exist ('axis_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_03 () clf; def_ticklen = get (0, 'DefaultAxesTickLength'); set (0, 'DefaultAxesTickLength', [.028, .025]); t = 0:0.01:2*pi; x = sin (t); subplot (331); plot (t, x); title ('x ticks and labels'); axis ('ticx'); subplot (332); plot (t, x); title ('y ticks and labels'); axis ('ticy'); subplot (333); plot (t, x); title ('axis off'); axis ('off'); subplot (334); plot (t, x); title ('x and y ticks, x labels'); axis ('labelx','tic'); subplot (335); plot (t, x); title ('x and y ticks, y labels'); axis ('labely','tic'); subplot (336); plot (t, x); title ('all ticks but no labels'); axis ('nolabel','tic'); subplot (337); plot (t, x); title ('x ticks, no labels'); axis ('nolabel','ticx'); subplot (338); plot (t, x); title ('y ticks, no labels'); axis ('nolabel','ticy'); subplot (339); plot (t, x); title ('all ticks and labels'); axis ('on'); set (0, 'DefaultAxesTickLength', def_ticklen); end try if (~ exist ('axis_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_04 () clf; t = 0:0.01:2*pi; x = sin (t); subplot (321); plot (t, x); title ('axes at [0 3 0 1]'); axis ([0,3,0,1]); subplot (322); plot (t, x); title ('auto'); axis ('auto'); subplot (323); plot (t, x, ';sine [0:2pi];'); hold on; plot (-3:3,-3:3, ';line (-3,-3)->(3,3);'); hold off; title ('manual'); axis ('manual'); subplot (324); plot (t, x, ';sine [0:2pi];'); title ('axes at [0 3 0 1], then autox'); axis ([0,3,0,1]); axis ('autox'); subplot (325); plot (t, x, ';sine [0:2pi];'); title ('axes at [3 6 0 1], then autoy'); axis ([3,6,0,1]); axis ('autoy'); subplot (326); plot (t, sin(t), t, -2*sin(t/2)); axis ('tight'); title ('tight'); end try if (~ exist ('axis_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_05 () clf; x = 0:0.1:10; plot (x, sin(x)); axis image; title ({'image', 'equivalent to "tight" & "equal"'}); end try if (~ exist ('axis_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_06 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x,y,z] = peaks (50); x1 = max (x(:)); pcolor (x-x1, y-x1/2, z); hold on; [x,y,z] = sombrero (); s = x1 / max (x(:)); pcolor (s*x+x1, s*y+x1/2, 5*z); axis tight; title ('"tight" when two axes objects exist'); end try if (~ exist ('axis_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axis_07 () clf; loglog (1:20, '-s'); axis tight; title ('"tight" on loglog plot'); end try if (~ exist ('axis_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axis_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axis_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axis_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axis_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axis_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axis_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function box_01 () clf; plot (1:10, 'o-'); box off; title ('box off'); end try if (~ exist ('box_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); box_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "box_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'box_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "box_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in box_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('box_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function box_02 () clf; plot (1:10, 'o-'); box on; title ('box on'); end try if (~ exist ('box_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); box_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "box_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'box_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "box_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in box_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('box_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function box_03 () clf; z = [0:0.05:5]; plot3 (cos (2*pi*z), sin (2*pi*z), z); box off; title ('box off'); end try if (~ exist ('box_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); box_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "box_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'box_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "box_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in box_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('box_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function box_04 () clf; z = [0:0.05:5]; plot3 (cos (2*pi*z), sin (2*pi*z), z); box on; set (gca, 'boxstyle', 'back'); title ({'box on', 'boxstyle = "back"'}); end try if (~ exist ('box_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); box_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "box_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'box_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "box_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in box_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('box_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function box_05 () clf; z = [0:0.05:5]; plot3 (cos (2*pi*z), sin (2*pi*z), z); box on; set (gca, 'boxstyle', 'full'); title ({'box on', 'boxstyle = "full"'}); end try if (~ exist ('box_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); box_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "box_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'box_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "box_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in box_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('box_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camlookat_01 () clf; [x, y, z] = peaks (); surf (x, y, z/5); hold on [x, y, z] = sphere (); s1 = surf (x/2, y/2+1.5, z/2+2); s2 = surf (x/5+0.2, y/5-2, z/5+1); axis equal axis tight title ('camlookat() demo #1'); pause (1); camlookat (s1); pause (1); camlookat (s2); pause (1); camlookat ([s1 s2]); end try if (~ exist ('camlookat_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camlookat_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camlookat_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camlookat_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camlookat_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camlookat_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camlookat_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camorbit_01 () clf; peaks (); title ('camorbit() demo #1'); %% rotate the camera upwards camorbit (0, 30); %% rotate the camera right camorbit (20, 0); end try if (~ exist ('camorbit_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camorbit_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camorbit_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camorbit_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camorbit_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camorbit_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camorbit_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function campos_01 () clf; sphere (); title ('campos() demo #1'); %% where is camera located? x1 = campos () %% move the camera upwards campos (x1 + [0 0 2]); x2 = campos () end try if (~ exist ('campos_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); campos_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "campos_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'campos_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "campos_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in campos_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('campos_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camroll_01 () clf; peaks (); camroll (30); title ('camroll() demo #1'); end try if (~ exist ('camroll_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camroll_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camroll_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camroll_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camroll_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camroll_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camroll_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camtarget_01 () clf; sphere (); title ('camtarget() demo #1'); %% where is camera pointing? x1 = camtarget () %% point the camera upwards camtarget (x1 + [0 0 1]); x2 = camtarget () end try if (~ exist ('camtarget_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camtarget_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camtarget_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camtarget_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camtarget_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camtarget_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camtarget_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camup_01 () clf; sphere (); title ('camup() demo #1'); %% what direction is 'up' for the camera? x1 = camup () %% re-orient the camera with a new up-vector camup ([1 0 0]); x2 = camup () end try if (~ exist ('camup_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camup_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camup_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camup_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camup_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camup_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camup_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camva_01 () clf; peaks (); title ('camva() demo #1'); %% query the viewing angle a1 = camva () %% get a close-up view by decreasing the viewing angle: camva (0.5*a1); a2 = camva () end try if (~ exist ('camva_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camva_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camva_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camva_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camva_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camva_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camva_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camzoom_01 () clf; peaks (); camzoom (2); title ('camzoom() demo #1'); end try if (~ exist ('camzoom_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camzoom_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camzoom_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camzoom_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camzoom_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camzoom_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camzoom_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function clabel_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [c, h] = contour (peaks (), -4:6); clabel (c, h, -4:2:6, 'fontsize', 12); title ('clabel() labeling every other contour'); end try if (~ exist ('clabel_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); clabel_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "clabel_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'clabel_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "clabel_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in clabel_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('clabel_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function clabel_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [c, h] = contourf (peaks (), -7:6); clabel (c, h, -6:2:6, 'fontsize', 12); title ('clabel() labeling every other contour'); end try if (~ exist ('clabel_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); clabel_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "clabel_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'clabel_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "clabel_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in clabel_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('clabel_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function daspect_01 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos(x), x,sin(x)); axis square; daspect ([1 1 1]); title ('square plot box with axis limits [0, 4, -2, 2]'); end try if (~ exist ('daspect_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); daspect_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "daspect_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'daspect_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "daspect_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in daspect_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('daspect_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function daspect_02 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos (x), x,sin (x)); axis ([0 4 -1 1]); daspect ([2 1 1]); title ('square plot box with axis limits [0, 4, -1, 1]'); end try if (~ exist ('daspect_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); daspect_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "daspect_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'daspect_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "daspect_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in daspect_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('daspect_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function daspect_03 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos(x), x,sin(x)); daspect ([1 2 1]); pbaspect ([2 1 1]); title ('2x1 plot box with axis limits [0, 4, -2, 2]'); end try if (~ exist ('daspect_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); daspect_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "daspect_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'daspect_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "daspect_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in daspect_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('daspect_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function daspect_04 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos(x), x, sin(x)); axis square; set (gca, 'activepositionproperty', 'position'); daspect ([1 1 1]); title ('square plot box with axis limits [0, 4, -2, 2]'); end try if (~ exist ('daspect_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); daspect_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "daspect_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'daspect_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "daspect_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in daspect_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('daspect_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function daspect_05 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos(x), x,sin(x)); axis ([0 4 -1 1]); set (gca, 'activepositionproperty', 'position'); daspect ([2 1 1]); title ('square plot box with axis limits [0, 4, -1, 1]'); end try if (~ exist ('daspect_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); daspect_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "daspect_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'daspect_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "daspect_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in daspect_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('daspect_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function datetick_01 () clf; yr = 1900:10:2000; pop = [76.094, 92.407, 106.461, 123.077 131.954, 151.868, 179.979, ... 203.984, 227.225, 249.623, 282.224]; plot (datenum (yr, 1, 1), pop); xlabel ('Year'); ylabel ('US population (millions)'); title ('datetick() with 4-digit year format'); datetick ('x', 'YYYY'); end try if (~ exist ('datetick_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); datetick_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "datetick_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'datetick_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "datetick_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in datetick_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('datetick_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function datetick_02 () clf; yr = 1988:2:2002; yr = datenum (yr,1,1); pr = [12.1 13.3 12.6 13.1 13.3 14.1 14.4 15.2]; plot (yr, pr, '-o'); xlabel ('year'); ylabel ('average price'); title ('datetick() with MM/DD/YY format'); ax = gca; set (ax, 'xtick', datenum (1990:5:2005,1,1)); datetick ('x', 2, 'keepticks'); set (ax, 'ytick', 12:16); end try if (~ exist ('datetick_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); datetick_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "datetick_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'datetick_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "datetick_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in datetick_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('datetick_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function grid_01 () clf; subplot (3, 2, 1); plot (1:100); grid off; title ('grid off'); subplot (3, 2, 2); plot (1:100); grid on; title ('grid on'); subplot (3, 2, 3); plot (1:100); set (gca, 'xgrid', 'on'); title ('xgrid on'); subplot (3, 2, 4); plot (1:100); set (gca, 'ygrid', 'on'); title ('ygrid on'); subplot (3, 2, 5); plot (1:100); grid minor; title ('grid minor'); subplot (3, 2, 6); plot (1:100); set (gca, 'yminorgrid', 'on'); title ('yminorgrid on'); end try if (~ exist ('grid_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); grid_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "grid_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'grid_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "grid_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in grid_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('grid_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function grid_02 () clf; subplot (2,2,1); semilogy (1:100); grid off; title ('grid off'); subplot (2,2,2); semilogy (1:100); grid on; title ('grid on'); subplot (2,2,3); semilogy (1:100); grid off; title ('no grid'); subplot (2,2,4); semilogy (1:100); grid minor; title ('grid minor'); end try if (~ exist ('grid_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); grid_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "grid_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'grid_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "grid_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in grid_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('grid_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function grid_03 () %% Display minor grid lines at major ticks clf; subplot (1,2,1) plot (1:10); set (gca, 'xminorgrid', 'on'); set (gca, 'yminorgrid', 'on'); title ({'major grid disabled', 'minor grid displayed at major ticks'}); subplot (1,2,2) semilogy (1:100); set (gca, 'xminorgrid', 'on'); set (gca, 'yminorgrid', 'on'); title ({'major grid disabled', 'minor grid displayed at major ticks'}); end try if (~ exist ('grid_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); grid_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "grid_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'grid_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "grid_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in grid_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('grid_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function grid_04 () clf; plot3 (1:10, 1:10, 1:10); set (gca, 'xtick', [0, pi/2, 4.7, 8, 10]); set (gca, 'ytick', [0, 1, pi, 7.3, 10]); set (gca, 'ztick', [0, exp(1), 5, 9.1, 10]); set (gca, 'xminorgrid', 'on'); set (gca, 'yminorgrid', 'on'); set (gca, 'zminorgrid', 'on'); view (3); title ('Minor grid adapts to xticks (bug #45850)') end try if (~ exist ('grid_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); grid_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "grid_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'grid_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "grid_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in grid_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('grid_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_01 () clf; plot (rand (2)); title ('legend called with string inputs for labels'); h = legend ('foo', 'bar'); set (h, 'fontsize', 20, 'location', 'northeastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_02 () clf; plot (rand (2)); title ('legend called with cell array of strings'); h = legend ({'cellfoo', 'cellbar'}); set (h, 'fontsize', 20, 'location', 'northeast'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_03 () clf; plot (rand (3)); title ('legend () without inputs creates default labels'); h = legend (); end try if (~ exist ('legend_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_04 () clf; x = 0:1; hline = plot (x,x,';I am Blue;', x,2*x, x,3*x,';I am yellow;'); h = legend (); set (h, 'location', 'northeastoutside'); %% Placing legend inside returns axes to original size set (h, 'location', 'northeast'); title ('Blue and Yellow keys, with Orange missing'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_05 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10)); title ('incline is blue and decline is orange'); legend ({'I am blue', 'I am orange'}, 'location', 'east'); legend hide legend show end try if (~ exist ('legend_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_06 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10)); title ('Legend with keys in horizontal orientation'); legend ({'I am blue', 'I am orange'}, ... 'location', 'east', 'orientation', 'horizontal'); legend boxoff legend boxon end try if (~ exist ('legend_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_07 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10)); title ('Legend with box off'); legend ({'I am blue', 'I am orange'}, 'location', 'east'); legend boxoff end try if (~ exist ('legend_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_08 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10)); title ('Legend with text to the left of key'); legend ({'I am blue', 'I am orange'}, 'location', 'east'); legend left end try if (~ exist ('legend_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_09 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10)); title ({'Use properties to place legend text to the left of key', ... 'Legend text color is magenta'}); h = legend ({'I am blue', 'I am orange'}, 'location', 'east'); legend ('right'); set (h, 'textposition', 'left'); set (h, 'textcolor', [1, 0, 1]); end try if (~ exist ('legend_09.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_09 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_09.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_09.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_09.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_09: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_09.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_10 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10)); title ('Legend is hidden'); legend ({'I am blue', 'I am orange'}, 'location', 'east'); legend hide end try if (~ exist ('legend_10.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_10 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_10.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_10.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_10.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_10: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_10.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_11 () clf; x = 0:1; plot (x,x,';I am Blue;', x,2*x,';I am Orange;', x,3*x,';I am Yellow;'); title ({'Labels are embedded in call to plot', ... 'Legend is hidden and then shown'}); legend boxon legend hide legend show end try if (~ exist ('legend_11.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_11 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_11.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_11.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_11.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_11: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_11.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_12 () clf; x = 0:1; plot (x,x, x,2*x, x,3*x); title ('Labels with interpreted Greek text'); h = legend ('\alpha', '\beta=2\alpha', '\gamma=3\alpha'); set (h, 'interpreter', 'tex'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_12.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_12 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_12.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_12.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_12.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_12: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_12.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_13 () clf; plot (rand (2)); title ('Labels with TeX interpreter turned off'); h = legend ('Hello_World', 'foo^bar'); set (h, 'interpreter', 'none'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_13.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_13 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_13.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_13.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_13.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_13: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_13.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_14 () clf; labels = {}; colororder = get (gca, 'colororder'); for i = 1:5 h = plot (1:100, i + rand (100,1)); hold on; set (h, 'color', colororder(i,:)); labels = {labels{:}, ['Signal ', num2str(i)]}; end hold off; title ({'Signals with random offset and uniform noise'; 'Legend shown below and outside of plot'}); xlabel ('Sample Nr [k]'); ylabel ('Amplitude [V]'); legend (labels, 'location', 'southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_14.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_14 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_14.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_14.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_14.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_14: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_14.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_15 () clf; x = linspace (0, 10); plot (x, x); hold on; stem (x, x.^2, 'g'); title ('First created object gets first label'); legend ('linear'); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('legend_15.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_15 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_15.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_15.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_15.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_15: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_15.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_16 () clf; x = linspace (0, 10); plot (x, x, x, x.^2); title ('First created object gets first label'); legend ('linear'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_16.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_16 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_16.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_16.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_16.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_16: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_16.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_17 () clf; x = linspace (0, 10); plot (x, x, x, x.^2); title ('Labels are applied in order of object creation'); legend ('linear', 'quadratic'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_17.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_17 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_17.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_17.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_17.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_17: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_17.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_18 () clf; subplot (2,1,1); rand_2x3_data1 = [0.341447, 0.171220, 0.284370; 0.039773, 0.731725, 0.779382]; bar (rand_2x3_data1); ylim ([0, 1.0]); title ('legend() works for bar graphs (hggroups)'); legend ({'1st Bar', '2nd Bar', '3rd Bar'}, 'location', 'northwest'); subplot (2,1,2); x = linspace (0, 10, 20); stem (x, 0.5+x.*rand (size (x))/max (x), 'markeredgecolor', [0, 0.7, 0]); hold on; stem (x+10/(2*20), x.*(1.0+rand (size (x)))/max (x)); xlim ([0, 10+10/(2*20)]); title ('legend() works for stem plots (hggroups)'); legend ({'Multicolor', 'Unicolor'}, 'location', 'northwest'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_18.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_18 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_18.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_18.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_18.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_18: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_18.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_19 () clf; colormap (cool (64)); surf (peaks ()); legend ('peaks()'); title ('legend() works for surface objects too'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_19.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_19 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_19.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_19.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_19.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_19: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_19.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_20 () clf reset; % needed to undo colormap assignment in previous demo rand_2x3_data2 = [0.44804, 0.84368, 0.23012; 0.72311, 0.58335, 0.90531]; bar (rand_2x3_data2); ylim ([0, 1.2]); title ('"left" option places colors to the left of text label'); legend ('1st Bar', '2nd Bar', '3rd Bar'); legend left; end try if (~ exist ('legend_20.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_20 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_20.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_20.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_20.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_20: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_20.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_21 () clf; x = 0:0.1:7; h = plot (x,sin(x), x,cos(x), x,sin(x.^2/10), x,cos(x.^2/10)); title ('Only the sin() objects have keylabels'); legend (h([1, 3]), {'sin (x)', 'sin (x^2/10)'}, 'location', 'southwest'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_21.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_21 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_21.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_21.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_21.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_21: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_21.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_22 () clf; x = 0:0.1:10; plot (x, sin (x), ';sin (x);'); hold on; plot (x, cos (x), ';cos (x);'); hold off; title ('legend constructed from multiple plot calls'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_22.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_22 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_22.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_22.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_22.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_22: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_22.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_23 () clf; x = 0:0.1:10; plot (x, sin (x), ';sin (x);'); hold on; plot (x, cos (x), ';cos (x);'); hold off; title ('Specified label text overrides previous labels'); legend ({'Sine', 'Cosine'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_23.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_23 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_23.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_23.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_23.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_23: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_23.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_24 () clf; x = 0:10; plot (x, rand (11)); axis ([0, 10, 0, 1]); xlabel ('Indices'); ylabel ('Random Values'); title ('Legend "off" deletes the legend'); legend (cellstr (num2str ((0:10)')), 'location', 'northeastoutside'); pause (1); legend off; end try if (~ exist ('legend_24.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_24 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_24.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_24.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_24.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_24: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_24.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_25 () clf; x = (1:5)'; subplot (2,2,1); plot (x, rand (numel (x))); legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'northwestoutside'); subplot (2,2,2); plot (x, rand (numel (x))); legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'northeastoutside'); subplot (2,2,3); plot (x, rand (numel (x))); legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'southwestoutside'); subplot (2,2,4); plot (x, rand (numel (x))); legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'southeastoutside'); %% Legend works on a per axes basis for each subplot end try if (~ exist ('legend_25.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_25 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_25.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_25.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_25.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_25: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_25.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_26 () clf; plot (rand (2)); title ('legend() will warn if extra labels are specified'); legend ('Hello', 'World', 'foo', 'bar'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_26.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_26 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_26.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_26.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_26.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_26: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_26.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_27 () clf; x = 0:10; y1 = rand (size (x)); y2 = rand (size (x)); [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy (x, y1, x, y2); title ({'plotyy legend test %1', 'Blue label to left axis, Orange label to right axis'}); drawnow (); legend ('Blue', 'Orange', 'location', 'south'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_27.