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Re: GUI Window short cut preferences

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: GUI Window short cut preferences
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 15:52:11 -0500
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On 06/27/2018 03:26 PM, Torsten wrote:
On 27.06.2018 21:54, Daniel J Sebald wrote:


1) The use of 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. to represent the various windows as far
as a memory aid.  Secondarily, the use of numbers constrains the list in
to remain exactly in the order it currently is.  I tend to think more
along the lines of associating a letter with a feature.  For example

Command Window -> C
Command History -> H
File Browser -> F
Workspace -> W
Editor -> E
Documentation -> D
Variable Editor -> V

Some key combination with that letter would be easier for me to remember
than numbers.

Shortcuts with letters might already be in use. Hoever, if most of the
users find these letter shortcuts more suitable, we can change them.

The Ctrl-C, etc. probably are, but Ctrl-Shift-C don't seem to appear anywhere.

2) There is a secondary list Show, Show, Show, ...., Command Window,
Command History, File Browser, etc.  To me, that seems redundant and
just obfuscates my understanding of what these actions represent (i.e.,
feature overload).  At the same time, it doesn't add much functionality.
  The first group controls show/hide.  The second group brings the widget
in question front and visible (which inherently does a show if
necessary).  The difference between those is so subtle that I would
actually just prefer making the show/hide action also bring the widget
in question to the front and visible.  That is, I don't like that if I
have a visible window which I then hide and successively show again that
that window goes to the back and is obscured so is not visible.  (Try it
in the current build.)  What percentage of the time is a user going to
want to do that?  Typically what motivates a user to take action is that
she wants to see the window.

When we drop the second list and only have show/hide action the follwong
happens. Switching, e.g., to the editor by Ctrl-4: the editor is
possibly unhidden and gets focus. Then we switch to the console (editor
loses focus but is still shown) and back to the editor by Ctrl-4. What
should happen now? Giving Focus to the editor or hiding it?`To my
opinion, both lists of actions are required.

I can see your point. Someone is very likely to use the "show" action just to bring a widget front-and-visible, but it isn't exactly the easiest to tell what window has focus and it may well be that the user doesn't realize the window s/he wants is already in focus. So, it would get hidden and the user would be annoyed by that. So having a "toggle" type action might not be good design here. Something like the following?

E A Command Window
E A Command History               >  ----------------------
E A File Browser                     Focus     Ctrl-Alt-H
  A Workspace                        Show      Ctrl-Shift-H
E   Editor                           Undock
  A Documentation                    ----------------------
    Variable Editor

Of course, all this depends on the workflow. I usually do not show or
hide a widget frequently. There is a prefered layout which is almost
fixed. However I always use shortcuts for switching between widgets.

Yes, I know. Users have their preferences. But it can vary, especially for the variable editor. Sometimes that V.E. is nice to have; other times it gets in the way and it's better to hide or dock the widget. I would guess the most useful shortcut in that regard is Focus (i.e., show-and-raise).

Is this getting to be too much info?  Does it create a bind for future
expansion (say minimize/maximize shortcuts...although I don't see those
abilities having the status of hide/show and dock/undock)?  Is there a
better approach?  Any feedback is welcome.

Since we usually have window decorations around our floating widgets,
the shortcuts for minimizing ans maximizing should be left to the window

Yes, that's probably a good idea. Window manager stuff has cause enough troubles.


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