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[OATH-Toolkit-help] OATH Toolkit 1.12.0

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: [OATH-Toolkit-help] OATH Toolkit 1.12.0
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 11:02:56 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130004 (Ma Gnus v0.4) Emacs/24.0.94 (gnu/linux)

This implements the base32 idea.

Happy hacking,

* Version 1.12.0 (released 2012-04-01)

** oathtool: Added --base32 parameter to decode base32 keys.
Suggested by Martin Michlmayr <address@hidden>.

** oathtool: Verbose output (-v) now print key data in base32 format too.

** liboath: Added base32 functions.  Added hex encoding function.
The new APIs are oath_bin2hex, oath_base32_decode, and

** liboath: Gnulib's snprintf is used for better portability.
The system snprintf is known to have bugs on some systems, see the
Gnulib manual for more information.

** API and ABI is backwards compatible with the previous version.
oath_bin2hex: New function.
oath_base32_decode: New function.
oath_base32_encode: New function.
OATH_INVALID_BASE32: New error code.
OATH_BASE32_OVERFLOW: New error code.
OATH_MALLOC_ERROR: New error code.

The OATH Toolkit makes it easy to build one-time password
authentication systems.  It contains a shared library, a command line
tool and a PAM module.  Supported technologies include the event-based
HOTP algorithm (RFC4226) and the time-based TOTP algorithm (RFC6238).
OATH stands for Open AuTHentication, which is the organization that
specify the algorithms.

The components included in the package is:

  * liboath: A shared and static C library for OATH handling.

  * oathtool: A command line tool for generating and validating OTPs.

  * pam_oath: A PAM module for pluggable login authentication for OATH.

The project's web page is available at:

Man page for oathtool:

Manual for PAM module:

Liboath GTK-DOC API Reference manual:

If you need help to use the OATH Toolkit, or want to help others, you
are invited to join our oath-toolkit-help mailing list, see:

Here are the compressed sources of the entire package:

The software is cryptographically signed by the author using an OpenPGP
key identified by the following information:

pub   1280R/B565716F 2002-05-05 [expires: 2013-05-10]
      Key fingerprint = 0424 D4EE 81A0 E3D1 19C6  F835 EDA2 1E94 B565 716F
uid                  Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
uid                  Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
sub   2048R/105E722E 2012-03-13 [expires: 2013-07-26]
sub   2048R/728AB82C 2012-03-13 [expires: 2013-07-26]
sub   2048R/9394F626 2012-03-13 [expires: 2013-07-26]
sub   1280R/4D5D40AE 2002-05-05 [expires: 2013-05-10]

The key is available from:

Here are the SHA-1 and SHA-224 checksums:

d839ed4748220fc77cc80743816b48cef1a75f5b  oath-toolkit-1.12.0.tar.gz

Savannah developer's home page:

Code coverage charts:

Clang code analysis:

Attachment: pgpmSf_8xaR1D.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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