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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #58345] Emit error and don't parse scripts > 1

From: Rik
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #58345] Emit error and don't parse scripts > 1GB in size
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 23:11:35 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #58345 (project octave):

In previous versions of Octave textscan was an m-file, and hence slow.  In
newer versions textscan is written in C++ and might be fast enough for your
needs.  Similarly, fgetl is written in C++, but generally it is wrapped in a
for loop in an m-file and loops in interpreted languages are slow (unless
there is a JIT compiler).

I would look at storing the data in a uniform format so that you could take
advantage of some of the routines written in C++.

As an example, for 2-D matrices.  If you just write a text file that contains
numbers separated by spaces you can use 'load' to have the interpreter read in
all the values.

For example, I made this file and called it A.var (attached to the bug report
as well).

1 3.1415 2
-1e2 10 2.718

I can then do

octave:1> load A.var
octave:2> A
A =

     1.0000     3.1415     2.0000
  -100.0000    10.0000     2.7180

However, it turns out that even load() is ~3X slower than dlmread().

To test, I first created an array of 1GB in size

octave:13> sz = ceil (sqrt (1e9/8));
octave:14> x = rand (sz, sz);
octave:15> whos x
Variables visible from the current scope:

variables in scope: top scope

   Attr Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
   ==== ====        ====                     =====  ===== 
        x       11181x11181             1000118088  double

Then I wrote it out to a space-separated file.

octave:18> dlmwrite ('x.var', x, ' ');

The resulting file is 2.3GB in size.  Next, I tried reading it back in with

octave:23> tic; x = dlmread ('x.var', ' '); toc
Elapsed time is 107.864 seconds.

That's okay, I guess.  The result was worse for a straight load.

octave:26> tic; load ('x.var'); toc
Elapsed time is 342.51 seconds.

Even with textscan now written in C++, it is far too slow.

octave:41> tic; c = textscan (fid, fmt); toc
Elapsed time is 1911.16 seconds.

Clearly, however, the winner is to use a binary format rather than a text

octave:29> tic; save -binary x.bin x; toc
Elapsed time is 0.811615 seconds.
octave:30> clear x
octave:32> tic; load x.bin; toc
Elapsed time is 1.38077 seconds.

For this purpose fwrite()/fread() are just about as fast as well.


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