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_27 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_27.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_27.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_27.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_27: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_27.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_28 () clf; x = 0:10; y1 = rand (size (x)); y2 = rand (size (x)); [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy (x, y1, x, y2); ylabel (ax(1), {'Blue', 'Y', 'Axis'}); title ('plotyy legend test #2: "westoutside" adjusts to ylabel'); drawnow (); legend ([h1, h2], {'Blue', 'Orange'}, 'location', 'westoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_28.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_28 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_28.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_28.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_28.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_28: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_28.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_29 () clf; x = 0:10; y1 = rand (size (x)); y2 = rand (size (x)); [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy (x, y1, x, y2); ylabel (ax(2), {'Orange', 'Y', 'Axis'}); title ('plotyy legend test #3: "eastoutside" adjusts to ylabel'); drawnow (); legend ([h1, h2], {'Blue', 'Orange'}, 'location', 'eastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_29.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_29 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_29.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_29.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_29.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_29: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_29.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_30 () clf; plot (1:10, 1:10); title ('a very long label can sometimes cause problems'); legend ('hello very big world', 'location', 'northeastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_30.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_30 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_30.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_30.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_30.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_30: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_30.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_31 () % bug 36408 clf; subplot (3,1,1); plot (rand (1,4)); xlabel xlabel; ylabel ylabel; title ('Subplots adjust to the legend placed outside'); legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside'); subplot (3,1,2); plot (rand (1,4)); xlabel xlabel; ylabel ylabel; legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'eastoutside'); subplot (3,1,3); plot (rand (1,4)); xlabel xlabel; ylabel ylabel; legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southeastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_31.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_31 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_31.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_31.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_31.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_31: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_31.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_32 () % bug 36408 clf; subplot (3,1,1); plot (rand (1,4)); title ('Subplots adjust to the legend placed outside'); legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northwestoutside'); subplot (3,1,2); plot (rand (1,4)); legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'westoutside'); subplot (3,1,3); plot (rand (1,4)); legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southwestoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_32.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_32 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_32.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_32.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_32.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_32: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_32.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_33 () % bug 36408 clf; subplot (3,1,1); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); title ('Subplots adjust to the legend placed outside'); legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside'); subplot (3,1,2); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'eastoutside'); subplot (3,1,3); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southeastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_33.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_33 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_33.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_33.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_33.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_33: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_33.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_34 () % bug 36408 clf; subplot (3,1,1); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); title ('Subplots adjust to the legend placed outside'); legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northwestoutside'); subplot (3,1,2); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'westoutside'); subplot (3,1,3); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southwestoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_34.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_34 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_34.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_34.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_34.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_34: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_34.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_35 () % bug 36408; clf; subplot (3,1,1); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'xaxislocation', 'top'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); title ('Subplots adjust to the legend placed outside'); legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northwestoutside'); subplot (3,1,2); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'xaxislocation', 'top'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'westoutside'); subplot (3,1,3); plot (rand (1,4)); set (gca (), 'xaxislocation', 'top'); xlabel ('xlabel'); ylabel ('ylabel'); legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southwestoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('legend_35.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_35 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_35.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_35.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_35.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_35: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_35.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function legend_36 () % bug 39697 clf; plot (1:10); legend ('Legend Text'); title ({'Multi-line', 'titles', 'are *not* a', 'problem'}); end try if (~ exist ('legend_36.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); legend_36 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "legend_36.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'legend_36.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "legend_36.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in legend_36: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('legend_36.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lighting_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading flat lighting flat light (); title ('shading flat - lighting flat'); end try if (~ exist ('lighting_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lighting_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lighting_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lighting_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lighting_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lighting_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lighting_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lighting_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading interp lighting gouraud light (); title ('shading interp - lighting gouraud'); end try if (~ exist ('lighting_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lighting_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lighting_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lighting_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lighting_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lighting_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lighting_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lighting_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading flat lighting flat light (); view (3) title ('shading flat - lighting flat'); end try if (~ exist ('lighting_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lighting_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lighting_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lighting_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lighting_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lighting_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lighting_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lighting_04 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading interp lighting gouraud light (); view (3) title ('shading interp - lighting gouraud'); end try if (~ exist ('lighting_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lighting_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lighting_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lighting_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lighting_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lighting_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lighting_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lighting_05 () clf; colormap ('default'); mesh (sombrero ()); shading flat lighting flat light (); title ('shading flat - lighting flat'); end try if (~ exist ('lighting_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lighting_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lighting_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lighting_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lighting_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lighting_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lighting_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lighting_06 () clf; colormap ('default'); mesh (sombrero ()); shading interp lighting gouraud light (); title ('shading interp - lighting gouraud'); end try if (~ exist ('lighting_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lighting_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lighting_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lighting_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lighting_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lighting_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lighting_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function material_01 () clf; %% patch [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2); val = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; fv1 = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 1); h_patch = patch (fv1, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); axis equal; axis tight; view (3); box off; drawnow (); light (); material ([0 0.5 1 10 .5]); title ('material() with numeric input'); end try if (~ exist ('material_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); material_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "material_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'material_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "material_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in material_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('material_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function material_02 () clf; %% surface hax = axes (); surf (hax, peaks, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); view (3); light (); material metal; title ('material metal'); end try if (~ exist ('material_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); material_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "material_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'material_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "material_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in material_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('material_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pbaspect_01 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos(x), x,sin(x)); pbaspect ([1 1 1]); title ('plot box is square'); end try if (~ exist ('pbaspect_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pbaspect_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pbaspect_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pbaspect_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pbaspect_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pbaspect_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pbaspect_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pbaspect_02 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4;; plot (x,cos(x), x,sin(x)); pbaspect ([2 1 1]); title ('plot box aspect ratio is 2x1'); end try if (~ exist ('pbaspect_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pbaspect_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pbaspect_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pbaspect_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pbaspect_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pbaspect_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pbaspect_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pbaspect_03 () clf; x = 0:0.01:4; plot (x,cos(x), x,sin(x)); daspect ([1 1 1]); pbaspect ([2 1 1]); title ('plot box is 2x1, and axes [0 4 -1 1]'); end try if (~ exist ('pbaspect_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pbaspect_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pbaspect_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pbaspect_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pbaspect_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pbaspect_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pbaspect_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading faceted; title ('shading ''faceted'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading faceted; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); facecolor = get (h, 'facecolor'); edgecolor = get (h, 'edgecolor'); set (h, 'edgecolor', facecolor, 'facecolor', edgecolor); title ({'shading ''faceted''', 'with "edgecolor" and "facecolor" reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading flat; title ('shading ''flat'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_04 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading flat; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); facecolor = get (h, 'facecolor'); edgecolor = get (h, 'edgecolor'); set (h, 'edgecolor', facecolor, 'facecolor', edgecolor); title ({'shading ''flat''', 'with "edgecolor" and "facecolor" reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_05 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading interp; title ('shading ''interp'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_06 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); shading interp; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); facecolor = get (h, 'facecolor'); edgecolor = get (h, 'edgecolor'); set (h, 'edgecolor', facecolor, 'facecolor', edgecolor); title ({'shading ''interp''', 'with "edgecolor" and "facecolor" reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_07 () clf; colormap ('default'); peaks (); shading interp; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); set (h, 'edgecolor', 'k'); title ({'shading ''interp''', 'with "edgecolor" set to black'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_08 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading faceted; title ('shading ''faceted'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_09 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading faceted; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); facecolor = get (h, 'facecolor'); edgecolor = get (h, 'edgecolor'); set (h, 'edgecolor', facecolor, 'facecolor', edgecolor); title ({'shading ''faceted''', 'with "edgecolor" and "facecolor" reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_09.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_09 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_09.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_09.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_09.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_09: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_09.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_10 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading flat; title ('shading ''flat'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_10.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_10 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_10.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_10.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_10.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_10: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_10.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_11 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading flat; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); facecolor = get (h, 'facecolor'); edgecolor = get (h, 'edgecolor'); set (h, 'edgecolor', facecolor, 'facecolor', edgecolor); title ({'shading ''flat''', 'with "edgecolor" and "facecolor" reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_11.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_11 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_11.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_11.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_11.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_11: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_11.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_12 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading interp; title ('shading ''interp'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_12.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_12 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_12.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_12.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_12.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_12: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_12.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_13 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks ()); shading interp; h = findobj (gca (), 'type', 'surface'); facecolor = get (h, 'facecolor'); edgecolor = get (h, 'edgecolor'); set (h, 'edgecolor', facecolor, 'facecolor', edgecolor); title ({'shading ''interp''', 'with "edgecolor" and "facecolor" reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('shading_13.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_13 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_13.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_13.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_13.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_13: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_13.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_14 () clf; colormap ('default'); mesh (sombrero ()); shading interp; title ('mesh with shading ''interp'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_14.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_14 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_14.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_14.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_14.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_14: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_14.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shading_15 () clf; colormap ('default'); mesh (sombrero ()); shading flat; title ('mesh with shading ''flat'''); end try if (~ exist ('shading_15.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shading_15 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shading_15.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shading_15.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shading_15.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shading_15: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shading_15.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function text_01 () clf; ha = {'left', 'center', 'right'}; va = {'bottom', 'middle', 'top'}; x = [0.25 0.5 0.75]; y = x; for t = 0:30:359; for nh = 1:numel (ha) for nv = 1:numel (va) text (x(nh), y(nv), 'Hello World', ... 'rotation', t, ... 'horizontalalignment', ha{nh}, ... 'verticalalignment', va{nv}); end end end set (gca, 'xtick', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], ... 'xticklabel', ha, ... 'ytick', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], ... 'yticklabel', va); axis ([0 1 0 1]); xlabel ('horizontal alignment'); ylabel ('vertical alignment'); title ('text alignment and rotation (0:30:360 degrees)'); end try if (~ exist ('text_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); text_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "text_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'text_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "text_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in text_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('text_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function text_02 () clf; h = mesh (peaks, 'edgecolor', 0.7 * [1 1 1], ... 'facecolor', 'none', ... 'facealpha', 0); colors = jet (9); ii = 1; for t = 0:45:359; ii = ii +1; text (25, 25, 0, 'Vertical Alignment = Bottom', ... 'rotation', t, ... 'horizontalalignment', 'left', ... 'backgroundcolor', colors(ii,:), ... 'edgecolor', 'k', ... 'verticalalignment', 'bottom'); end caxis ([-100 100]); title ('Vertically Aligned at Bottom'); end try if (~ exist ('text_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); text_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "text_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'text_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "text_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in text_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('text_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function text_03 () clf; axis ([0 8 0 8]); title (['1st title';'2nd title']); xlabel (['1st xlabel';'2nd xlabel']); ylabel (['1st ylabel';'2nd ylabel']); text (4, 4, {'Hello', 'World'}, ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', ... 'verticalalignment', 'middle'); grid on; end try if (~ exist ('text_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); text_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "text_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'text_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "text_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in text_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('text_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function text_04 () clf; h = mesh (peaks (), 'edgecolor', 0.7 * [1 1 1], ... 'facecolor', 'none', ... 'facealpha', 0); title (['1st title';'2nd title']); xlabel (['1st xlabel';'2nd xlabel']); ylabel (['1st ylabel';'2nd ylabel']); zlabel (['1st zlabel';'2nd zlabel']); text (0, 0, 5, {'Hello', 'World'}, ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', ... 'verticalalignment', 'middle'); hold on; plot3 (0, 0, 5, '+k'); end try if (~ exist ('text_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); text_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "text_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'text_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "text_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in text_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('text_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function text_05 () clf; h = text (0.5, 0.3, 'char'); h = text (0.5, 0.4, ['char row 1'; 'char row 2']); h = text (0.5, 0.6, {'cell2str (1,1)', 'cell2str (1,2)'; 'cell2str (2,1)', 'cell2str (2,2)'}); h = text (0.5, 0.8, 'foobar'); set (h, 'string', 1:3); h = text ([0.1, 0.1], [0.3, 0.4], 'one string & two objects'); h = text ([0.1, 0.1], [0.5, 0.6], {'one cellstr & two objects'}); h = text ([0.1, 0.1], [0.7, 0.8], {'cellstr 1 object 1', 'cellstr 2 object 2'}); h = text ([0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.2], ['1st string & 1st object'; '2nd string & 2nd object']); h = text (0.7, 0.6, 'single string'); h = text (0.7, 0.5, {'single cell-string'}); xlabel (1:2); ylabel (1:2); title (1:2); end try if (~ exist ('text_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); text_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "text_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'text_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "text_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in text_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('text_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function title_01 () clf; title ('Test Title Text'); end try if (~ exist ('title_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); title_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "title_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'title_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "title_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in title_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('title_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function title_02 () clf; title ({'Multi-line'; 'Title'; 'Text'}); end try if (~ exist ('title_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); title_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "title_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'title_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "title_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in title_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('title_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function title_03 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); title ('Test FontSize Property', 'fontsize', 16); end try if (~ exist ('title_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); title_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "title_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'title_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "title_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in title_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('title_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function xlim_01 () clf; line (); xlim ([0.2, 0.8]); title ('xlim is [0.2, 0.8]'); end try if (~ exist ('xlim_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); xlim_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "xlim_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'xlim_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "xlim_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in xlim_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('xlim_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function xlim_02 () clf; line (); xlim auto; title ('xlim is auto'); end try if (~ exist ('xlim_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); xlim_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "xlim_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'xlim_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "xlim_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in xlim_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('xlim_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function xlim_03 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); xlim ([0.2, 0.8]); title ('xlim is [0.2, 0.8]'); end try if (~ exist ('xlim_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); xlim_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "xlim_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'xlim_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "xlim_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in xlim_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('xlim_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function xlim_04 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); xlim ('auto'); title ('xlim is auto'); end try if (~ exist ('xlim_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); xlim_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "xlim_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'xlim_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "xlim_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in xlim_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('xlim_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ylim_01 () clf; line (); ylim ([0.2, 0.8]); title ('ylim is [0.2, 0.8]'); end try if (~ exist ('ylim_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ylim_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ylim_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ylim_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ylim_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ylim_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ylim_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ylim_02 () clf; line (); ylim auto; title ('ylim is auto'); end try if (~ exist ('ylim_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ylim_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ylim_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ylim_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ylim_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ylim_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ylim_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ylim_03 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); ylim ([0.2, 0.8]); title ('ylim is [0.2, 0.8]'); end try if (~ exist ('ylim_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ylim_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ylim_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ylim_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ylim_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ylim_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ylim_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ylim_04 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); ylim ('auto'); title ('ylim is auto'); end try if (~ exist ('ylim_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ylim_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ylim_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ylim_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ylim_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ylim_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ylim_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function zlim_01 () clf; line (); zlim ([0.2, 0.8]); title ('zlim is [0.2, 0.8]'); end try if (~ exist ('zlim_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); zlim_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "zlim_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'zlim_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "zlim_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in zlim_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('zlim_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function zlim_02 () clf; line (); zlim ('auto'); title ('zlim is auto'); end try if (~ exist ('zlim_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); zlim_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "zlim_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'zlim_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "zlim_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in zlim_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('zlim_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function zlim_03 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); zlim ([0.2, 0.8]); title ('zlim is [0.2, 0.8]'); end try if (~ exist ('zlim_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); zlim_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "zlim_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'zlim_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "zlim_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in zlim_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('zlim_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function zlim_04 () clf; plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]); zlim auto; title ('zlim is auto'); end try if (~ exist ('zlim_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); zlim_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "zlim_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'zlim_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "zlim_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in zlim_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('zlim_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function area_01 () %% Verify identity sin^2 + cos^2 = 1 clf; t = linspace (0, 2*pi, 100)'; y = [sin(t).^2, cos(t).^2]; area (t, y); axis tight legend ('sin^2', 'cos^2', 'location', 'NorthEastOutside'); title ('area() plot'); end try if (~ exist ('area_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); area_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "area_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'area_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "area_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in area_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('area_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function area_02 () %% Show effects of setting BaseValue clf; x = [-2:0.1:2]'; y = x.^2 - 1; subplot (1, 2, 1) area (x, y); title ({'Parabola y = x^2 -1';'BaseValue = 0'}); subplot (1, 2, 2) h = area (x, y); set (h, 'basevalue', -1); title ({'Parabola y = x^2 -1';'BaseValue = -1'}); end try if (~ exist ('area_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); area_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "area_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'area_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "area_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in area_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('area_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function area_03 () clf; x = 0:10; y = rand (size (x)); h = area (x, y); set (h, 'ydata', sort (get (h, 'ydata'))); title ('area() plot of sorted data'); end try if (~ exist ('area_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); area_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "area_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'area_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "area_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in area_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('area_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function bar_01 () clf; y = rand (11, 1); h = bar (y); set (h, 'ydata', sort (rand (11, 1))); title ('bar() graph'); end try if (~ exist ('bar_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); bar_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "bar_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'bar_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "bar_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in bar_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('bar_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function bar_02 () clf; h = bar (rand (5, 3)); set (h(1), 'facecolor', 'r'); set (h(2), 'facecolor', 'g'); set (h(3), 'facecolor', 'b'); title ('bar() graph w/multiple bars'); end try if (~ exist ('bar_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); bar_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "bar_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'bar_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "bar_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in bar_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('bar_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function bar_03 () clf; h = bar (rand (5, 3), 'stacked'); title ('bar() graph with stacked style'); end try if (~ exist ('bar_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); bar_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "bar_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'bar_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "bar_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in bar_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('bar_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function barh_01 () clf; x = rand (10, 1); barh (x); title ('barh() graph'); end try if (~ exist ('barh_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); barh_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "barh_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'barh_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "barh_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in barh_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('barh_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function barh_02 () clf; h = barh (rand (5, 3)); set (h(1), 'facecolor', 'r'); set (h(2), 'facecolor', 'g'); set (h(3), 'facecolor', 'b'); title ('barh() graph w/multiple bars'); end try if (~ exist ('barh_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); barh_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "barh_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'barh_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "barh_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in barh_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('barh_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camlight_01 () clf; %% Adding lights to a scene sphere (64); camlight %% Add a second light camlight left title ({'camlight()', 'lights are left and right'}); end try if (~ exist ('camlight_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camlight_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camlight_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camlight_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camlight_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camlight_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camlight_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camlight_02 () clf; sphere (48); title ({'camlight()', 'light in fixed position ignores camera change'}); axis equal; shading flat; view (30, 30); camlight for a = 30:2:390 view (a, 30); drawnow (); pause (0.01); end end try if (~ exist ('camlight_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camlight_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camlight_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camlight_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camlight_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camlight_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camlight_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function camlight_03 () clf; sphere (48); title ({'camlight()', 'update light position with camera change'}); axis equal; shading flat view (30, 30); hl = camlight (); % keep a handle to the light for a = 30:2:390 view (a, 30); camlight (hl, 'right'); % update light position drawnow (); pause (0.01); end end try if (~ exist ('camlight_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); camlight_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "camlight_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'camlight_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "camlight_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in camlight_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('camlight_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); imagesc (x); colorbar (); title ('colorbar() example'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); imagesc (x); colorbar ('westoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); imagesc (x); colorbar ('peer', gca, 'northoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_04 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); imagesc (x); colorbar ('southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_05 () clf; colormap ('default'); contour (peaks ()); colorbar ('west'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_06 () clf; colormap ('default'); subplot (2,2,1); contour (peaks ()); colorbar ('east'); subplot (2,2,2); contour (peaks ()); colorbar ('west'); subplot (2,2,3); contour (peaks ()); colorbar ('north'); subplot (2,2,4); contour (peaks ()); colorbar ('south'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_07 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (2,2,1); imagesc (x); colorbar (); subplot (2,2,2); imagesc (x); colorbar ('westoutside'); subplot (2,2,3); imagesc (x); colorbar ('northoutside'); subplot (2,2,4); imagesc (x); colorbar ('southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_08 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (1,2,1); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar (); subplot (1,2,2); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar ('westoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_09 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (1,2,1); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar ('northoutside'); subplot (1,2,2); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar ('southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_09.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_09 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_09.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_09.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_09.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_09: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_09.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_10 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (2,1,1); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar (); subplot (2,1,2); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar ('westoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_10.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_10 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_10.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_10.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_10.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_10: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_10.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_11 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (2,1,1); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar ('northoutside'); subplot (2,1,2); imagesc (x); axis square; colorbar ('southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_11.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_11 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_11.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_11.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_11.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_11: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_11.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_12 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (1,2,1); imagesc (x); colorbar (); subplot (1,2,2); imagesc (x); colorbar ('westoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_12.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_12 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_12.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_12.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_12.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_12: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_12.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_13 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (1,2,1); imagesc (x); colorbar ('northoutside'); subplot (1,2,2); imagesc (x); colorbar ('southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_13.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_13 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_13.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_13.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_13.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_13: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_13.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_14 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (2,1,1); imagesc (x); colorbar (); subplot (2,1,2); imagesc (x); colorbar ('westoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_14.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_14 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_14.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_14.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_14.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_14: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_14.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_15 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (2,1,1); imagesc (x); colorbar ('northoutside'); subplot (2,1,2); imagesc (x); colorbar ('southoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_15.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_15 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_15.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_15.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_15.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_15: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_15.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_16 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); subplot (1,2,1); contour (x); axis square; colorbar ('east'); xlim ([1, 64]); ylim ([1, 64]); subplot (1,2,2); contour (x); colorbar ('west'); xlim ([1, 64]); ylim ([1, 64]); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_16.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_16 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_16.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_16.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_16.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_16: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_16.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_17 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); contour (x); xlim ([1, 64]); ylim ([1, 64]); colorbar (); colorbar off; title ('colorbar off'); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_17.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_17 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_17.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_17.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_17.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_17: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_17.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_18 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.'); contour (x); xlim ([1, 64]); ylim ([1, 64]); colorbar (); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_18.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_18 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_18.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_18.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_18.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_18: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_18.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_19 () clf; colormap ('default'); imagesc (log10 (1 ./ hilb (99))); h = colorbar (); ytick = get (h, 'ytick'); set (h, 'yticklabel', sprintf ('10^{%g}|', ytick)); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_19.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_19 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_19.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_19.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_19.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_19: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_19.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_20 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 5; x = linspace (0,5,n); y = linspace (0,1,n); imagesc (1 ./ hilb (n)); axis equal; colorbar (); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_20.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_20 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_20.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_20.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_20.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_20: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_20.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_21 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 5; x = linspace (0,5,n); y = linspace (0,1,n); imagesc (x, y, 1 ./ hilb (n)); axis equal; colorbar (); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_21.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_21 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_21.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_21.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_21.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_21: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_21.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_22 () clf; colormap ('default'); n = 5; x = linspace (0,5,n); y = linspace (0,1,n); imagesc (y, x, 1 ./ hilb (n)); axis equal; colorbar (); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_22.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_22 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_22.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_22.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_22.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_22: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_22.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_23 () clf; colormap ('default'); axes; colorbar (); hold on; contour (peaks ()); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_23.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_23 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_23.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_23.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_23.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_23: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_23.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_24 () clf; colormap ('default'); plot ([0, 2]); colorbar ('east'); axis square; end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_24.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_24 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_24.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_24.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_24.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_24: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_24.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_25 () clf; colormap ('default'); plot ([0, 2]); colorbar ('eastoutside'); axis square; end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_25.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_25 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_25.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_25.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_25.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_25: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_25.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_26 () clf; colormap ('default'); pcolor (peaks (20)); shading interp; axis ('tight', 'square'); colorbar (); end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_26.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_26 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_26.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_26.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_26.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_26: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_26.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_27 () clf; colormap ('default'); plot ([0, 2]); colorbar ('east'); axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_27.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_27 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_27.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_27.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_27.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_27: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_27.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorbar_28 () clf; colormap ('default'); plot ([0, 2]); colorbar ('eastoutside'); axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('colorbar_28.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorbar_28 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorbar_28.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorbar_28.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorbar_28.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorbar_28: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorbar_28.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function comet_01 () clf; title ('comet() animation'); hold on; t = 0:.1:2*pi; x = cos (2*t) .* (cos (t).^2); y = sin (2*t) .* (sin (t).^2); comet (x, y, .05); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('comet_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); comet_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "comet_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'comet_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "comet_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in comet_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('comet_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function comet3_01 () clf; title ('comet3() animation'); view (3); hold on; t = 0:pi/20:5*pi; comet3 (cos (t), sin (t), t); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('comet3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); comet3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "comet3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'comet3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "comet3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in comet3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('comet3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function compass_01 () clf; randn_9x1_data = [-2.555884; 0.394974; -0.191871; -1.147024; 1.355425; -0.437335; -0.014370; -0.941312; 1.240300]; randn_1x9_data = [1.42934, -1.10821, -1.70404, 0.63357, -0.68337, -1.19771, -0.96502, -1.12810, 0.22457]; a = toeplitz ([1;randn_9x1_data], [1,randn_1x9_data]); compass (eig (a)); title ('compass() example'); end try if (~ exist ('compass_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); compass_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "compass_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'compass_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "compass_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in compass_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('compass_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contour_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = peaks (); contour (x, y, z); title ({'contour() plot (isolines of constant Z)'; 'Z = peaks()'}); end try if (~ exist ('contour_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contour_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contour_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contour_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contour_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contour_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contour_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contour_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [theta, r] = meshgrid (linspace (0,2*pi,64), linspace (0,1,64)); [X, Y] = pol2cart (theta, r); Z = sin (2*theta) .* (1-r); contour (X, Y, abs (Z), 10); title ({'contour() plot'; 'polar fcn: Z = sin (2*theta) * (1-r)'}); end try if (~ exist ('contour_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contour_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contour_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contour_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contour_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contour_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contour_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contour_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); z = peaks (); contour (z, [0 0]); title ({'contour() plot with single isoline at Z == 0'; 'Z = peaks()'}); end try if (~ exist ('contour_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contour_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contour_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contour_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contour_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contour_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contour_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contour3_01 () clf; colormap (cool (64)); surf (peaks (19), 'facecolor', 'none', 'edgecolor', [0.85 0.85 0.85]); hold on; contour3 (peaks (19)); hold off; axis tight; zlim auto; view (315, 17); title ({'contour3 of peaks() function', 'gray surf() shows peaks function'}); end try if (~ exist ('contour3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contour3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contour3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contour3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contour3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contour3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contour3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contourf_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = peaks (50); contourf (x, y, z, -7:9); title ({'contourf() plot (filled contour lines)'; 'Z = peaks()'}); end try if (~ exist ('contourf_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contourf_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contourf_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contourf_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contourf_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contourf_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contourf_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contourf_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [theta, r] = meshgrid (linspace (0,2*pi,64), linspace (0,1,64)); [X, Y] = pol2cart (theta, r); Z = sin (2*theta) .* (1-r); contourf (X, Y, abs (Z), 10); title ({'contourf() plot'; 'polar fcn: Z = sin (2*theta) * (1-r)'}); end try if (~ exist ('contourf_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contourf_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contourf_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contourf_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contourf_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contourf_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contourf_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contourf_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); x = linspace (-2, 2); [x, y] = meshgrid (x); z = sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2) ./ (x.^2 + y.^2 + 1); contourf (x, y, z, [0.4, 0.4]); title ('Hole should be filled with the background color'); end try if (~ exist ('contourf_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contourf_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contourf_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contourf_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contourf_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contourf_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contourf_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function cylinder_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = cylinder (10:-1:0, 50); surf (x, y, z); title ('cylinder() with linearly shrinking radius produces a cone'); end try if (~ exist ('cylinder_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); cylinder_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "cylinder_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'cylinder_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "cylinder_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in cylinder_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('cylinder_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ellipsoid_01 () clf; ellipsoid (0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 20); title ('ellipsoid()'); end try if (~ exist ('ellipsoid_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ellipsoid_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ellipsoid_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ellipsoid_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ellipsoid_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ellipsoid_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ellipsoid_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function errorbar_01 () clf; rand_1x11_data1 = [0.82712, 0.50325, 0.35613, 0.77089, 0.20474, 0.69160, 0.30858, 0.88225, 0.35187, 0.14168, 0.54270]; rand_1x11_data2 = [0.506375, 0.330106, 0.017982, 0.859270, 0.140641, 0.327839, 0.275886, 0.162453, 0.807592, 0.318509, 0.921112]; errorbar (0:10, rand_1x11_data1, 0.25*rand_1x11_data2); title ('errorbar() with Y errorbars'); end try if (~ exist ('errorbar_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); errorbar_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "errorbar_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'errorbar_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "errorbar_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in errorbar_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('errorbar_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function errorbar_02 () clf; rand_1x11_data3 = [0.423650, 0.142331, 0.213195, 0.129301, 0.975891, 0.012872, 0.635327, 0.338829, 0.764997, 0.401798, 0.551850]; rand_1x11_data4 = [0.682566, 0.456342, 0.132390, 0.341292, 0.108633, 0.601553, 0.040455, 0.146665, 0.309187, 0.586291, 0.540149]; errorbar (0:10, rand_1x11_data3, rand_1x11_data4, '>'); title ('errorbar() with X errorbars'); end try if (~ exist ('errorbar_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); errorbar_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "errorbar_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'errorbar_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "errorbar_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in errorbar_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('errorbar_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function errorbar_03 () clf; x = 0:0.5:2*pi; err = x/30; y1 = sin (x); y2 = cos (x); errorbar (x, y1, err, '~', x, y2, err, '>'); legend ('Y errbar', 'X errbar'); title ('errorbar() with 2 datasets'); end try if (~ exist ('errorbar_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); errorbar_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "errorbar_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'errorbar_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "errorbar_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in errorbar_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('errorbar_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function errorbar_04 () clf; x = 0:0.5:2*pi; err = x/30; y1 = sin (x); y2 = cos (x); errorbar (x, y1, err, err, '#r', x, y2, err, err, '#~'); legend ('X errbox', 'Y errbox'); title ('errorbar() with error boxes'); end try if (~ exist ('errorbar_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); errorbar_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "errorbar_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'errorbar_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "errorbar_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in errorbar_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('errorbar_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function errorbar_05 () clf; x = 0:0.5:2*pi; err = x/30; y1 = sin (x); y2 = cos (x); errorbar (x, y1, err, err, err, err, '~>', ... x, y2, err, err, err, err, '#~>-*'); legend ('X-Y errbars', 'X-Y errboxes'); title ('errorbar() with X-Y errorbars and error boxes'); end try if (~ exist ('errorbar_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); errorbar_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "errorbar_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'errorbar_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "errorbar_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in errorbar_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('errorbar_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezcontour_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) sqrt (abs (x .* y)) ./ (1 + x.^2 + y.^2); ezcontour (f, [-3, 3]); end try if (~ exist ('ezcontour_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezcontour_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezcontour_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezcontour_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezcontour_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezcontour_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezcontour_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezcontourf_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) sqrt (abs (x .* y)) ./ (1 + x.^2 + y.^2); ezcontourf (f, [-3, 3]); end try if (~ exist ('ezcontourf_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezcontourf_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezcontourf_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezcontourf_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezcontourf_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezcontourf_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezcontourf_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezmesh_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) sqrt (abs (x .* y)) ./ (1 + x.^2 + y.^2); ezmesh (f, [-3, 3]); end try if (~ exist ('ezmesh_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezmesh_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezmesh_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezmesh_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezmesh_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezmesh_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezmesh_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezmesh_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); fx = @(s,t) cos (s) .* cos (t); fy = @(s,t) sin (s) .* cos (t); fz = @(s,t) sin (t); ezmesh (fx, fy, fz, [-pi,pi,-pi/2,pi/2], 20); end try if (~ exist ('ezmesh_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezmesh_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezmesh_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezmesh_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezmesh_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezmesh_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezmesh_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezmeshc_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) sqrt (abs (x .* y)) ./ (1 + x.^2 + y.^2); ezmeshc (f, [-3, 3]); end try if (~ exist ('ezmeshc_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezmeshc_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezmeshc_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezmeshc_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezmeshc_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezmeshc_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezmeshc_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezplot_01 () %% sinc function using function handle clf; f = @(x) sin (pi*x) ./ (pi*x); ezplot (f); end try if (~ exist ('ezplot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezplot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezplot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezplot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezplot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezplot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezplot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezplot_02 () %% example of a function string and explicit limits clf; ezplot ('1/x', [-2 2]); end try if (~ exist ('ezplot_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezplot_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezplot_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezplot_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezplot_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezplot_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezplot_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezplot_03 () %% parameterized function example over -2*pi <= t <= +2*pi clf; ezplot (@cos, @sin); end try if (~ exist ('ezplot_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezplot_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezplot_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezplot_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezplot_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezplot_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezplot_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezplot_04 () %% implicit function of 2 variables clf; ezplot (inline ('x^2 - y^2 - 1')); end try if (~ exist ('ezplot_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezplot_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezplot_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezplot_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezplot_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezplot_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezplot_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezplot3_01 () clf; fx = @(t) cos (t); fy = @(t) sin (t); fz = @(t) t; ezplot3 (fx, fy, fz, [0, 10*pi]); end try if (~ exist ('ezplot3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezplot3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezplot3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezplot3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezplot3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezplot3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezplot3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezplot3_02 () clf; fx = @(t) cos (t); fy = @(t) sin (t); fz = @(t) t; ezplot3 (fx, fy, fz, [0, 5*pi], 'animate'); end try if (~ exist ('ezplot3_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezplot3_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezplot3_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezplot3_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezplot3_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezplot3_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezplot3_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezpolar_01 () clf; ezpolar (@(t) sin (5/4 * t), [0, 8*pi]); end try if (~ exist ('ezpolar_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezpolar_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezpolar_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezpolar_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezpolar_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezpolar_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezpolar_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezsurf_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) sqrt (abs (x .* y)) ./ (1 + x.^2 + y.^2); ezsurf (f, [-3, 3]); end try if (~ exist ('ezsurf_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezsurf_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezsurf_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezsurf_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezsurf_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezsurf_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezsurf_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezsurf_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); fx = @(s,t) cos (s) .* cos (t); fy = @(s,t) sin (s) .* cos (t); fz = @(s,t) sin (t); ezsurf (fx, fy, fz, [-pi,pi,-pi/2,pi/2], 20); axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('ezsurf_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezsurf_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezsurf_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezsurf_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezsurf_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezsurf_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezsurf_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezsurf_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) x.^2 + y.^2; subplot (1,2,1); ezsurf (f, [-2,2]); title ({'x^2 + y^2'; 'plotted over rectangular grid (default)'}); subplot (1,2,2); ezsurf (f, [-2,2], 'circ'); title ({'x^2 + y^2'; 'plotted over circular disk with "circ"'}); end try if (~ exist ('ezsurf_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezsurf_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezsurf_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezsurf_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezsurf_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezsurf_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezsurf_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ezsurfc_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); f = @(x,y) sqrt (abs (x .* y)) ./ (1 + x.^2 + y.^2); ezsurfc (f, [-3, 3]); end try if (~ exist ('ezsurfc_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ezsurfc_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ezsurfc_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ezsurfc_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ezsurfc_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ezsurfc_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ezsurfc_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function feather_01 () clf; phi = [0 : 15 : 360] * pi/180; feather (sin (phi), cos (phi)); axis tight; title ('feather plot'); end try if (~ exist ('feather_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); feather_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "feather_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'feather_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "feather_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in feather_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('feather_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function fill_01 () clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1) * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1) + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); h = fill (x1,y1,'r', x2,y2,'g'); title ({'fill() function'; 'cdata specified with string'}); end try if (~ exist ('fill_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); fill_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "fill_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'fill_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "fill_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in fill_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('fill_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function fill_02 () clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1) * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1) + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); h = fill (x1,y1,1, x2,y2,2); title ({'fill() function'; 'cdata = row vector produces FaceColor = "flat"'}); end try if (~ exist ('fill_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); fill_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "fill_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'fill_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "fill_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in fill_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('fill_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function fill_03 () clf; x = [0 0 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0]; y = [0 0 0 0 1 0.5 1 0.5]; c = [1 2 3 4]'; fill (x, y, [c c]); title ({'fill() function'; 'cdata = column vector produces FaceColor = "interp"'}); end try if (~ exist ('fill_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); fill_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "fill_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'fill_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "fill_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in fill_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('fill_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function fplot_01 () clf; fplot (@cos, [0, 2*pi]); title ('fplot() single function'); end try if (~ exist ('fplot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); fplot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "fplot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'fplot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "fplot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in fplot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('fplot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function fplot_02 () clf; fplot ('[cos(x), sin(x)]', [0, 2*pi]); title ('fplot() multiple functions'); end try if (~ exist ('fplot_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); fplot_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "fplot_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'fplot_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "fplot_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in fplot_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('fplot_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function fplot_03 () clf; fh = @(x) sin (pi*x) ./ (pi*x); fplot (fh, [-5, 5]); title ('fplot() sinc function (possible division by 0, near 0)'); end try if (~ exist ('fplot_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); fplot_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "fplot_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'fplot_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "fplot_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in fplot_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('fplot_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isocaps_01 () clf; isoval = .4; lin = linspace (0, 1.2, 15); [x, y, z] = meshgrid (lin, lin, lin); v = abs ((x-.45).^2 + (y-.55).^2 + (z-.8).^2); hf = clf; ha = axes; view (3); box off; fvc_iso = isosurface (x, y, z, v, isoval); cmap = get (hf, 'Colormap'); p_iso = patch (fvc_iso, 'FaceLighting', 'gouraud', ... 'FaceColor', cmap(end,:), 'EdgeColor', 'none'); isonormals (x, y, z, v, p_iso); fvc_xmin = isocaps (x, y, z, v, isoval, 'xmin', 'b'); patch (fvc_xmin, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'gouraud', ... 'VertexNormals', repmat([-1 0 0], size (fvc_xmin.vertices, 1), 1)); fvc_ymin = isocaps (x, y, z, v, isoval, 'ymin', 'b'); patch (fvc_ymin, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'gouraud', ... 'VertexNormals', repmat([0 -1 0], size (fvc_ymin.vertices, 1), 1)); fvc_zmax = isocaps (x, y, z, v, isoval, 'zmax', 'b'); patch (fvc_zmax, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'gouraud', ... 'VertexNormals', repmat([0 -1 0], size (fvc_zmax.vertices, 1), 1)); axis equal; light (); title ({'isocaps()', 'sphere with 6 end-caps'}); end try if (~ exist ('isocaps_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isocaps_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isocaps_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isocaps_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isocaps_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isocaps_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isocaps_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isocaps_02 () clf; v = smooth3 (rand (6, 8, 4)); isoval = .5; x = 1:3:22; y = -14:5:11; z = linspace (16, 18, 4); [xx, yy, zz] = meshgrid (x, y, z); clf; %% two arguments, no output subplot (2, 2, 1); isocaps (v, isoval); view (3); %% five arguments, no output (x, y, z are vectors) subplot (2, 2, 2); isocaps (x, y, z, v, isoval); view (3); %% five arguments, no output (x, y, z are matrices) subplot (2, 2, 3); isocaps (xx, yy, zz, v, isoval); view (3); %% five arguments, no output (mixed x, y, z) subplot (2, 2, 4); isocaps (x, yy, z, v, isoval); view (3); annotation ('textbox', [0.41 0.9 0.9 0.1], ... 'String', 'isocaps() called 4 ways', ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ... 'FontSize', 12); annotation ('textbox', [0.1 0.47 0.9 0.1], ... 'String', ['Apart from the first plot having a different scale, ' ... 'all four plots must look the same.'], ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'FontSize', 12); end try if (~ exist ('isocaps_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isocaps_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isocaps_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isocaps_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isocaps_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isocaps_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isocaps_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isocolors_01 () function isofinish (p) set (gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatioMode', 'manual', ... 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 1 1]); set (p, 'FaceColor', 'interp'); set (p, 'FaceLighting', 'flat'); light ('Position', [1 1 5]); end N = 15; % Increase number of vertices in each direction iso = .4; % Change isovalue to .1 to display a sphere lin = linspace (0, 2, N); [x, y, z] = meshgrid (lin, lin, lin); c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2); clf; subplot (2,2,1); view (-38, 20); [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, iso); p = patch ('Faces', f, 'Vertices', v, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); cdat = rand (size (c)); % Compute random color data isocolors (x, y, z, cdat, p); % Directly set colors of patch title ('random colors for patch handle'); isofinish (p); subplot (2,2,2); view (-38, 20); p = patch ('Faces', f, 'Vertices', v, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); [r, g, b] = meshgrid (lin, 2-lin, 2-lin); cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, c, v); % Compute color data vertices set (p, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); % Set color data manually title ('random colors for "FaceVertexCData"'); isofinish (p); subplot (2,2,3); view (-38, 20); p = patch ('Faces', f, 'Vertices', v, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); cdat = isocolors (r, g, b, c, p); % Compute color data for patch set (p, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); % Set color data manually title ('random RGB colors for "FaceVertexCData"'); isofinish (p); subplot (2,2,4); view (-38, 20); p = patch ('Faces', f, 'Vertices', v, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); r = repmat ([1:N] / N, [N, 1, N]); % Black to white g = repmat ([1:N] / N, [N, 1, N]); % Black to white b = repmat ([1:N] / N, [N, 1, N]); % Black to white cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, r, g, b, v); set (p, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); title ('gray shades for "FaceVertexCData"'); isofinish (p); end try if (~ exist ('isocolors_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isocolors_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isocolors_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isocolors_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isocolors_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isocolors_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isocolors_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isonormals_01 () function isofinish (hp) axis equal; set (hp, 'VertexNormals', -get (hp, 'VertexNormals')); % Revert normals shading interp; lighting gouraud; set (hp, 'BackFaceLighting', 'lit'); light (); end N = 15; % Increase number of vertices in each direction iso = .4; % Change isovalue to .1 to display a sphere lin = linspace (0, 2, N); [x, y, z] = meshgrid (lin, lin, lin); val = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2; clf; subplot (2,2,1); view (-38, 20); [fac, vert, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, val, iso, y); hp = patch ('Faces', fac, 'Vertices', vert, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); title ('without isonormals'); isofinish (hp); set (hp, 'VertexNormalsMode', 'auto'); % for Matlab compatibility subplot (2,2,2); view (-38, 20); hp = patch ('Faces', fac, 'Vertices', vert, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); title ('patch modified by isonormals'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, hp); % Directly modify patch isofinish (hp); subplot (2,2,3); view (-38, 20); hp = patch ('Faces', fac, 'Vertices', vert, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); vn = isonormals (x, y, z, val, vert); % Compute normals of isosurface set (hp, 'VertexNormals', vn); % Manually set vertex normals title ('set "VertexNormals" from isonormals'); isofinish (hp); subplot (2,2,4); view (-38, 20); hp = patch ('Faces', fac, 'Vertices', vert, 'FaceVertexCData', cdat); isonormals (x, y, z, val, hp, 'negate'); % Use reverse directly title ('patch modified by isonormals (..., "negate")'); isofinish (hp); end try if (~ exist ('isonormals_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isonormals_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isonormals_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isonormals_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isonormals_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isonormals_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isonormals_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isosurface_01 () clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2); v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; isosurface (x, y, z, v, 1); axis equal; title ('isosurface() of a sphere'); end try if (~ exist ('isosurface_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isosurface_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isosurface_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isosurface_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isosurface_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isosurface_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isosurface_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isosurface_02 () clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2); v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; isosurface (x, y, z, v, 3); isosurface (x, y, z, v, 5); axis equal; title ('isosurface() of two nested spheres'); end try if (~ exist ('isosurface_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isosurface_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isosurface_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isosurface_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isosurface_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isosurface_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isosurface_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function isosurface_03 () clf; x = 0:2; y = 0:3; z = 0:1; [xx, yy, zz] = meshgrid (x, y, z); v = [0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1; 0, 0, 1]; v(:,:,2) = [0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1; 0, 1, 2; 0, 1, 2]; iso = 0.8; %% Three arguments, no output subplot (2, 2, 1); fvc = isosurface (v, iso, yy); patch (fvc); shading faceted; view (110, 40); %% six arguments, no output (x, y, z are vectors) subplot (2, 2, 2); fvc = isosurface (x, y, z, v, iso, yy); patch (fvc); shading faceted; view (110, 40); %% six arguments, no output (x, y, z are matrices) subplot (2, 2, 3); fvc = isosurface (xx, yy, zz, v, iso, yy); patch (fvc); shading faceted; view (110, 40); %% six arguments, no output (mixed x, y, z) and option 'noshare' subplot (2, 2, 4); fvc = isosurface (x, yy, z, v, iso, yy, 'noshare'); patch (fvc); shading faceted; view (110, 40); annotation ('textbox', [0.41 0.9 0.9 0.1], ... 'String', 'isosurface() called 4 ways', ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ... 'FontSize', 12); annotation ('textbox', [0.1 0.45 0.9 0.1], ... 'String', {['Apart from the first plot having a different scale, ' ... 'all four plots must look the same.'], ['The last plot might have different colors but must ' ... 'have the same shape.']}, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'FontSize', 12); end try if (~ exist ('isosurface_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); isosurface_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "isosurface_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'isosurface_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "isosurface_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in isosurface_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('isosurface_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_01 () %% Demonstrate effects of lighting clf; %% patches h_axes1 = subplot (2, 2, 1); [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2); val = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; fv1 = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 1); h_patch1 = patch (fv1, 'FaceColor', 'c', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch1); fv2 = isosurface (x, y+3, z, val, 1); h_patch2 = patch (fv2, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); isonormals (x, y+3, z, val, h_patch2); view (3); axis equal; axis tight; title ('Patch with lighting'); h_light1 = light (); h_axes2 = subplot (2, 2, 2); patch (fv1, 'FaceColor', 'c', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); patch (fv2, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); view (3); axis equal; axis tight; title ('Patch without lighting'); %% surfaces h_axes3 = subplot (2, 2, 3); h_surf1 = surf (h_axes3, peaks, 'LineStyle', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); title ('Surface with lighting'); view (3); h_light2 = light (); h_axes3 = subplot (2, 2, 4); h_surf2 = surf (h_axes3, peaks, 'LineStyle', 'none'); view (3); title ('Surface without lighting'); end try if (~ exist ('light_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_02 () %% Lighting modes on patches clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.05:.2, -.2:0.05:.2, -.2:0.05:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes1 = axes (); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'none'); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'flat'); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); axis tight axis equal view (2); light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); title ({'FaceLighting on patches', 'none - flat - gouraud'}); end try if (~ exist ('light_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_03 () %% Lighting modes on surfaces clf; Z = peaks (); [X, Y] = meshgrid (1:size (Z, 2), 1:size (Z, 1)); h_axes1 = axes (); surf (X, Y, Z, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'FaceLighting', 'none'); hold on; surf (X + round(1.2 * size (Z, 2)), Y, Z, 'LineStyle', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'flat'); surf (X + round(2.4 * size (Z, 2)), Y, Z, 'LineStyle', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'gouraud'); axis tight axis equal view (2); light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); title ({'FaceLighting on surfaces', 'none - flat - gouraud'}); end try if (~ exist ('light_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_04 () %% multiple lights clf; h_axes = subplot (1, 2, 1); [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-2:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2); val = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 1); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'w', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); view (3); axis equal; axis tight; title ('Patch with one light'); h_light = light ('Color', 'g'); h_axes2 = subplot (1, 2, 2); h_patch2 = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'w', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch2); view (3); axis equal; axis tight; title ('Patch with three lights'); h_light1 = light ('Color', 'r'); h_light2 = light ('Position', [0 1 1], 'Color', 'b'); h_light3 = light ('Position', [-1 -1 2], 'Color', 'g'); end try if (~ exist ('light_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_05 () %% Diffuse and specular reflection clf; h_axes = axes (); rng = linspace (-0.2, +0.2, 12); [x,y,z] = meshgrid (rng); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 0, 'SpecularStrength', 0); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 0, 'SpecularStrength', .5); isonormals (x+.5, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 0, 'SpecularStrength', 1); isonormals (x+1, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x, y+.5, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 0.5, 'SpecularStrength', 0); isonormals (x, y+.5, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y+.5, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 0.5, 'SpecularStrength', .5); isonormals (x+.5, y+.5, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y+.5, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 0.5, 'SpecularStrength', 1); isonormals (x+1, y+.5, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x, y+1, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 1, 'SpecularStrength', 0); isonormals (x, y+1, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y+1, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 1, 'SpecularStrength', .5); isonormals (x+.5, y+1, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y+1, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'DiffuseStrength', 1, 'SpecularStrength', 1); isonormals (x+1, y+1, z, val, h_patch); view (2); axis equal h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); xlabel ('SpecularStrength'); ylabel ('DiffuseStrength'); title ('Effects of SpecularStrength and DiffuseStrength'); end try if (~ exist ('light_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_06 () %% Ambient Strength and Ambient Light Color clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.05:.2, -.2:0.05:.2, -.2:0.05:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes1 = subplot (3,1,3); set (h_axes1, 'AmbientLightColor', 'g'); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', 0); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', .7); isonormals (x+.5, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', 1); isonormals (x+1, y, z, val, h_patch); h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); view (2); axis tight axis equal xlabel ('AmbientStrength'); ylabel ({'AmbientLightColor', '[0 1 0]'}); h_axes2 = subplot (3,1,2); set (h_axes2, 'AmbientLightColor', [.5 0 1]); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', 0); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', .7); isonormals (x+.5, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', 1); isonormals (x+1, y, z, val, h_patch); h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); view (2); axis tight axis equal ylabel ({'AmbientLightColor', '[.5 0 1]'}); h_axes3 = subplot (3,1,1); set (h_axes3, 'AmbientLightColor', 'w'); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', 0); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', .7); isonormals (x+.5, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'AmbientStrength', 1); isonormals (x+1, y, z, val, h_patch); h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); view (2); axis tight axis equal ylabel ({'AmbientLightColor', '[1 1 1]'}); title ('Effects of AmbientLightColor and AmbientStrength'); end try if (~ exist ('light_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_07 () %% Specular Exponent clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes = axes (); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularExponent', 15); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularExponent', 5); isonormals (x+.5, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularExponent', 1); isonormals (x+1, y, z, val, h_patch); h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); view (2); axis tight axis equal xlabel ('SpecularExponent'); title ('Effects of SpecularExponent'); end try if (~ exist ('light_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_08 () %% SpecularColorReflectance clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes = axes (); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularColorReflectance', 0); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+.5, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularColorReflectance', 0.5); isonormals (x+.5, y, z, val, h_patch); fv = isosurface (x+1, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularColorReflectance', 1); isonormals (x+1, y, z, val, h_patch); view (2); h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); axis tight axis equal xlabel ('SpecularColorReflectance'); title ('Effects of SpecularColorReflectance'); end try if (~ exist ('light_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_09 () %% BackFaceLighting clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.5:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2); val = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 1); vn = isonormals (x, y, z, val, fv.vertices); h_axes1 = subplot (1, 3, 1); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'c', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud', 'VertexNormals', vn); set (h_patch, 'BackFaceLighting', 'reverselit'); h_light = light (); view (h_axes1, [-50 30]); title ('reverselit'); axis equal h_axes2 = subplot (1, 3, 2); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'c', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud', 'VertexNormals', -vn); set (h_patch, 'BackFaceLighting', 'lit'); h_light = light (); view (h_axes2, [-50 30]); axis equal title ('lit'); h_axes3 = subplot (1, 3, 3); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'c', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud', 'VertexNormals', -vn); set (h_patch, 'BackFaceLighting', 'unlit'); h_light = light (); view (h_axes3, [-50 30]); axis equal title ('unlit'); end try if (~ exist ('light_09.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_09 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_09.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_09.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_09.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_09: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_09.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_10 () %% BackFaceLighting 2 %% Matlab fails for 'reverselit' with negated isonormals and for 'unlit' clf; N = 30; iso = .8; lin = linspace (-1, 1, N); [x, y, z] = meshgrid (1.2*lin, 1.2*lin, lin); val = (x).^2 + (y).^2 - iso/2.7*cos (2*pi*z); val(x>0 & (y-x)>0) = NaN; fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, iso); vn = isonormals (x, y, z, val, fv.vertices); subplot (2, 3, 1); view (140, 20); axis equal hp = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'BackFaceLighting', 'reverselit', 'VertexNormals', -vn); hl = light ('Position', [1 0 .5]); lighting gouraud title ({'BackFaceLighting', '"reverselit"', 'isonormals(...,"negate")'}); subplot (2, 3, 2); view (140, 20); axis equal hp = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'BackFaceLighting', 'lit', 'VertexNormals', -vn); hl = light ('Position', [1 0 .5]); lighting gouraud title ({'BackFaceLighting', '"lit"', 'isonormals(...,"negate")'}); subplot (2, 3, 3); view (140, 20); axis equal hp = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'VertexNormals', -vn); hl = light ('Position', [1 0 .5]); lighting gouraud title ({'BackFaceLighting', '"unlit"', 'isonormals(...,"negate")'}); subplot (2, 3, 4); view (140, 20); axis equal hp = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'BackFaceLighting', 'reverselit', 'VertexNormals', vn); hl = light ('Position', [1 0 .5]); lighting gouraud title ({'BackFaceLighting', '"reverselit"', 'isonormals(...)'}); subplot (2, 3, 5); view (140, 20); axis equal hp = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'BackFaceLighting', 'lit', 'VertexNormals', vn); hl = light ('Position', [1 0 .5]); lighting gouraud title ({'BackFaceLighting', '"lit"', 'isonormals(...)'}); subplot (2, 3, 6); view (140, 20); axis equal hp = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', 'VertexNormals', vn); hl = light ('Position', [1 0 .5]); lighting gouraud title ({'BackFaceLighting', '"unlit"', 'isonormals(...)'}); end try if (~ exist ('light_10.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_10 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_10.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_10.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_10.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_10: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_10.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_11 () %% Colored patch clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes = axes (); view (3); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039, z); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'flat', 'EdgeColor', 'none', ... 'FaceLighting', 'Gouraud'); set (h_patch, 'SpecularExponent', 15); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); h_light = light ('Position', [-1 1 1]); view (3); axis tight axis equal title ('Colored patch'); end try if (~ exist ('light_11.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_11 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_11.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_11.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_11.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_11: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_11.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_12 () %% Colored mesh (patch) clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.05:.2, -.2:0.05:.2, -.2:0.05:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes = axes (); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039, z); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'w', 'EdgeColor', 'interp'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); h_light = light (); lighting gouraud view (3); axis tight; axis equal; box off; title ('Colored mesh (patch)'); end try if (~ exist ('light_12.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_12 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_12.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_12.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_12.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_12: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_12.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_13 () %% Colored mesh (surface) clf; h_mesh = mesh (peaks); title ('Colored mesh (surface)'); h_light = light (); lighting gouraud end try if (~ exist ('light_13.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_13 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_13.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_13.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_13.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_13: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_13.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_14 () %% Light in hggroup clf; h_mesh = mesh (peaks); h_hg = hggroup (); title ('Light in hggroup'); h_light = light ('Parent', h_hg); lighting gouraud end try if (~ exist ('light_14.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_14 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_14.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_14.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_14.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_14: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_14.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function light_15 () %% Style local/infinite clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2); val = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2); h_axes1 = subplot (1,2,1); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); title ('"Style" = "infinite" (default)'); h_light = light ('Position', [.3 0 .3]); lighting gouraud view (3); axis equal h_axes2 = subplot (1,2,2); fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .039); h_patch = patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); isonormals (x, y, z, val, h_patch); title ('"Style" = "local"'); h_light = light ('Style', 'local', 'Position', [.3 0 .3]); lighting gouraud view (3); axis equal end try if (~ exist ('light_15.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); light_15 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "light_15.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'light_15.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "light_15.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in light_15: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('light_15.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lightangle_01 () clf; sphere (36); lightangle (45, 30); end try if (~ exist ('lightangle_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lightangle_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lightangle_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lightangle_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lightangle_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lightangle_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lightangle_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function line_01 () clf; line ([0 1], [0.8 0.8], 'linestyle', '-', 'color', 'b'); line ([0 1], [0.6 0.6], 'linestyle', '--', 'color', 'g'); line ([0 1], [0.4 0.4], 'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r'); line ([0 1], [0.2 0.2], 'linestyle', '-.', 'color', 'k'); ylim ([0 1]); title ('line() with various linestyles'); legend ('"-"', '"--"', '":"', '"-."', 'location', 'eastoutside'); end try if (~ exist ('line_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); line_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "line_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'line_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "line_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in line_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('line_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function line_02 () clf; x = 0:0.3:10; y1 = cos (x); y2 = sin (x); subplot (3,1,1); args = {'color', 'b', 'marker', 's'}; line ([x(:), x(:)], [y1(:), y2(:)], args{:}); title ('Test broadcasting for line()'); subplot (3,1,2); line (x(:), [y1(:), y2(:)], args{:}); subplot (3,1,3); line ([x(:), x(:)+pi/2], y1(:), args{:}); xlim ([0 10]); end try if (~ exist ('line_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); line_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "line_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'line_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "line_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in line_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('line_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function loglog_01 () clf; t = 1:0.01:10; x = sort ((t .* (1 + rand (size (t)))) .^ 2); y = (t .* (1 + rand (size (t)))) .^ 2; loglog (x, y); title ({'loglog() plot', 'Both axes are logarithmic'}); end try if (~ exist ('loglog_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); loglog_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "loglog_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'loglog_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "loglog_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in loglog_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('loglog_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function loglog_02 () clf; a = logspace (-5, 1, 10); b =-logspace (-5, 1, 10); subplot (1,2,1); loglog (a, b); title ('loglog (a, b)'); subplot (1,2,2); loglog (a, abs (b)); set (gca, 'ydir', 'reverse'); title ('loglog (a, abs (b))'); end try if (~ exist ('loglog_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); loglog_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "loglog_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'loglog_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "loglog_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in loglog_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('loglog_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function loglogerr_01 () clf; x = exp (log (0.01):0.2:log (10)); wblpdf = @(x, scl, shp) shp*(scl^-shp) .* x.^(shp-1) .* exp (-(x/scl).^shp); y = wblpdf (x, 3, 2); eyu = 2*rand (size (y)) .* y; eyl = 0.5*rand (size (y)) .* y; loglogerr (x, y, eyl, eyu, '#~x-'); xlim (x([1, end])); title ({'loglogerr(): loglog() plot with errorbars', ... 'Both axes are logarithmic'}); end try if (~ exist ('loglogerr_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); loglogerr_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "loglogerr_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'loglogerr_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "loglogerr_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in loglogerr_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('loglogerr_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function mesh_01 () clf; x = logspace (0,1,11); z = x'*x; mesh (x, x, z); xlabel 'X-axis'; ylabel 'Y-axis'; zlabel 'Z-axis'; title ('mesh() with color proportional to height'); end try if (~ exist ('mesh_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); mesh_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "mesh_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'mesh_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "mesh_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in mesh_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('mesh_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function mesh_02 () clf; x = logspace (0,1,11); z = x'*x; mesh (x, x, z, z.^2); xlabel 'X-axis'; ylabel 'Y-axis'; zlabel 'linear scale'; title ('mesh() with color proportional to Z^2'); end try if (~ exist ('mesh_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); mesh_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "mesh_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'mesh_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "mesh_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in mesh_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('mesh_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function mesh_03 () clf; x = logspace (0,1,11); z = x'*x; mesh (x, x, z, z.^2); set (gca, 'zscale', 'log'); xlabel 'X-axis'; ylabel 'Y-axis'; zlabel 'log scale'; title ({'mesh() with color proportional to Z^2', 'Z-axis is log scale'}); try if (strcmp (get (gcf, '__graphics_toolkit__'), 'gnuplot')) title ({'Gnuplot: mesh color is wrong', 'This is a Gnuplot bug'}); end catch end end try if (~ exist ('mesh_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); mesh_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "mesh_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'mesh_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "mesh_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in mesh_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('mesh_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function mesh_04 () clf; x = logspace (0,1,11); z = x'*x; mesh (x, x, z, 'facecolor', 'none', 'edgecolor', 'c'); xlabel 'X-axis'; ylabel 'Y-axis'; zlabel 'Z-axis'; title ({'mesh() default properties overridden', ... 'transparent mesh with cyan color'}); end try if (~ exist ('mesh_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); mesh_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "mesh_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'mesh_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "mesh_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in mesh_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('mesh_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function meshc_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [X, Y] = meshgrid (linspace (-3, 3, 40)); Z = sqrt (abs (X .* Y)) ./ (1 + X.^2 + Y.^2); meshc (X, Y, Z); title ('meshc() combines mesh/contour plots'); end try if (~ exist ('meshc_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); meshc_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "meshc_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'meshc_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "meshc_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in meshc_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('meshc_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function meshz_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); meshz (Z); title ('meshz() plot of peaks() function'); end try if (~ exist ('meshz_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); meshz_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "meshz_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'meshz_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "meshz_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in meshz_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('meshz_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function meshz_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); subplot (1,2,1) mesh (Z); daspect ([2.5, 2.5, 1]); title ('mesh() plot'); subplot (1,2,2) meshz (Z); daspect ([2.5, 2.5, 1]); title ('meshz() plot'); end try if (~ exist ('meshz_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); meshz_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "meshz_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'meshz_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "meshz_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in meshz_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('meshz_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function meshz_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); [X,Y,Z] = peaks (); [fx, fy] = gradient (Z); C = sqrt (fx.^2 + fy.^2); meshz (X,Y,Z,C); title ('meshz() plot with color determined by gradient'); end try if (~ exist ('meshz_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); meshz_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "meshz_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'meshz_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "meshz_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in meshz_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('meshz_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pareto_01 () clf; colormap (jet (64)); Cheese = {'Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Camembert', 'Munster', 'Stilton', 'Blue'}; Sold = [105, 30, 70, 10, 15, 20]; pareto (Sold, Cheese); title ('pareto() demo #1'); end try if (~ exist ('pareto_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pareto_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pareto_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pareto_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pareto_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pareto_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pareto_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pareto_02 () clf; %% Suppose that we want establish which products makes 80% of turnover. Codes = {'AB4','BD7','CF8','CC5','AD11','BB5','BB3','AD8','DF3','DE7'}; Value = [2.35 7.9 2.45 1.1 0.15 13.45 5.4 2.05 0.85 1.65]'; SoldUnits = [54723 41114 16939 1576091 168000 687197 120222 168195, ... 1084118 55576]'; pareto (Value.*SoldUnits, Codes); title ('pareto() demo #2'); end try if (~ exist ('pareto_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pareto_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pareto_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pareto_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pareto_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pareto_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pareto_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_01 () clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)' * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1)' + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); patch ([x1,x2], [y1,y2], 'r'); title ('patches with same number of vertices'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_02 () clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)' * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/16:1)' + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); patch ([[x1;NaN(8,1)],x2], [[y1;NaN(8,1)],y2], 'r'); title ('Unclosed patch by using NaN'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_03 () clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)' * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/16:1)' + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); vert = [x1, y1; x2, y2]; fac = [1:8,NaN(1,8);9:24]; patch ('Faces',fac, 'Vertices',vert, 'FaceColor','r'); title ('patch() with separate specification of Faces and Vertices'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_04 () clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)' * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/16:1)' + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); vert = [x1, y1; x2, y2]; p.Faces = [1:8,NaN(1,8);9:24]; p.FaceColor = 'flat'; patch (p, 'Vertices', vert, 'FaceVertexCData', [0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]); title ('patch() with specification of color for each vertex'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_05 () %% Property change on multiple patches clf; t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)' * 2*pi; t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1)' + 1/32) * 2*pi; x1 = sin (t1) - 0.8; y1 = cos (t1); x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8; y2 = cos (t2); h = patch ([x1,x2], [y1,y2], cat (3, [0,0],[1,0],[0,1])); pause (1); set (h, 'FaceColor', 'r'); title ('change color on multiple patch() objects'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_06 () clf; vertices = [0, 0, 0; 1, 0, 0; 1, 1, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0.5, 0.5, 1]; faces = [1, 2, 5; 2, 3, 5; 3, 4, 5; 4, 1, 5]; patch ('Vertices', vertices, 'Faces', faces, ... 'FaceVertexCData', jet (4), 'FaceColor', 'flat'); view (-37.5, 30); box off; title ('"FaceColor" = "flat"'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_07 () clf; vertices = [0, 0, 0; 1, 0, 0; 1, 1, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0.5, 0.5, 1]; faces = [1, 2, 5; 2, 3, 5; 3, 4, 5; 4, 1, 5]; patch ('Vertices', vertices, 'Faces', faces, ... 'FaceVertexCData', jet (5), 'FaceColor', 'interp'); view (-37.5, 30); box off; title ('"FaceColor" = "interp"'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_08 () clf; colormap (jet (64)); x = [0 1 1 0]; y = [0 0 1 1]; subplot (2,1,1); title ('Blue, Light Green, and Red Horizontal Bars'); patch (x, y + 0, 1); patch (x, y + 1, 2); patch (x, y + 2, 3); subplot (2,1,2); title ('Blue, Light Green, and Red Vertical Bars'); patch (x + 0, y, 1 * ones (size (x))); patch (x + 1, y, 2 * ones (size (x))); patch (x + 2, y, 3 * ones (size (x))); end try if (~ exist ('patch_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_09 () clf; colormap (jet (64)); x = [0 1 1 0]; y = [0 0 1 1]; subplot (2,1,1); title ('Blue horizontal bars: Dark to Light'); patch (x, y + 0, 1, 'cdatamapping', 'direct'); patch (x, y + 1, 9, 'cdatamapping', 'direct'); patch (x, y + 2, 17, 'cdatamapping', 'direct'); subplot (2,1,2); title ('Blue vertical bars: Dark to Light'); patch (x + 0, y, 1 * ones (size (x)), 'cdatamapping', 'direct'); patch (x + 1, y, 9 * ones (size (x)), 'cdatamapping', 'direct'); patch (x + 2, y, 17 * ones (size (x)), 'cdatamapping', 'direct'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_09.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_09 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_09.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_09.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_09.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_09: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_09.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_10 () clf; colormap (jet (64)); x = [ 0 0; 1 1; 1 0 ]; y = [ 0 0; 0 1; 1 1 ]; p = patch (x, y, 'b'); set (p, 'cdatamapping', 'direct', 'facecolor', 'flat', 'cdata', [1 32]); title ('Direct mapping of colors: Light-Green UL and Blue LR triangles'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_10.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_10 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_10.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_10.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_10.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_10: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_10.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_11 () clf; colormap (jet (64)); x = [ 0 0; 1 1; 1 0 ]; y = [ 0 0; 0 1; 1 1 ]; p = patch (x, y, [1 32]); title ('Autoscaling of colors: Red UL and Blue LR triangles'); end try if (~ exist ('patch_11.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_11 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_11.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_11.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_11.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_11: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_11.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function patch_12 () clf; vertices = [0 0 0; 0.5 -0.5 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0; 0 1 1; 1 0 1; 0 -1 0;]+3; faces = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]; ha = axes (); hp = patch ('Vertices', vertices, 'Faces', faces, 'FaceColor', 'g'); xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z') view(3) set (ha, 'XTick', [], 'YTick', [], 'ZTick', []) text (vertices(1,1), vertices(1,2), vertices(1,3), '1') text (vertices(2,1), vertices(2,2), vertices(2,3), '2') text (vertices(3,1), vertices(3,2), vertices(3,3), '3') text (vertices(4,1), vertices(4,2), vertices(4,3), '4') text (vertices(5,1), vertices(5,2), vertices(5,3), '5') text (vertices(6,1), vertices(6,2), vertices(6,3), '6') text (vertices(7,1), vertices(7,2), vertices(7,3), '7') title ('Non-coplanar patch') end try if (~ exist ('patch_12.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); patch_12 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "patch_12.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'patch_12.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "patch_12.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in patch_12: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('patch_12.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pcolor_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); pcolor (Z); title ('pcolor() of peaks with facet shading'); end try if (~ exist ('pcolor_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pcolor_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pcolor_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pcolor_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pcolor_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pcolor_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pcolor_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pcolor_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [X,Y,Z] = sombrero (); [Fx,Fy] = gradient (Z); pcolor (X,Y,Fx+Fy); shading interp; axis tight; title ('pcolor() of peaks with interp shading'); end try if (~ exist ('pcolor_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pcolor_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pcolor_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pcolor_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pcolor_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pcolor_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pcolor_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pie_01 () clf; pie ([3, 2, 1], [0, 0, 1]); colormap ([1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1;1,1,0;1,0,1;0,1,1]); title ('pie() with exploded wedge'); end try if (~ exist ('pie_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pie_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pie_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pie_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pie_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pie_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pie_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pie_02 () clf; pie ([3, 2, 1], [0, 0, 1], {'Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Camembert'}); colormap ([1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1;1,1,0;1,0,1;0,1,1]); axis ([-2,2,-2,2]); title ('pie() with labels'); end try if (~ exist ('pie_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pie_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pie_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pie_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pie_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pie_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pie_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pie_03 () clf; pie ([0.17, 0.34, 0.41], {'Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Camembert'}); colormap ([1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1;1,1,0;1,0,1;0,1,1]); axis ([-2,2,-2,2]); title ('pie() with missing slice'); end try if (~ exist ('pie_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pie_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pie_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pie_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pie_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pie_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pie_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pie3_01 () clf; pie3 ([5:-1:1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); colormap ([1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1;1,1,0;1,0,1;0,1,1]); title ('pie3() with exploded wedge'); end try if (~ exist ('pie3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pie3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pie3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pie3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pie3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pie3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pie3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pie3_02 () clf; pie3 ([3, 2, 1], [0, 0, 1], {'Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Camembert'}); colormap ([1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1;1,1,0;1,0,1;0,1,1]); axis ([-2,2,-2,2]); title ('pie3() with labels'); end try if (~ exist ('pie3_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pie3_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pie3_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pie3_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pie3_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pie3_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pie3_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pie3_03 () clf; pie3 ([0.17, 0.34, 0.41], {'Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Camembert'}); colormap ([1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1;1,1,0;1,0,1;0,1,1]); axis ([-2,2,-2,2]); title ('pie3() with missing slice'); end try if (~ exist ('pie3_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pie3_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pie3_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pie3_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pie3_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pie3_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pie3_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_01 () clf; x = 1:5; y = 1:5; plot (x,y,'g'); title ('plot() of green line at 45 degrees'); end try if (~ exist ('plot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_02 () clf; x = 1:5; y = 1:5; plot (x,y,'g*'); title ('plot() of green stars along a line at 45 degrees'); end try if (~ exist ('plot_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_03 () clf; x1 = 1:5; y1 = 1:5; x2 = 5:9; y2 = 5:-1:1; plot (x1,y1,'bo-', x2,y2,'rs-'); axis ('tight'); title ({'plot() of blue circles ascending and red squares descending'; 'connecting lines drawn'}); end try if (~ exist ('plot_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_04 () clf; x = 0:10; plot (x, rand (numel (x), 3)); axis ([0 10 0 1]); title ({'Three random variables', 'x[1x11], y[11x3]'}); end try if (~ exist ('plot_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_05 () clf; x = 0:10; plot (x, rand (3, numel (x))); axis ([0 10 0 1]); title ({'Three random variables', 'x[1x11], y[3x11]'}); end try if (~ exist ('plot_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_06 () clf; x = 0:10; plot (repmat (x, 2, 1), rand (2, numel (x)), '-s'); axis ([0 10 0 1]); title ({'Vertical lines with random height and lengths', ... 'x[2x11], y[2,11]'}); end try if (~ exist ('plot_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_07 () clf; x = 0:10; plot (repmat (x(:), 1, 2), rand (numel (x), 2)); axis ([0 10 0 1]); title ({'Two random variables', 'x[11x2], y[11x2]'}); end try if (~ exist ('plot_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot_08 () clf; x = 0:10; shape = [1, 1, numel(x), 2]; x = reshape (repmat (x(:), 1, 2), shape); y = rand (shape); plot (x, y); axis ([0 10 0 1]); title ({'Two random variables', 'squeezed from 4-D arrays'}); end try if (~ exist ('plot_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot3_01 () clf; z = [0:0.05:5]; plot3 (cos (2*pi*z), sin (2*pi*z), z); legend ('helix'); title ('plot3() of a helix'); end try if (~ exist ('plot3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plot3_02 () clf; z = [0:0.05:5]; plot3 (z, exp (2i*pi*z)); legend ('complex sinusoid'); title ('plot3() with complex input'); end try if (~ exist ('plot3_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plot3_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plot3_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plot3_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plot3_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plot3_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plot3_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plotmatrix_01 () clf; plotmatrix (randn (100, 3), 'g+'); title ('plotmatrix() demo #1'); end try if (~ exist ('plotmatrix_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plotmatrix_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plotmatrix_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plotmatrix_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plotmatrix_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plotmatrix_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plotmatrix_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plotyy_01 () clf; x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin (x); y2 = exp (x - 1); ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy); xlabel ('X'); ylabel (ax(1), 'Axis 1'); ylabel (ax(2), 'Axis 2'); colororder = get (gca, 'ColorOrder'); lcolor = colororder(1,:); rcolor = colororder(2,:); text (0.5, 0.5, 'Left Axis', ... 'color', lcolor, 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'parent', ax(1)); text (4.5, 80, 'Right Axis', ... 'color', rcolor, 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'parent', ax(2)); title ({'plotyy() example'; 'left axis uses @plot, right axis uses @semilogy'}); end try if (~ exist ('plotyy_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plotyy_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plotyy_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plotyy_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plotyy_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plotyy_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plotyy_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function plotyy_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); x = linspace (-1, 1, 201); subplot (2,2,1); plotyy (x,sin(pi*x), x,10*cos(pi*x)); title ('plotyy() in subplot'); subplot (2,2,2); surf (peaks (25)); subplot (2,2,3); contour (peaks (25)); subplot (2,2,4); plotyy (x,10*sin(2*pi*x), x,cos(2*pi*x)); title ('plotyy() in subplot'); axis square; end try if (~ exist ('plotyy_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); plotyy_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "plotyy_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'plotyy_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "plotyy_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in plotyy_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('plotyy_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function polar_01 () clf; theta = linspace (0,2*pi,1000); rho = sin (7*theta); polar (theta, rho); title ('polar() plot'); end try if (~ exist ('polar_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); polar_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "polar_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'polar_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "polar_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in polar_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('polar_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function polar_02 () clf; theta = linspace (0,2*pi,1000); cplx = theta + i*sin (7*theta); polar (cplx, 'g'); title ('polar() plot of complex data'); end try if (~ exist ('polar_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); polar_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "polar_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'polar_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "polar_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in polar_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('polar_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function polar_03 () clf; theta = linspace (0,2*pi,1000); rho = sin (2*theta).*cos (2*theta); polar (theta, rho, '--r'); set (gca, 'rtick', 0.1:0.1:0.6, 'ttick', 0:20:340); title ('polar() plot with finer grid'); end try if (~ exist ('polar_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); polar_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "polar_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'polar_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "polar_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in polar_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('polar_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function polar_04 () clf; theta = linspace (0,2*pi,1000); rho = sin (2*theta).*cos (2*theta); polar (theta, rho, '--b'); set (gca, 'fontsize', 12, 'linewidth', 2, 'color', [0.8 0.8 0.8]); title ('polar() plot with modified axis appearance'); end try if (~ exist ('polar_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); polar_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "polar_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'polar_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "polar_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in polar_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('polar_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function polar_05 () clf; theta = linspace (0,8*pi,1000); rho = sin (5/4*theta); polar (theta, rho); set (gca, 'rtick', 0.2:0.2:1); title ('polar() plot'); end try if (~ exist ('polar_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); polar_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "polar_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'polar_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "polar_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in polar_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('polar_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function quiver_01 () clf; [x,y] = meshgrid (1:2:20); h = quiver (x,y, sin (2*pi*x/10), sin (2*pi*y/10)); title ('quiver() plot w/arrowheads (default)'); end try if (~ exist ('quiver_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); quiver_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "quiver_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'quiver_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "quiver_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in quiver_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('quiver_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function quiver_02 () clf; [x,y] = meshgrid (1:2:20); h = quiver (x,y, sin (2*pi*x/10), sin (2*pi*y/10), 'o'); title ('quiver() plot w/origin markers'); end try if (~ exist ('quiver_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); quiver_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "quiver_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'quiver_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "quiver_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in quiver_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('quiver_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function quiver_03 () clf; [x,y] = meshgrid (1:2:20); h = quiver (x,y, sin (2*pi*x/10), sin (2*pi*y/10)); set (h, 'marker', 'o'); title ('quiver() plot w/origin markers and arrowheads'); end try if (~ exist ('quiver_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); quiver_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "quiver_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'quiver_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "quiver_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in quiver_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('quiver_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function quiver_04 () clf; x = linspace (0, 3, 80); y = sin (2*pi*x); theta = 2*pi*x + pi/2; quiver (x, y, sin (theta)/10, cos (theta)/10, 0.4); axis equal tight; hold on; plot (x,y,'r'); hold off; title ('quiver() with scaled arrows'); end try if (~ exist ('quiver_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); quiver_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "quiver_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'quiver_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "quiver_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in quiver_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('quiver_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function quiver3_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = peaks (25); surf (x, y, z); hold on; [u, v, w] = surfnorm (x, y, z / 10); h = quiver3 (x, y, z, u, v, w); set (h, 'maxheadsize', 0.25); hold off; title ('quiver3() of surface normals to peaks() function'); end try if (~ exist ('quiver3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); quiver3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "quiver3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'quiver3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "quiver3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in quiver3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('quiver3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function quiver3_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = peaks (25); surf (x, y, z); hold on; [u, v, w] = surfnorm (x, y, z / 10); h = quiver3 (x, y, z, u, v, w); set (h, 'maxheadsize', 0.25); hold off; shading interp; title ({'quiver3() of surface normals to peaks() function'; ... 'shading "interp"'}); end try if (~ exist ('quiver3_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); quiver3_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "quiver3_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'quiver3_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "quiver3_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in quiver3_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('quiver3_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rectangle_01 () clf; axis equal; rectangle ('Position', [0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9], 'Curvature', [0.5, 0.5]); title ('rectangle() with corners curved'); end try if (~ exist ('rectangle_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rectangle_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rectangle_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rectangle_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rectangle_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rectangle_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rectangle_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rectangle_02 () clf; axis equal; rectangle ('Position', [0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.4], 'Curvature', 1.0); title ('rectangle() with sides as complete arcs'); end try if (~ exist ('rectangle_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rectangle_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rectangle_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rectangle_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rectangle_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rectangle_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rectangle_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rectangle_03 () clf; axis equal; h = rectangle ('Position', [0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.4], 'Curvature', 1.0); set (h, 'FaceColor', [0, 1, 0]); title ('rectangle() with FaceColor = green'); end try if (~ exist ('rectangle_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rectangle_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rectangle_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rectangle_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rectangle_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rectangle_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rectangle_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function reducepatch_01 () clf; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (-2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2); val = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2; fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 1); ax1 = subplot (1, 2, 1); patch (fv, 'FaceColor', 'g'); view (3); axis equal; title ('Sphere with all faces'); ax2 = subplot(1, 2, 2); patch (reducepatch (fv, 72), 'FaceColor', 'g'); view (3); axis equal; title ('Sphere with reduced number of faces'); linkprop ([ax1, ax2], {'CameraPosition', 'CameraUpVector'}); end try if (~ exist ('reducepatch_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); reducepatch_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "reducepatch_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'reducepatch_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "reducepatch_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in reducepatch_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('reducepatch_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ribbon_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = sombrero (); ribbon (y, z); title ('ribbon() plot of sombrero()'); end try if (~ exist ('ribbon_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ribbon_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ribbon_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ribbon_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ribbon_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ribbon_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ribbon_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rose_01 () clf; rose (2*randn (1e5, 1), 8); title ('rose() angular histogram plot with 8 bins'); end try if (~ exist ('rose_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rose_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rose_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rose_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rose_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rose_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rose_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rose_02 () clf; rose ([2*randn(1e5, 1), pi + 2*randn(1e5, 1)]); title ('rose() angular histogram plot with 2 data series'); end try if (~ exist ('rose_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rose_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rose_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rose_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rose_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rose_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rose_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rose_03 () clf; rose ([0, 2, 3, 5], [0, pi/2, pi, 3*pi/2]); title ('rose() angular histogram plot with specified bins'); end try if (~ exist ('rose_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rose_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rose_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rose_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rose_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rose_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rose_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_01 () clf; x = randn (100, 1); y = randn (100, 1); scatter (x, y, 'r'); title ('scatter() plot with red bubbles'); end try if (~ exist ('scatter_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_02 () clf; x = randn (100, 1); y = randn (100, 1); c = x .* y; scatter (x, y, 50, c, 'filled'); title ('scatter() with colored filled bubbles'); end try if (~ exist ('scatter_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_03 () clf; x = randn (100, 1); y = randn (100, 1); scatter (x, y, [], sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2)); title ({'scatter() plot'; ... 'bubble color determined by distance from origin'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_04 () clf; rand_10x1_data5 = [0.777753, 0.093848, 0.183162, 0.399499, 0.337997, 0.686724, 0.073906, 0.651808, 0.869273, 0.137949]; rand_10x1_data6 = [0.37460, 0.25027, 0.19510, 0.51182, 0.54704, 0.56087, 0.24853, 0.75443, 0.42712, 0.44273]; x = rand_10x1_data5; y = rand_10x1_data6; h = scatter (x, y, [], 'r', 's'); title ({'scatter() plot'; ... 'color is red, marker is square'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_05 () clf; rand_10x1_data3 = [0.42262, 0.51623, 0.65992, 0.14999, 0.68385, 0.55929, 0.52251, 0.92204, 0.19762, 0.93726]; rand_10x1_data4 = [0.020207, 0.527193, 0.443472, 0.061683, 0.370277, 0.947349, 0.249591, 0.666304, 0.134247, 0.920356]; x = rand_10x1_data3; y = rand_10x1_data4; h = scatter (x, y, [], 'r', 's', 'filled'); title ({'scatter() plot'; ... 'color is red, marker is square, marker is filled'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_06 () clf; rand_10x1_data1 = [0.171577, 0.404796, 0.025469, 0.335309, 0.047814, 0.898480, 0.639599, 0.700247, 0.497798, 0.737940]; rand_10x1_data2 = [0.75495, 0.83991, 0.80850, 0.73603, 0.19360, 0.72573, 0.69371, 0.74388, 0.13837, 0.54143]; x = rand_10x1_data1; y = rand_10x1_data2; s = 36 - 30*log (x.^2 + y.^2); h = scatter (x, y, s, s, 's', 'filled'); title ({'scatter() plot with filled square markers', ... 'size and color of markers determined by algorithm'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_07 () clf; k = 1; for m = [1, 3] for n = [101, 50, 1] x = rand (n, 1); y = rand (n, 1); if (m > 1) str = 'Three Colors'; idx = ceil (rand (n, 1) * 3); colors = eye (3); colors = colors(idx, :); else str = 'Random Colors'; colors = rand (n, m); end if (n == 1) str = sprintf ('%s: 1 point', str); elseif (n < 100) str = sprintf ('%s: < 100 points', str); else str = sprintf ('%s: > 100 points', str); end subplot (2,3,k); k = k + 1; scatter (x, y, [], colors, 'filled'); axis ([0 1 0 1]); title (str); end end end try if (~ exist ('scatter_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter_08 () clf; k = 1; for m = [1, 3] for n = [101, 50, 1] x = rand (n, 1); y = rand (n, 1); if (m > 1) str = 'Three Colors'; idx = ceil (rand (n, 1) * 3); colors = eye (3); colors = colors(idx, :); else str = 'Random Colors'; colors = rand (n, m); end if (n == 1) str = sprintf ('%s: 1 point', str); elseif (n < 100) str = sprintf ('%s: < 100 points', str); else str = sprintf ('%s: > 100 points', str); end subplot (2,3,k); k = k + 1; scatter (x, y, [], colors); axis ([0 1 0 1]); title (str); end end end try if (~ exist ('scatter_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter3_01 () clf; [x, y, z] = peaks (20); scatter3 (x(:), y(:), z(:), [], z(:)); title ({'Default scatter3() plot', ... 'constant size bubbles and color determined by Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter3_02 () clf; x = rand (20,1); y = rand (20,1); z = rand (20,1); scatter3 (x(:), y(:), z(:), 10, z(:), 's'); title ({'scatter3() plot', ... 'marker is square, size is 10, color determined by Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter3_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter3_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter3_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter3_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter3_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter3_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter3_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter3_03 () clf; x = rand (20,1); y = rand (20,1); z = rand (20,1); scatter3 (x(:), y(:), z(:), 20*z(:), [], 's'); title ({'scatter3() plot', ... 'marker is square, size is determined by Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter3_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter3_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter3_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter3_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter3_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter3_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter3_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function scatter3_04 () clf; x = rand (20,1); y = rand (20,1); z = rand (20,1); scatter3 (x(:), y(:), z(:), 20*z(:), z(:), 's'); title ({'scatter3() plot', ... 'marker is square, size and color determined by Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('scatter3_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); scatter3_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "scatter3_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'scatter3_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "scatter3_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in scatter3_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('scatter3_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogx_01 () clf; x = 1:0.01:10; y = (x .* (1 + rand (size (x)))) .^ 2; semilogx (y, x); title ({'semilogx() plot', 'X-axis is logarithmic'}); end try if (~ exist ('semilogx_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogx_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogx_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogx_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogx_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogx_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogx_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogx_02 () clf; x = logspace (-5, 1, 10); y = logspace (-5, 1, 10); subplot (1,2,1); semilogx (x, y); title ('semilogx (x, y)'); subplot (1,2,2); semilogx (-x, y); title ('semilogx (-x, y)'); end try if (~ exist ('semilogx_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogx_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogx_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogx_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogx_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogx_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogx_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogx_03 () clf; x = logspace (-5, 1, 10); y = logspace (-5, 1, 10); subplot (1,2,1); semilogx (x, y); set (gca, 'xdir', 'reverse', 'activepositionproperty', 'outerposition'); title ({'semilogx (x, y)', 'xdir = reversed'}); subplot (1,2,2); semilogx (-x, y); set (gca, 'xdir', 'reverse', 'activepositionproperty', 'outerposition'); title ({'semilogx (-x, y)', 'xdir = reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('semilogx_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogx_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogx_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogx_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogx_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogx_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogx_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogxerr_01 () clf; x = exp (log (0.01):0.2:log (10)); wblpdf = @(x, scl, shp) shp*(scl^-shp) .* x.^(shp-1) .* exp (-(x/scl).^shp); y = wblpdf (x, 2, 2); ey = 0.5*rand (size (y)) .* y; semilogxerr (x, y, ey, '#~x-'); xlim (x([1, end])); title ({'semilogxerr(): semilogx() plot with errorbars', ... 'X-axis is logarithmic'}); end try if (~ exist ('semilogxerr_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogxerr_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogxerr_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogxerr_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogxerr_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogxerr_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogxerr_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogy_01 () clf; x = 1:0.01:10; y = (x .* (1 + rand (size (x)))) .^ 2; semilogy (x, y); title ({'semilogx() plot', 'Y-axis is logarithmic'}); end try if (~ exist ('semilogy_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogy_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogy_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogy_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogy_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogy_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogy_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogy_02 () clf; x = logspace (-5, 1, 10); y = logspace (-5, 1, 10); subplot (2,1,1); semilogy (x, y); title ('semilogy (x, y)'); subplot (2,1,2); semilogy (x, -y); title ('semilogy (x, -y)'); end try if (~ exist ('semilogy_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogy_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogy_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogy_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogy_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogy_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogy_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogy_03 () clf; x = logspace (-5, 1, 10); y = logspace (-5, 1, 10); subplot (2,1,1); semilogy (x, y); set (gca, 'ydir', 'reverse', 'activepositionproperty', 'outerposition'); title ({'semilogy (x, y)', 'ydir = reversed'}); subplot (2,1,2); semilogy (x, -y); set (gca, 'ydir', 'reverse', 'activepositionproperty', 'outerposition'); title ({'semilogy (x, -y)', 'ydir = reversed'}); end try if (~ exist ('semilogy_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogy_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogy_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogy_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogy_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogy_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogy_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function semilogyerr_01 () clf; x = 0.25:0.25:10; wblpdf = @(x, scl, shp) shp*(scl^-shp) .* x.^(shp-1) .* exp (-(x/scl).^shp); y = wblpdf (x, 4, 2); eyu = rand (size (y)); eyl = 1.0 - 1./(1+eyu); semilogyerr (x, y, eyl.*y, eyu.*y, '~-d'); xlim ([0 10]); title ({'semilogyerr(): semilogy() plot with errorbars', ... 'Y-axis is logarithmic'}); end try if (~ exist ('semilogyerr_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); semilogyerr_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "semilogyerr_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'semilogyerr_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "semilogyerr_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in semilogyerr_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('semilogyerr_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shrinkfaces_01 () clf; faces = [1 2 3; 1 3 4]; vertices = [0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1]; patch ('Faces', faces, 'Vertices', vertices, 'FaceColor', 'none'); fv = shrinkfaces (faces, vertices, 0.25); patch (fv); axis auto; % Kludge required for Octave axis equal; title ('shrinkfaces() on triangular shapes'); end try if (~ exist ('shrinkfaces_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shrinkfaces_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shrinkfaces_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shrinkfaces_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shrinkfaces_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shrinkfaces_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shrinkfaces_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shrinkfaces_02 () clf; faces = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8]; vertices = [0 0; 1 0; 2 1; 1 1; 2 0; 3 0; 4 1; 3.5 1]; patch ('Faces', faces, 'Vertices', vertices, 'FaceColor', 'none'); fv = shrinkfaces (faces, vertices, 0.25); patch (fv); axis auto; % Kludge required for Octave axis equal; grid on; title ('shrinkfaces() on rhomboid shapes'); end try if (~ exist ('shrinkfaces_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shrinkfaces_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shrinkfaces_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shrinkfaces_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shrinkfaces_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shrinkfaces_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shrinkfaces_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shrinkfaces_03 () clf; faces = [1 2 3 4]; vertices = [-1 2; 0 0; 1 2; 0 1]; patch ('Faces', faces, 'Vertices', vertices, 'FaceColor', 'none'); fv = shrinkfaces (faces, vertices, 0.25); patch (fv); axis auto; % Kludge required for Octave axis equal; grid on; title ('shrinkfaces() does not work on concave shapes'); end try if (~ exist ('shrinkfaces_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shrinkfaces_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shrinkfaces_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shrinkfaces_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shrinkfaces_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shrinkfaces_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shrinkfaces_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shrinkfaces_04 () clf; [phi r] = meshgrid (linspace (0, 1.5*pi, 16), linspace (1, 2, 4)); tri = delaunay (phi(:), r(:)); v = [r(:).*sin(phi(:)) r(:).*cos(phi(:))]; p = patch ('Faces', tri, 'Vertices', v, 'FaceColor', 'none'); fv = shrinkfaces (p); patch (fv); axis auto; % Kludge required for Octave axis equal; grid on; title ('shrinkfaces() on 2-D complex shapes tesselated with triangles'); end try if (~ exist ('shrinkfaces_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shrinkfaces_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shrinkfaces_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shrinkfaces_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shrinkfaces_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shrinkfaces_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shrinkfaces_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function shrinkfaces_05 () clf; N = 10; % N intervals per axis [x, y, z] = meshgrid (linspace (-4,4,N+1)); val = x.^3 + y.^3 + z.^3; fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 3, z, 'noshare'); p = patch ('Faces', fv.faces, 'Vertices', fv.vertices, 'FaceVertexCData', ... fv.facevertexcdata, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'black'); axis auto; % Kludge required for Octave axis equal; view (115, 30); drawnow; shrinkfaces (p, 0.6); title ('shrinkfaces() on 3-D complex shapes'); end try if (~ exist ('shrinkfaces_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); shrinkfaces_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "shrinkfaces_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'shrinkfaces_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "shrinkfaces_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in shrinkfaces_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('shrinkfaces_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function slice_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = meshgrid (linspace (-8, 8, 32)); v = sin (sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2)) ./ (sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2)); slice (x, y, z, v, [], 0, []); title ('slice() demo #1'); end try if (~ exist ('slice_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); slice_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "slice_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'slice_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "slice_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in slice_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('slice_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function slice_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = meshgrid (linspace (-8, 8, 32)); v = sin (sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2)) ./ (sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2)); [xi, yi] = meshgrid (linspace (-7, 7)); zi = xi + yi; slice (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi); title ('slice() demo #2'); end try if (~ exist ('slice_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); slice_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "slice_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'slice_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "slice_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in slice_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('slice_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function smooth3_01 () clf; data = rand (10, 10, 10); subplot (1, 2, 1); patch (isosurface (data, .5), ... 'FaceColor', 'blue', 'EdgeColor', 'k'); title ('Original data'); view (3); smoothed_data = smooth3 (data); subplot (1, 2, 2); patch (isosurface (smoothed_data, .5), ... 'FaceColor', 'blue', 'EdgeColor', 'k'); title ('Smoothed data'); view (3); end try if (~ exist ('smooth3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); smooth3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "smooth3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'smooth3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "smooth3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in smooth3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('smooth3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function sombrero_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); sombrero (); title ('sombrero() function'); end try if (~ exist ('sombrero_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); sombrero_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "sombrero_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'sombrero_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "sombrero_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in sombrero_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('sombrero_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stairs_01 () clf; rand_1x10_data1 = [0.073, 0.455, 0.837, 0.124, 0.426, 0.781, 0.004, 0.024, 0.519, 0.698]; y = rand_1x10_data1; stairs (y); title ('stairs() plot of y-data'); end try if (~ exist ('stairs_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stairs_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stairs_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stairs_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stairs_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stairs_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stairs_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stairs_02 () clf; x = 1:10; rand_1x10_data2 = [0.014, 0.460, 0.622, 0.394, 0.531, 0.378, 0.466, 0.788, 0.342, 0.893]; y = rand_1x10_data2; [xs, ys] = stairs (x, y); plot (xs, ys); title ('plot() of stairs() generated data'); end try if (~ exist ('stairs_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stairs_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stairs_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stairs_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stairs_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stairs_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stairs_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stairs_03 () clf; stairs (1:9, '-o'); title ('stairs() plot with linespec to modify marker'); end try if (~ exist ('stairs_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stairs_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stairs_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stairs_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stairs_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stairs_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stairs_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stairs_04 () clf; stairs (9:-1:1, 'marker', 's', 'markersize', 10, 'markerfacecolor', 'm'); title ('stairs() plot with prop/val pairs to modify appearance'); end try if (~ exist ('stairs_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stairs_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stairs_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stairs_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stairs_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stairs_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stairs_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stairs_05 () clf; N = 11; x = 0:(N-1); y = rand (1, N); hs = stairs (x(1), y(1)); axis ([1, N-1 0, 1]); title ('stairs plot data modified through handle'); for k = 2:N set (hs, 'xdata', x(1:k), 'ydata', y(1:k)); drawnow (); pause (0.2); end end try if (~ exist ('stairs_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stairs_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stairs_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stairs_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stairs_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stairs_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stairs_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_01 () clf; y = 1:10; stem (y); title ('stem plot of y-values only'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_02 () clf; x = 1:10; y = 2*x; stem (x, y); title ('stem plot of x and y-values'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_03 () clf; x = 1:10; y = 2*x; h = stem (x, y, 'r'); title ('stem plot with modified color'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_04 () clf; x = 1:10; y = 2*x; h = stem (x, y, '-.k'); title ('stem plot with modified line style and color'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_05 () clf; x = 1:10; y = 2*x; h = stem (x, y, '-.ks'); title ('stem plot with modified line style, color, and marker'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_06 () clf; x = 1:10; y = 2*x; h = stem (x, y, 'filled'); title ('stem plot with "filled" markers'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_07 () clf; x = 1:10; y = 2*x; h = stem (x, y, 'markerfacecolor', [1 0 1]); title ('stem plot modified with property/value pair'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_08 () clf; x = (0 : 10)'; y = [sin(x), cos(x)]; h = stem (x, y); set (h(2), 'color', 'g'); set (h(1), 'basevalue', -0.75); title ('stem plots modified through hggroup handle'); end try if (~ exist ('stem_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem_09 () clf; N = 11; x = 0:(N-1); y = rand (1, N); hs = stem (x(1), y(1)); set (gca (), 'xlim', [1, N-1], 'ylim', [0, 1]); title ('stem plot data modified through hggroup handle'); for k=2:N set (hs, 'xdata', x(1:k), 'ydata', y(1:k)); drawnow (); pause (0.2); end end try if (~ exist ('stem_09.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem_09 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem_09.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem_09.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem_09.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem_09: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem_09.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stem3_01 () clf; theta = 0:0.2:6; stem3 (cos (theta), sin (theta), theta); title ('stem3() plot'); end try if (~ exist ('stem3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stem3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stem3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stem3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stem3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stem3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stem3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stream2_01 () clf; [x, y] = meshgrid (-5:5, -4:4); u = x - 2 * y; v = 2 * x - 3 * y; sx = [3, 0, -1, -2, -3, 0, 1, 2]; sy = [3, 3, 3, 3, -3, -3, -3, -3]; h = streamline (x, y, u, v, sx, sy, 0.05); set (h, 'color', 'r'); hold on; quiver (x, y, u, v); scatter (sx(:), sy(:), 20, 'filled', 'o', 'markerfacecolor', 'r'); grid on; title ('Asymptotically Stable Equilibrium'); axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('stream2_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stream2_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stream2_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stream2_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stream2_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stream2_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stream2_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function stream3_01 () clf; [x, y, z] = meshgrid (-30:1:30, -30:1:30, 0:1:50); s = 10; b = 8 / 3; r = 28; u = s * (y - x); v = r * x - y - x.*z; w = x.*y - b * z; hold on; sx = 0.1; sy = 0.1; sz = 0.1; plot3 (sx, sy, sz, '.r', 'markersize', 15); h = streamline (x, y, z, u, v, w, sx, sy, sz, [0.1, 50000]); set (h, 'color', 'r'); view (3); title ('Lorenz System'); grid on; axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('stream3_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); stream3_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "stream3_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'stream3_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "stream3_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in stream3_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('stream3_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function streamline_01 () clf; [x, y] = meshgrid (-2:0.5:2); u = - y - x / 2; v = x - y / 2; [sx, sy] = meshgrid (-2:2:2); h = streamline (x, y, u, v, sx, sy); set (h, 'color', 'r'); hold on; quiver (x, y, u, v); scatter (sx(:), sy(:), 20, 'filled', 'o', 'markerfacecolor', 'r'); title ('Spiral Sink'); grid on; axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('streamline_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); streamline_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "streamline_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'streamline_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "streamline_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in streamline_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('streamline_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function streamline_02 () clf; [x, y, z] = meshgrid (-3:3); u = - x / 2 - y; v = x - y / 2; w = - z; [sx, sy, sz] = meshgrid (3, 0:1.5:1.5, 0:1.5:3); h = streamline (x, y, z, u, v, w, sx, sy, sz); set (h, 'color', 'r'); hold on; quiver3 (x, y, z, u, v, w); scatter3 (sx(:), sy(:), sz(:), 20, 'filled', 'o', 'markerfacecolor', 'r'); view (3); title ('Spiral Sink'); grid on; axis equal; end try if (~ exist ('streamline_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); streamline_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "streamline_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'streamline_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "streamline_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in streamline_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('streamline_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function streamline_03 () clf; [x, y, z] = meshgrid (-1:0.4:1, -1:0.4:1, -3:0.3:0); a = 0.08; b = 0.04; u = - a * x - y; v = x - a * y; w = - b * ones (size (x)); hold on; sx = 1.0; sy = 0.0; sz = 0.0; plot3 (sx, sy, sz, '.r', 'markersize', 15); t = linspace (0, 12 * 2 * pi(), 500); tx = exp (-a * t).*cos (t); ty = exp (-a * t).*sin (t); tz = - b * t; plot3 (tx, ty, tz, '-b'); h = streamline (x, y, z, u, v, w, sx, sy, sz); set (h, 'color', 'r'); view (3); title ('Heuns Scheme (red) vs. Analytical Solution (blue)'); grid on; axis equal tight; end try if (~ exist ('streamline_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); streamline_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "streamline_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'streamline_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "streamline_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in streamline_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('streamline_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function streamtube_01 () clf; [x, y, z] = meshgrid (-1:0.1:1, -1:0.1:1, -3.5:0.1:0); a = 0.1; b = 0.1; u = - a * x - y; v = x - a * y; w = - b * ones (size (x)); sx = 1.0; sy = 0.0; sz = 0.0; streamtube (x, y, z, u, v, w, sx, sy, sz, [1.2, 30]); colormap (jet); shading interp; view ([-47, 24]); camlight (); lighting gouraud; grid on; view (3); axis equal; set (gca, 'cameraviewanglemode', 'manual'); title ('Spiral Sink'); end try if (~ exist ('streamtube_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); streamtube_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "streamtube_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'streamtube_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "streamtube_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in streamtube_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('streamtube_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function streamtube_02 () clf; [x, y, z] = meshgrid (-2:0.5:2); t = sqrt (1.0./(x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2)).^3; u = - x.*t; v = - y.*t; w = - z.*t; [sx, sy, sz] = meshgrid (-2:4:2); xyz = stream3 (x, y, z, u, v, w, sx, sy, sz, [0.1, 60]); streamtube (xyz, x, y, z, u, v, w, [2, 50]); colormap (jet); shading interp; view ([-47, 24]); camlight (); lighting gouraud; grid on; view (3); axis equal; set (gca, 'cameraviewanglemode', 'manual'); title ('Integration Towards Sink'); end try if (~ exist ('streamtube_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); streamtube_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "streamtube_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'streamtube_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "streamtube_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in streamtube_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('streamtube_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surf_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); surf (Z); title ({'surf() plot of peaks() function'; 'color determined by height Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('surf_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surf_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surf_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surf_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surf_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surf_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surf_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surf_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = sombrero (); [Fx,Fy] = gradient (Z); surf (Z, Fx+Fy); shading interp; title ({'surf() plot of peaks() function'; ... 'facecolor is interpolated, color determined by gradient of Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('surf_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surf_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surf_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surf_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surf_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surf_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surf_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surf_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); [X,Y,Z] = sombrero (); [~,Fy] = gradient (Z); surf (X, Y, Z, Fy); shading interp; title ({'surf() plot of peaks() function'; ... 'facecolor is interpolated, color determined by Y-gradient of Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('surf_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surf_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surf_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surf_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surf_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surf_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surf_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfc_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); surfc (Z); title ('surfc() combines surf/contour plots'); end try if (~ exist ('surfc_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfc_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfc_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfc_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfc_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfc_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfc_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfc_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = sombrero (); [Fx,Fy] = gradient (Z); surfc (Z, Fx+Fy); shading interp; title ({'surfc() plot of sombrero() function'; ... 'facecolor is interpolated, color determined by gradient of Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('surfc_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfc_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfc_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfc_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfc_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfc_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfc_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfc_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); [X,Y,Z] = sombrero (); [~,Fy] = gradient (Z); surfc (X,Y,Z,Fy); shading interp; title ({'surfc() plot of peaks() function'; ... 'facecolor is interpolated, color determined by Y-gradient of Z'}); end try if (~ exist ('surfc_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfc_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfc_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfc_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfc_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfc_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfc_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfl_01 () clf; [X,Y,Z] = sombrero (); colormap (copper (64)); surfl (X,Y,Z); shading interp; title ('surfl() with defaults'); end try if (~ exist ('surfl_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfl_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfl_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfl_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfl_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfl_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfl_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfl_02 () clf; [X,Y,Z] = sombrero (); colormap (copper (64)); surfl (X,Y,Z, [62.50,30], [0.2 0.6 0.4 25]); shading interp; title ('surfl() with lighting vector and material properties'); end try if (~ exist ('surfl_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfl_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfl_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfl_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfl_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfl_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfl_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfl_03 () clf; [X, Y] = meshgrid (-3:1/8:3); Z = peaks (X, Y); surfl (X, Y, Z, 'light'); shading interp; title ('surfl() with light object'); end try if (~ exist ('surfl_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfl_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfl_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfl_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfl_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfl_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfl_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfnorm_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); surfnorm (peaks (19)); shading faceted; title ({'surfnorm() shows surface and normals at each vertex', ... 'peaks() function with 19 faces'}); end try if (~ exist ('surfnorm_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfnorm_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfnorm_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfnorm_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfnorm_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfnorm_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfnorm_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function surfnorm_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); [x, y, z] = sombrero (10); surfnorm (x, y, z); title ({'surfnorm() shows surface and normals at each vertex', ... 'sombrero() function with 10 faces'}); end try if (~ exist ('surfnorm_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); surfnorm_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "surfnorm_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'surfnorm_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "surfnorm_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in surfnorm_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('surfnorm_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function tetramesh_01 () clf; d = [-1 1]; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (d, d, d); x = [x(:); 0]; y = [y(:); 0]; z = [z(:); 0]; tetra = delaunay (x, y, z); X = [x(:) y(:) z(:)]; colormap (jet (64)); h = tetramesh (tetra, X); set (h(1:2:end), 'visible', 'off'); axis equal; view (30, 20); title ({'tetramesh() plot', ... 'colormap = jet (64), every other tetrahedron invisible'}); end try if (~ exist ('tetramesh_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); tetramesh_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "tetramesh_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'tetramesh_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "tetramesh_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in tetramesh_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('tetramesh_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function tetramesh_02 () clf; d = [-1 1]; [x,y,z] = meshgrid (d, d, d); x = [x(:); 0]; y = [y(:); 0]; z = [z(:); 0]; tetra = delaunay (x, y, z); X = [x(:) y(:) z(:)]; colormap (gray (256)); tetramesh (tetra, X, 21:20:241, 'EdgeColor', 'w'); axis equal; view (30, 20); title ({'tetramesh() plot', ... 'colormap = gray (256) with white edges'}); end try if (~ exist ('tetramesh_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); tetramesh_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "tetramesh_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'tetramesh_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "tetramesh_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in tetramesh_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('tetramesh_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trimesh_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); old_state = rand ('state'); restore_state = onCleanup (@() rand ('state', old_state)); rand ('state', 10); N = 10; x = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N); y = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N); z = peaks (x, y); tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:)); trimesh (tri, x(:), y(:), z(:)); title ('trimesh() plot of sparsely-sampled peaks() function'); end try if (~ exist ('trimesh_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trimesh_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trimesh_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trimesh_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trimesh_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trimesh_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trimesh_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function triplot_01 () clf; old_state = rand ('state'); restore_state = onCleanup (@() rand ('state', old_state)); rand ('state', 2); N = 20; x = rand (N, 1); y = rand (N, 1); tri = delaunay (x, y); triplot (tri, x, y); title ('triplot() of random 2-D Delaunay triangulation'); end try if (~ exist ('triplot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); triplot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "triplot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'triplot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "triplot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in triplot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('triplot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trisurf_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); N = 31; [x, y] = meshgrid (1:N); tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:)); z = peaks (N); h = trisurf (tri, x, y, z, 'facecolor', 'flat'); axis tight; zlim auto; title ({'trisurf() of peaks() function', 'facecolor = "flat"'}); end try if (~ exist ('trisurf_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trisurf_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trisurf_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trisurf_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trisurf_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trisurf_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trisurf_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trisurf_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); N = 31; [x, y] = meshgrid (1:N); tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:)); z = peaks (N); h = trisurf (tri, x, y, z, 'facecolor', 'interp'); axis tight; zlim auto; title ({'trisurf() of peaks() function', 'facecolor = "interp"'}); end try if (~ exist ('trisurf_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trisurf_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trisurf_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trisurf_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trisurf_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trisurf_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trisurf_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trisurf_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); old_state = rand ('state'); restore_state = onCleanup (@() rand ('state', old_state)); rand ('state', 10); N = 10; x = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N); y = 3 - 6 * rand (N, N); z = peaks (x, y); tri = delaunay (x(:), y(:)); trisurf (tri, x(:), y(:), z(:)); title ('trisurf() of sparsely-sampled triangulation of peaks()'); end try if (~ exist ('trisurf_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trisurf_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trisurf_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trisurf_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trisurf_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trisurf_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trisurf_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trisurf_04 () clf; colormap ('default'); x = rand (100, 1); y = rand (100, 1); z = x.^2 + y.^2; tri = delaunay (x, y); trisurf (tri, x, y, z); title ({'trisurf() of random data', 'default "facecolor" = "flat", "edgecolor" = "black"'}); end try if (~ exist ('trisurf_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trisurf_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trisurf_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trisurf_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trisurf_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trisurf_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trisurf_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trisurf_05 () clf; colormap ('default'); x = rand (100, 1); y = rand (100, 1); z = x.^2 + y.^2; tri = delaunay (x, y); trisurf (tri, x, y, z, 'facecolor', 'interp'); title ({'trisurf() of random data', '"facecolor" = "interp"'}); end try if (~ exist ('trisurf_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trisurf_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trisurf_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trisurf_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trisurf_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trisurf_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trisurf_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function trisurf_06 () clf; colormap ('default'); x = rand (100, 1); y = rand (100, 1); z = x.^2 + y.^2; tri = delaunay (x, y); trisurf (tri, x, y, z, 'facecolor', 'interp', 'edgecolor', 'w'); title ({'trisurf() of random data', '"facecolor" = "interp", "edgecolor" = "white"'}); end try if (~ exist ('trisurf_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); trisurf_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "trisurf_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'trisurf_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "trisurf_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in trisurf_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('trisurf_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function waterfall_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); waterfall (Z); title ('waterfall() plot of peaks() function'); end try if (~ exist ('waterfall_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); waterfall_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "waterfall_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'waterfall_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "waterfall_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in waterfall_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('waterfall_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function waterfall_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); Z = peaks (); subplot (1,2,1) meshz (Z); daspect ([2.5, 2.5, 1]); title ('meshz() plot'); subplot (1,2,2) waterfall (Z); daspect ([2.5, 2.5, 1]); title ('waterfall() plot'); end try if (~ exist ('waterfall_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); waterfall_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "waterfall_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'waterfall_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "waterfall_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in waterfall_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('waterfall_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axes_01 () clf; x = -10:10; plot (x,x, x,-x); set (gca, 'yscale', 'log'); legend ({'x >= 1', 'x <= 1'}, 'location', 'north'); title ({'log axes discard negative data', 'ylim = [1, 10]'}); end try if (~ exist ('axes_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axes_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axes_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axes_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axes_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axes_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axes_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axes_02 () clf; x = -10:0.1:10; y = sin (x)./(1 + abs (x)) + 0.1*x - 0.4; plot (x, y); set (gca, 'xaxislocation', 'origin'); set (gca, 'yaxislocation', 'origin'); box off; title ({'no plot box', 'xaxislocation = origin, yaxislocation = origin'}); end try if (~ exist ('axes_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axes_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axes_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axes_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axes_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axes_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axes_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axes_03 () clf; x = -10:0.1:10; y = sin (x)./(1+abs (x)) + 0.1*x - 0.4; plot (x, y); set (gca, 'xaxislocation', 'origin'); set (gca, 'yaxislocation', 'left'); box off; title ({'no plot box', 'xaxislocation = origin, yaxislocation = left'}); end try if (~ exist ('axes_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axes_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axes_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axes_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axes_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axes_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axes_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axes_04 () clf; x = -10:0.1:10; y = sin (x)./(1+abs (x)) + 0.1*x - 0.4; plot (x, y); title ('no plot box'); set (gca, 'xaxislocation', 'origin'); set (gca, 'yaxislocation', 'right'); box off; title ({'no plot box', 'xaxislocation = origin, yaxislocation = right'}); end try if (~ exist ('axes_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axes_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axes_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axes_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axes_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axes_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axes_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axes_05 () clf; x = -10:0.1:10; y = sin (x)./(1+abs (x)) + 0.1*x - 0.4; plot (x, y); set (gca, 'xaxislocation', 'bottom'); set (gca, 'yaxislocation', 'origin'); box off; title ({'no plot box', 'xaxislocation = bottom, yaxislocation = origin'}); end try if (~ exist ('axes_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axes_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axes_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axes_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axes_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axes_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axes_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function axes_06 () clf; x = -10:0.1:10; y = sin (x)./(1+abs (x)) + 0.1*x - 0.4; plot (x, y); set (gca, 'xaxislocation', 'top'); set (gca, 'yaxislocation', 'origin'); box off; title ({'no plot box', 'xaxislocation = top, yaxislocation = origin'}); end try if (~ exist ('axes_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); axes_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "axes_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'axes_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "axes_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in axes_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('axes_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function copyobj_01 () hobj = clf; set (hobj, 'name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off'); hold on; x = 1:10; y = x.^2; dy = 2 * (.2 * x); y2 = (x - 3).^2; hg = errorbar (x, y, dy); set (hg, 'marker', '^', 'markerfacecolor', rand (1,3)); plot (x, y2, 'ok-'); legend ('errorbar', 'line'); drawnow (); pos = get (hobj, 'position'); scrn = get (0, 'screensize'); set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]); drawnow (); hnew = copyobj (hobj, groot); drawnow (); set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj'); drawnow (); set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]); drawnow (); end try if (~ exist ('copyobj_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); copyobj_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "copyobj_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'copyobj_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "copyobj_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in copyobj_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('copyobj_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function copyobj_02 () hobj = clf; set (hobj, 'name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off'); subplot (2,2,1); hold on; contourf (rand (10, 10)); colorbar (); subplot (2,2,2); quiver (rand (10, 10), rand (10, 10)); subplot (2,2,3); colormap (jet (64)); hold on; sombrero (); colorbar ('peer', gca, 'NorthOutside'); subplot (2,2,4); imagesc (rand (30, 30)); text (15, 15, 'Rotated text', ... 'HorizontAlalignment', 'Center', 'Rotation', 30); drawnow (); pos = get (hobj, 'position'); scrn = get (0, 'screensize'); set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]); drawnow (); hnew = copyobj (hobj, groot); drawnow (); set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj'); drawnow (); set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]); drawnow (); end try if (~ exist ('copyobj_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); copyobj_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "copyobj_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'copyobj_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "copyobj_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in copyobj_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('copyobj_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function copyobj_03 () hobj = clf; set (hobj, 'name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off'); x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin (x); y2 = exp (x - 1); ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy); xlabel ('X'); ylabel (ax(1), 'Axis 1'); ylabel (ax(2), 'Axis 2'); colororder = get (gca, 'ColorOrder'); lcolor = colororder(1,:); rcolor = colororder(2,:); text (0.5, 0.5, 'Left Axis', ... 'color', lcolor, 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'parent', ax(1)); text (4.5, 80, 'Right Axis', ... 'color', rcolor, 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'parent', ax(2)); title ({'plotyy() example'; 'left axis uses @plot, right axis uses @semilogy'}); drawnow (); pos = get (hobj, 'position'); scrn = get (0, 'screensize'); set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]); drawnow (); hnew = copyobj (hobj, groot); drawnow (); set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj'); drawnow (); set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]); drawnow (); end try if (~ exist ('copyobj_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); copyobj_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "copyobj_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'copyobj_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "copyobj_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in copyobj_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('copyobj_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hold_01 () clf; t = linspace (0, 2*pi, 100); plot (t, sin (t)); hold on; plot (t, cos (t)); title ({'hold on', '2 plots shown on same graph'}); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('hold_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hold_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hold_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hold_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hold_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hold_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hold_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hold_02 () clf; A = rand (100); [X, Y] = find (A > 0.95); imshow (A); hold on; plot (X, Y, 'o'); hold off; title ('hold with image and plot'); end try if (~ exist ('hold_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hold_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hold_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hold_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hold_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hold_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hold_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hold_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); hold on; imagesc (1 ./ hilb (4)); plot (1:4, '-s'); title ('hold with image and plot'); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('hold_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hold_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hold_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hold_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hold_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hold_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hold_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hold_04 () clf; colormap ('default'); hold on; imagesc (1 ./ hilb (2)); imagesc (1 ./ hilb (4)); title ({'hold with two images', 'only second image is visible'}); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('hold_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hold_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hold_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hold_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hold_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hold_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hold_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hold_05 () clf; colormap ('default'); hold on; plot (1:4, '-s'); imagesc (1 ./ hilb (4)); title ({'hold with plot and image', 'only image is visible'}); hold off; end try if (~ exist ('hold_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hold_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hold_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hold_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hold_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hold_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hold_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hold_06 () clf; colormap ('default'); t = linspace (-3, 3, 50); [x, y] = meshgrid (t, t); z = peaks (x, y); contourf (x, y, z, 10); hold on; plot (x(:), y(:), '^'); patch ([-1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0], [-1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0], 'red'); xlim ([-2.0 2.0]); ylim ([-2.0 2.0]); colorbar ('SouthOutside'); title ('hold with line, surface, and patch objects'); end try if (~ exist ('hold_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hold_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hold_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hold_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hold_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hold_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hold_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function printd_01 () r2 = char ( ... 'stem step: 10, data: unsorted.', ... 'Hinges: lo: 12, hi: 42' , ... ' 1 | 22118' , ... ' 2 | 28' , ... ' 3 | 98' , ... ' 4 | 244' , ... ' 5 | 2' ); printd (r2, 'test_p.txt'); type ('test_p.txt'); unlink ('test_p.txt'); end try if (~ exist ('printd_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); printd_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "printd_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'printd_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "printd_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in printd_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('printd_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function refreshdata_01 () clf; x = 0:0.1:10; y = sin (x); plot (x, y, 'ydatasource', 'y'); title ('refreshdata() showing moving sine curve'); axis manual; for i = 1 : 100 pause (0); y = sin (x + 0.1 * i); refreshdata (gcf, 'caller'); end end try if (~ exist ('refreshdata_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); refreshdata_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "refreshdata_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'refreshdata_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "refreshdata_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in refreshdata_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('refreshdata_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function subplot_01 () clf; r = 3; c = 3; fmt = {'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle'}; for n = 1 : r*c subplot (r, c, n); xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel #%d', n)); ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel #%d', n)); title (sprintf ('title #%d', n)); text (0.5, 0.5, sprintf ('subplot(%d,%d,%d)', r, c, n), fmt{:}); axis ([0 1 0 1]); end subplot (r, c, 1:3); xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel #%d:%d', 1, 3)); ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel #%d:%d', 1, 3)); title (sprintf ('title #%d:%d', 1, 3)); text (0.5, 0.5, sprintf ('subplot(%d,%d,%d:%d)', r, c, 1, 3), fmt{:}); axis ([0 1 0 1]); end try if (~ exist ('subplot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); subplot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "subplot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'subplot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "subplot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in subplot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('subplot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function subplot_02 () clf; x = 0:1; for n = 1:4 subplot (2,2,n, 'align'); plot (x, x); xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel (2,2,%d)', n)); ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel (2,2,%d)', n)); title (sprintf ('title (2,2,%d)', n)); end subplot (1,2,1, 'align'); plot (x, x); xlabel ('xlabel (1,2,1)'); ylabel ('ylabel (1,2,1)'); title ('title (1,2,1)'); end try if (~ exist ('subplot_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); subplot_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "subplot_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'subplot_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "subplot_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in subplot_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('subplot_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function subplot_03 () clf; x = 0:10; ax(1) = subplot (221); set (ax(1), 'tag', '1'); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); title ('x & y labels & ticklabels'); xlabel xlabel; ylabel ylabel; ax(2) = subplot (222); set (ax(2), 'tag', '2'); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); title ('no labels'); axis ('nolabel','tic'); ax(3) = subplot (223); set (ax(3), 'tag', '3'); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); title ('no labels'); axis ('nolabel','tic'); ax(4) = subplot (224); set (ax(4), 'tag', '4'); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); title ('x & y labels & ticklabels'); xlabel xlabel; ylabel ylabel; end try if (~ exist ('subplot_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); subplot_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "subplot_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'subplot_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "subplot_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in subplot_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('subplot_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function subplot_04 () clf; x = 0:10; subplot (221); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); ylim ([0, 1]); text (0.5, 0.5, '{x,y}labels & {x,y}ticklabels', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', ... 'units', 'normalized'); xlabel xlabel; ylabel ylabel; title title; subplot (222); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); axis ('labely'); ylabel ylabel; text (0.5, 0.5, 'no xlabels, xticklabels', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', ... 'units', 'normalized'); subplot (223); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); axis ('labelx'); text (0.5, 0.5, 'no ylabels, yticklabels', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', ... 'units', 'normalized'); xlabel xlabel; title title; subplot (224); plot (x, rand (3, 11)); axis ('nolabel', 'tic'); text (0.5, 0.5, 'no {x,y}labels, {x,y}ticklabels', ... 'horizontalalignment', 'center', ... 'units', 'normalized'); end try if (~ exist ('subplot_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); subplot_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "subplot_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'subplot_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "subplot_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in subplot_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('subplot_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function zoom_01 () clf; sombrero (); title ('zoom() demo #1'); pause (1); %% zoom in by a factor of 2 zoom (2); pause (1); %% return to original zoom level zoom out; pause (1); %% zoom in by a factor of 2 zoom (2); pause (1); %% set this zoom level as the 'initial zoom level' %% and zoom in some more zoom reset; zoom (2); pause (1); %% return to zoom level set by last call to 'zoom reset' zoom out; end try if (~ exist ('zoom_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); zoom_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "zoom_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'zoom_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "zoom_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in zoom_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('zoom_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function autumn_01 () %% Show the 'autumn' colormap profile and as an image cmap = autumn (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('autumn_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); autumn_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "autumn_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'autumn_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "autumn_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in autumn_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('autumn_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function bone_01 () %% Show the 'bone' colormap profile and as an image cmap = bone (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('bone_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); bone_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "bone_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'bone_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "bone_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in bone_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('bone_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function brighten_01 () %% First figure uses default grayscale colormap clf; colormap (gray (64)); image (1:64, linspace (0, 1, 64), repmat ((1:64)', 1, 64)); axis ([1, 64, 0, 1], 'xy'); set (gca, 'xtick', []); title ('default grayscale colormap'); pos = get (gcf, 'position'); pos(1) = pos(1) + pos(3) + 25; %% Second figure uses brightened grayscale colormap figure ('position', pos); colormap (gray (64)); image (1:64, linspace (0, 1, 64), repmat ((1:64)', 1, 64)); axis ([1, 64, 0, 1], 'xy'); set (gca, 'xtick', []); brighten (0.5); title ('grayscale colormap brightened by 0.5'); end try if (~ exist ('brighten_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); brighten_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "brighten_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'brighten_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "brighten_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in brighten_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('brighten_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function cmpermute_01 () [Y, newmap] = cmpermute ([1:4], hot (4), 4:-1:1) %% colormap will be arranged in reverse order (so will image) end try if (~ exist ('cmpermute_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); cmpermute_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "cmpermute_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'cmpermute_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "cmpermute_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in cmpermute_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('cmpermute_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function colorcube_01 () %% Show the 'colorcube' colormap as an image image (1:64, linspace (0, 1, 64), repmat ((1:64)', 1, 64)); axis ([1, 64, 0, 1], 'xy'); set (gca, 'xtick', []); colormap (colorcube (64)); end try if (~ exist ('colorcube_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); colorcube_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "colorcube_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'colorcube_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "colorcube_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in colorcube_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('colorcube_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function contrast_01 () clf; img = reshape (1:100, 10, 10); imagesc (img); colormap (gray (64)); title ('Image with default 64 gray levels'); pos = get (gcf, 'position'); pos(1) = pos(1) + pos(3) + 25; figure ('position', pos); colormap (contrast (img, 10)); imagesc (img); title ('Image with contrast enhanced'); end try if (~ exist ('contrast_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); contrast_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "contrast_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'contrast_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "contrast_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in contrast_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('contrast_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function cool_01 () %% Show the 'cool' colormap profile and as an image cmap = cool (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('cool_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); cool_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "cool_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'cool_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "cool_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in cool_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('cool_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function copper_01 () %% Show the 'copper' colormap profile and as an image cmap = copper (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('copper_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); copper_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "copper_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'copper_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "copper_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in copper_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('copper_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function cubehelix_01 () %% Show the 'cubehelix' colormap profile and as an image cmap = cubehelix (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('cubehelix_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); cubehelix_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "cubehelix_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'cubehelix_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "cubehelix_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in cubehelix_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('cubehelix_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function flag_01 () %% Show the 'flag' colormap profile and as an image cmap = flag (12); % 4 colors, therefore cycle 3 times subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('flag_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); flag_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "flag_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'flag_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "flag_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in flag_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('flag_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function getframe_01 () clf; contourf (rand (5)); drawnow (); frame = getframe (); imshow (frame.cdata); end try if (~ exist ('getframe_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); getframe_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "getframe_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'getframe_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "getframe_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in getframe_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('getframe_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function getframe_02 () clf reset; contourf (rand (5)); frame = getframe (gcf ()); imshow (frame.cdata); set (gca, 'position', [0 0 1 1]); end try if (~ exist ('getframe_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); getframe_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "getframe_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'getframe_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "getframe_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in getframe_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('getframe_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function getframe_03 () clf; hax1 = subplot (2,1,1); contourf (rand (5)); title ('Original'); frame = getframe (hax1); hax2 = subplot (2,1,2); image (frame.cdata); title ('Frame'); end try if (~ exist ('getframe_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); getframe_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "getframe_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'getframe_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "getframe_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in getframe_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('getframe_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function getframe_04 () clf; hax1 = subplot (2,1,1); contourf (rand (5)); title ('Original'); %% Get the coordinates of the lower-left hand corner in pixels set (hax1, 'units', 'pixels'); pos = get (hax1, 'position'); set (hax1, 'units', 'normalized'); rect = [pos(1:2) pos(3:4)/2]; frame = getframe (hax1, rect); hax2 = subplot (2,1,2); image (frame.cdata); title ('Lower left hand corner'); end try if (~ exist ('getframe_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); getframe_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "getframe_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'getframe_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "getframe_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in getframe_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('getframe_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function gray_01 () %% Show the 'gray' colormap profile and as an image cmap = gray (16); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('gray_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); gray_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "gray_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'gray_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "gray_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in gray_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('gray_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hot_01 () %% Show the 'hot' colormap profile and as an image cmap = hot (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('hot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function hsv_01 () %% Show the 'hsv' colormap profile and as an image cmap = hsv (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('hsv_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); hsv_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "hsv_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'hsv_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "hsv_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in hsv_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('hsv_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function image_01 () clf; colormap (jet (21)); img = 1 ./ hilb (11); x = -5:5; y = -5:5; subplot (2,2,1); h = image (x, y, img); ylabel ('limits = [-5.5, 5.5]'); title ('image (x, y, img)'); subplot (2,2,2); h = image (-x, y, img); title ('image (-x, y, img)'); subplot (2,2,3); h = image (x, -y, img); title ('image (x, -y, img)'); ylabel ('limits = [-5.5, 5.5]'); subplot (2,2,4); h = image (-x, -y, img); title ('image (-x, -y, img)'); end try if (~ exist ('image_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); image_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "image_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'image_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "image_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in image_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('image_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imagesc_01 () clf; colormap ('default'); img = 1 ./ hilb (11); x = -5:5; y = -5:5; subplot (2,2,1); h = imagesc (x, y, img); ylabel ('limits = [-5.5, 5.5]'); title ('imagesc (x, y, img)'); subplot (2,2,2); h = imagesc (-x, y, img); title ('imagesc (-x, y, img)'); subplot (2,2,3); h = imagesc (x, -y, img); title ('imagesc (x, -y, img)'); ylabel ('limits = [-5.5, 5.5]'); subplot (2,2,4); h = imagesc (-x, -y, img); title ('imagesc (-x, -y, img)'); end try if (~ exist ('imagesc_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imagesc_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imagesc_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imagesc_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imagesc_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imagesc_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imagesc_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imagesc_02 () clf; colormap ('default'); g = 0.1:0.1:10; h = g'*g; imagesc (g, g, sin (h)); hold on; imagesc (g, g+12, cos (h/2)); axis ([0 10 0 22]); hold off; title ('two consecutive images w/hold()'); end try if (~ exist ('imagesc_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imagesc_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imagesc_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imagesc_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imagesc_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imagesc_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imagesc_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imagesc_03 () clf; colormap ('default'); g = 0.1:0.1:10; h = g'*g; imagesc (g, g, sin (h)); hold on; plot (g, 11.0 * ones (size (g))); imagesc (g, g+12, cos (h/2)); axis ([0 10 0 22]); hold off; title ('image, line, image w/hold()'); end try if (~ exist ('imagesc_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imagesc_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imagesc_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imagesc_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imagesc_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imagesc_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imagesc_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imagesc_04 () clf; colormap ('default'); g = 0.1:0.1:10; h = g'*g; plot (g, 10.5 * ones (size (g))); hold on; imagesc (g, g, sin (h)); plot (g, 11.0 * ones (size (g))); imagesc (g, g+12, cos (h/2)); plot (g, 11.5 * ones (size (g))); axis ([0 10 0 22]); hold off; title ('line, image, line, image, line w/hold()'); end try if (~ exist ('imagesc_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imagesc_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imagesc_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imagesc_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imagesc_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imagesc_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imagesc_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imagesc_05 () % bug %48879 clf; img = reshape (1:100, 10, 10); imagesc (img); colormap (prism (10)); title ('10 vertical color bars'); end try if (~ exist ('imagesc_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imagesc_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imagesc_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imagesc_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imagesc_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imagesc_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imagesc_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_01 () clf; imshow ('default.img'); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_02 () clf; imshow ('default.img'); colormap (gca, autumn (64)); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_03 () clf; [I, M] = imread ('default.img'); imshow (I, M); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_04 () clf; [I, M] = imread ('default.img'); [R, G, B] = ind2rgb (I, M); imshow (cat (3, R, G*0.5, B*0.8)); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_05 () clf; imshow (rand (100, 100)); title ({'imshow with random 100x100 matrix', 'black and white'}); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_05.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_05 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_05.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_05.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_05.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_05: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_05.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_06 () clf; imshow (rand (100, 100)); colormap (gca, jet (64)); title ({'imshow with random 100x100 matrix', 'colormap() makes color image'}); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_06.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_06 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_06.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_06.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_06.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_06: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_06.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_07 () clf; imshow (rand (100, 100, 3)); title ({'imshow with random 100x100x3 matrix', 'RGB color'}); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_07.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_07 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_07.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_07.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_07.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_07: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_07.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function imshow_08 () clf; imshow (100*rand (100, 100, 3)); title ({'imshow with random 100x100x3 matrix', 'RGB values > 1 are clipped'}); end try if (~ exist ('imshow_08.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); imshow_08 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "imshow_08.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'imshow_08.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "imshow_08.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in imshow_08: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('imshow_08.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function jet_01 () %% Show the 'jet' colormap profile and as an image cmap = jet (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('jet_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); jet_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "jet_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'jet_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "jet_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in jet_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('jet_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function lines_01 () %% Show the 'lines' colormap profile and as an image cmap = lines (21); % default has 7 colors, therefore cycle 3 times subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('lines_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); lines_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "lines_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'lines_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "lines_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in lines_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('lines_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function movie_01 () nframes = 20; colors = jet (nframes); baseim = ones (20, 20, 3, 'uint8'); mov(nframes) = struct ('cdata', [], 'colormap', []); for ii = 1:nframes im = baseim * 255; im(:,ii,1) = colors(ii,1) * 255; im(:,ii,2) = colors(ii,2) * 255; im(:,ii,3) = colors(ii,3) * 255; mov(ii).cdata = im; end clf (); title ('Play movie forward 2 times'); movie (mov, 2); end try if (~ exist ('movie_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); movie_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "movie_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'movie_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "movie_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in movie_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('movie_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function movie_02 () nframes = 20; colors = jet (nframes); baseim = ones (20, 20, 3, 'uint8'); mov(nframes) = struct ('cdata', [], 'colormap', []); for ii = 1:nframes im = baseim * 255; im(:,ii,1) = colors(ii,1) * 255; im(:,ii,2) = colors(ii,2) * 255; im(:,ii,3) = colors(ii,3) * 255; mov(ii).cdata = im; end clf (); title ('Play movie forward and backward 5 times at 25 fps'); movie (mov, -5, 25); end try if (~ exist ('movie_02.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); movie_02 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "movie_02.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'movie_02.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "movie_02.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in movie_02: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('movie_02.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function movie_03 () nframes = 20; colors = jet (nframes); baseim = ones (20, 20, 3, 'uint8'); mov(nframes) = struct ('cdata', [], 'colormap', []); for ii = 1:nframes im = baseim * 255; im(:,ii,1) = colors(ii,1) * 255; im(:,ii,2) = colors(ii,2) * 255; im(:,ii,3) = colors(ii,3) * 255; mov(ii).cdata = im; end clf (); title ('Play downsampled movie 5 times'); movie (mov, [5 1:3:nframes]); end try if (~ exist ('movie_03.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); movie_03 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "movie_03.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'movie_03.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "movie_03.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in movie_03: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('movie_03.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function movie_04 () clf (); z = sombrero (); hs = surf (z); axis manual nframes = 50; mov(nframes) = struct ('cdata', [], 'colormap', []); for ii = 1:nframes set (hs, 'zdata', z * sin (2*pi*ii/nframes)); mov(ii) = getframe (); end clf (); movie (mov, 3, 25); end try if (~ exist ('movie_04.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); movie_04 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "movie_04.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'movie_04.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "movie_04.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in movie_04: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('movie_04.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function ocean_01 () %% Show the 'ocean' colormap profile and as an image cmap = ocean (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('ocean_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); ocean_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "ocean_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'ocean_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "ocean_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in ocean_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('ocean_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function pink_01 () %% Show the 'pink' colormap profile and as an image cmap = pink (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('pink_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); pink_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "pink_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'pink_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "pink_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in pink_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('pink_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function prism_01 () %% Show the 'prism' colormap profile and as an image cmap = prism (18); % 6 colors, therefore cycle 3 times subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('prism_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); prism_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "prism_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'prism_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "prism_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in prism_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('prism_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rainbow_01 () %% Show the 'rainbow' colormap profile and as an image cmap = rainbow (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('rainbow_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rainbow_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rainbow_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rainbow_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rainbow_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rainbow_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rainbow_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function rgbplot_01 () clf; subplot (1, 2, 1); rgbplot (ocean, 'profile'); subplot (1, 2, 2); rgbplot (ocean, 'composite'); end try if (~ exist ('rgbplot_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); rgbplot_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "rgbplot_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'rgbplot_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "rgbplot_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in rgbplot_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('rgbplot_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function spinmap_01 () clf; colormap (rainbow (128)); imagesc (1:8); axis off; title ('Rotate color bars to the right'); spinmap (3, 1); end try if (~ exist ('spinmap_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); spinmap_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "spinmap_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'spinmap_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "spinmap_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in spinmap_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('spinmap_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function spring_01 () %% Show the 'spring' colormap profile and as an image cmap = spring (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('spring_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); spring_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "spring_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'spring_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "spring_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in spring_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('spring_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function summer_01 () %% Show the 'summer' colormap profile and as an image cmap = summer (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('summer_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); summer_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "summer_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'summer_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "summer_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in summer_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('summer_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function viridis_01 () %% Show the 'viridis' colormap profile and as an image cmap = viridis (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('viridis_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); viridis_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "viridis_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'viridis_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "viridis_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in viridis_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('viridis_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function white_01 () %% Show the 'white' colormap profile and as an image cmap = white (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('white_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); white_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "white_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'white_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "white_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in white_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('white_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end function winter_01 () %% Show the 'winter' colormap profile and as an image cmap = winter (256); subplot (2, 1, 1); rgbplot (cmap, 'composite'); subplot (2, 1, 2); rgbplot (cmap); end try if (~ exist ('winter_01.png', 'file')) rand ('seed', 1); tic (); winter_01 (); t_plot = toc (); fprintf ('Printing "winter_01.png" ... '); tic (); print ('-dpng', 'winter_01.png'); t_print = toc (); fprintf ('[%f %f] done\n',t_plot, t_print); clf (); else fprintf ('File "winter_01.png" already exists.\n'); end catch fprintf ('ERROR in winter_01: %s\n', lasterr ()); err_fid = fopen ('winter_01.err', 'w'); fprintf (err_fid, '%s', lasterr ()); fclose (err_fid); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Helper functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [x, y, z] = sombrero (n) if (nargin == 0) n = 41; end [xx, yy] = meshgrid (linspace (-8, 8, n)); r = sqrt (xx.^2 + yy.^2) + eps; % eps prevents div/0 errors zz = sin (r) ./ r; if (nargout == 0) surf (xx, yy, zz); elseif (nargout == 1) x = zz; else x = xx; y = yy; z = zz; end end function h = rgbplot (cmap, style) if (nargin == 1) style = 'profile'; end idx = 1:size (cmap, 1); switch (lower (style)) case 'profile' htmp = plot (idx, cmap(:,1), 'r', ... idx, cmap(:,2), 'g', ... idx, cmap(:,3), 'b'); set (gca (), 'ytick', 0:0.1:1); set (gca (), 'xlim', [0 size(cmap,1)]); case 'composite' htmp = image (idx); set (gca, 'ytick', []); colormap (cmap); end xlabel ('color index'); if (nargout > 0) h = htmp; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diary off close (hf); end